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Everything posted by Ceejay

  1. PvP Wildy Chest The PvP Supply Box is a chest that randomly spawns in 1 of 5 locations in the wilderness every 3 hours 15 minutes from the previous box. You will be notified 10 minutes before it spawns in #game-events on Discord as well as BoomScape Game Chat. Requirements: 100 Combat Level Less than 14 Saradomin Brews in Inventory Common Table Item Amount Dragon Bolts 300 - 500 Superior Dragon Bones 300 - 600 Vesta Longsword 1 Dark Bow 1 Divine Super Combat Potions 100 Dragon Boots 1 Trident of the Seas 1 Staff of the Dead 1 Berserker Ring 1 Abyssal Whip 1 Coal 1 Anglerfish 100 - 300 Coins 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 Rare Table Item Amount Imbued Heart 1 Armadyl Crossbow 1 Eternal Boots 1 Primordial Boots 1 Abyssal Tentacle 1 Heavy Ballista 1 Toxic Staff of the Dead 1 Coins 100,000,000 Super Rare Table Item Amount Armadyl Godsword 1 Dragon Claws 1 Ranger Boots 1 Zenyte Shard 1 Brimstone Ring 1 Coins 250,000,000 Mega Rare Table Item Amount Kodai Insignia 1 Dragon Warhammer 1 Ghrazi Rapier 1 Coins 500,000,000
  2. Amazing update - let's get some hype in the comments. James is attentive to quality of life features and that's what makes BoomScape amazing
  3. +1 to Add Should disappear on death in wildy. Player who killed should get 20-25m cash per piece dropped, so that there is still reward for players who defeated players with good armor. Should degrade in PVM, repair cost of 30-40m. Why should it disappear on wildy pk? Because there needs to be a reason for people to keep going to Revs. If the armor only degrades, then they will still exist in game. The more that come in game, the less people will need to go pvm for them. Maybe a donator feature ($250 plus) can repair ancients after pk death. Doesn't cause p2win in terms of combat. Would allow them to keep armor without buying new one, but still pay price for repair.