
Dragonstone Donator
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Con last won the day on August 23 2024

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  • Birthday 03/10/2000

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  1. Should make it use able only in Wildy in my opinon, can be overpowered in pvm.
  2. Con's Agility Guide Intro: Agility is one of the more annoying and pointless skills on BoomScape but has to be done if you want to max. I will be going through the fastest way to 99. There are other options ,but why make this grind slower than it has to be? *If you are on Runelite, turn on the plugin "Agility" because it will show you where to click and make it a little more afk* Graceful Outfit: Graceful is different on BoomScape than in OSRS. This is because on BoomScape we have unlimited run energy, except for the wildy, so we decided to give graceful an xp bonus per piece similar to the rogue's outfit. GRACEFUL IS HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR THIS GRIND. It can be obtained either through the donator store for $10, or through the agility roof top course, although getting it through agility will significantly slow down your grind. The full graceful set gives a 3.7x xp boost so each piece gives about a 0.7x xp boost. Obtaining graceful in game: During rooftop courses, marks of grace will randomly spawn each time you start a new lap. The amount that spawns depends on your donator rank and you can check this on ::thread 12. The marks of grace can be spent at Grace who is found at the Rogue's den in Burthope. The price for each piece is as follows: - 35 marks - 55 marks - 60 marks - 30 marks - 40 marks - 40 marks Graceful pieces can also be recolored by using each piece on Grace. 1-30 Gnome Stronghold: Getting there: ::home > nexus > cities > Tree Gnome Stronghold From here run south to the agility course *We skip lower level rooftop courses to reduce teleporting and time wasted* Xp needed for level 30: 13,363 xp Xp per lap (No graceful): 3,320 xp Laps needed: About 4 laps, may have to do one extra Xp per lap(Graceful): 12,284 xp Laps needed: About 2 laps 30-50 Varrock Rooftop Course: *We skip lower Canifis rooftop course because it only gives 80 xp more* Getting there: ::home > nexus > cities > Varrock Run southeast to east side of general store to start Xp needed for level 50: 87,970 xp Xp per lap(No graceful): 9,520 xp Laps needed: About 9 laps Xp per lap(Graceful): 35,224 xp Laps needed: About 3 laps 50-60 Falador Rooftop Course: *We skip lower Pollnivneach rooftop course because it is broken atm* Getting there: ::home > nexus > cities > Falador Run east following the path to the fountain and then go south Xp needed for level 60: 172,409 xp Xp per lap(No graceful): 17,600 xp Laps needed: About 10 laps Xp per lap(Graceful): 65,120 Laps needed: About 3 laps 60-80 Seer's Village Rooftop Course: Getting there: ::home > nexus > cities > Camelot Run west to the bank Xp needed for level 80: 1,712,326 xp Xp per lap(No graceful): 22,800 xp Laps needed: About 75 laps Xp per lap(Graceful): 84,360 xp Laps needed: About 18 laps 80-90 Rellekka Rooftop Course: Getting there: ::home > nexus > cities > Rellekka Run west to clothing store Xp needed for level 90: 3,360,264 xp Xp per lap(No graceful): 31,200 xp Laps needed: About 107 laps Xp per lap(Graceful): 115,440 xp Laps needed: About 29 laps 90-99 Ardougne Rooftop Course: Getting there: ::home > nexus > cities > Ardougne Run southeast Xp needed for level 99: 7,688,099 xp Xp per lap(No graceful): 31,720 xp Laps needed: About 242 laps Xp per lap(Graceful): 117,364 xp Laps needed: About 66 laps Hope you enjoyed my guide!
  3. IGN: Con Reward wanted: 20 Ckeys Did any of the following influence your decision to download BoomScape: RuneLite Plugin Yes Mobile App Yes Ironman Mode Yes Raids Yes Bosses & Pets Yes Complete Player Owned Homes Yes Regular Updates Yes Flowers & Staking No Wintertodt Yes Number of Players Online No What was most important to you: PvM Does the low xp rate (20x & 40X) appeal to you: Yes Do you like Mystery Boxes For mains but not for ironman OPTIONAL SECTION OF SURVEY How you found us (on list, or clicked ad?): Found on one of the RSPS lists.
  4. How to Get Master Clues Master clues are the highest level clue scroll and offer some great rewards, the best in my opinion is the bloodhound pet. They are just like the other tier clues on BoomScape but are slightly longer than the others. They are only obtainable in two ways: 1. Getting it from a lower level clue Pretty self explanatory, you complete an easy, medium, hard, or elite clue and you have a chance of receiving a master clue as a reward. 2. Trading in clues to get a master clue At ::home, north of the bank and nexus, is a man named Watson. He can take the 4 previous tier clue scrolls (easy, medium, hard, and elite) and will give you one master clue for them. You do not need all 4 at a time, you can get one and trade it in, then come back once you have the others or one more. *The clues can not be in scroll box form and Watson can only hold one type of each clue* Once you trade all 4 clues to Watson he will give you a master clue scroll box. After this you can trade more clues in for more. Rewards from master clues: Happy hunting!
  5. Useful Runelite Plugins What is Runelite? Runelite is a 3rd party runescape client that has many helpful interfaces and features that improve the quality of life for osrs and BoomScape. It ranges from helping with boss mechanics to telling you when you stop doing an action, though this can be annoying. Turning off idle notifications: In settings on runelite look up "Idle Notifer" and turn it off. If you only want notifications for a few things you can click on the gear and modify what actions set off the notification and how often. Useful Plugins: "GPU" Allows you to turn up the draw distance so you can see father in game and be able to click things that are farther away. Note, this does require a decent gpu to run. *If you crash in certain areas you may need to disable it* "Animation Smoothing" Makes animations of the game a lot more fluid and smooth. "Clue Scroll" Helps you solve clue scrolls by telling you where to go, who to talk to, or where to dig. Note, some clues are broken on BoomScape so do not always rely on this. "Player Indicators" Shows people's names above there head, you can choose to enable it for clan members, friends, or all players and choose custom colors for each. "Ground Items" Highlights and shows the name of items on the ground. Can be customized to have different colored text depending on the price of the item. (Price is based off of OSRS prices). "Ground Markers" Allows the marking of tiles on the ground. This can be done by using shift+right click and choosing mark tile. This can be helpful for bossing for remembering safespots or where to move. "Loot Tracker" Adds a widget onto Runelite that tracks all the loot you recieve from a certain type of monster. Also tracks how many you kill. (Resets everytime the client is closed) "Xp Tracker" Tracks your xp gained and how much xp per hour you are getting. "Camera Zoom" Allows you to set higher and lower camera zoom bounds. "Key Remapping" Allows you to use WASD to move the camera around and be able to use number keys as F keys. "Agility" Shows you where to click on agility courses, makes agility a lot more afk in my opinion. Developer Tools: A lot of things here aren't very useful, but Detached Camera can be useful if you are making a video or if you find a bug. These can be useful for debugging: NPCs, Game Objects, or Ground Objects. James or Papa J may ask you for the ID of a thing and this is how you would get it.
  6. Thanks Mosey ¢¤¯¸ think it will help a lot of people out.
  7. Con's Zulrah Guide *ZULRAH IS NOT A SAFE DEATH FOR HARDCORE* Intro: Zulrah on BoomScape is very similar to zulrah on OSRS besides the rotations, so if you have prior experience with zulrah this guide is probably not need. However zulrah is a great way to make money on BoomScape and drops many good gear upgrades such as the tanzanite fang, magic fang, serpentine visage and of course its pet. This guide will not cover the rotations of zulrah as it is more fun to learn but this guide will give you the confidence to go out and kill zulrah. Recommend Levels: 85+ Magic 80+ Range 70+ Defence 44+ Prayer Recommend Gear Setups: Zulrah can be done a variety of ways such as mage only, range only, or hybriding(mage and range). I wil go through a budget setup and slightly more expensive setup of each. Feel free to change whatever you need to fit your liking. (This section may be a bit long) Mage only(Cheap): In this setup we will be using Iban's blast for the whole kill. Use mystic might/augury during the whole fight. Mage only(More Expensive): This isn't a max mage setup(too broke for it) but you can use the trident of the swamp or just a normal trident. This could be subbed with a kodai and ice barrage as well. Use mystic might/augury during the whole fight. Range only(Cheap): In this setup we will be using ruby bolts(e) for their high hitting proc, once zulrah is below half hp, I switch to diamond bolts(e) because the ruby bolts(e) proc becomes inefficent. Use eagle's eye/riguor during the whole fight. Range only(More Expensive): The sitback and relax setup. I like to run dragon darts in my blowpipe but rune or addy work as well. Use eagle's eye/riguor during the whole fight. Range & Mage(Cheap): During hybrid runs you want to attack the range and melee phase with magic and the magic phase with range. (We will talk more about this later). Bring as many or as little switches as you like, void is also a good option if you only want a helm and weapon switch. Use offensive range and mage prayers. Range & Mage(More Expensive): During hybrid runs you want to attack the range and melee phase with magic and the magic phase with range. (We will talk more about this later). Bring as many or as little switches as you like, void is also a good option if you only want a helm and weapon switch. Use offensive range and mage prayers. Getting There: ::home > Nexus > Bosses > Zulrah Pot up, pray range and your offensive prayer and board the boat. The Fight: The differences from OSRS: Zulrah differs a bit from OSRS zulrah, dont worry though because this zulrah is a lot easier in my opinon but takes a bit of getting used to. First off venom clouds never inflict venom. They do damage you if you stand in them but they do not cause you to get venomed so do not worry about bringing a anti venom. Second the rotations are the same as (i think) OSRS but they are not hard to learn, I would list them all but you can find them on the osrs wiki. Lastly the most annoying difference is that the melee phase lags after an attack so you have to keep running until it makes another action or you will get hit. The "3" Phases: Range phase(also jad phase): This green phase of zulrah is the starting phase of every fight and you should pray range for it. If hybriding you should attack this phase with magic. Sometimes later in the fight it will have a jad phase meaning it will attack with range and mage. You can try to pray flick it similar to a jad fight however I usually tank the hits and tick eat. Mage Phase: This blue phase of zulrah is the mage phase. It will attack always with a combination of mage and range attacks however you should pray mage, you can prayer flick between mage and range if you want. If you don't prayer flick just make sure to tick eat big hits. This phase is attacked with range if you are hybriding. Melee Phase: This red phase of zulrah is a melee phase. To be honest, he is kind of a cunt. He will do an animation of charging an attack with his tail and when it strikes you have to move to avoid damage. However sometimes his attack lags and you have to keep running to avoid the hit. You can pray melee to avoid this however. This phase should be attacked with magic if hybriding. Snakelings: Zulrah spawns these little shits throughout the fight. Don't worry or attack them as your ring of recoil will kill them quickly. Where to Stand to Avoid Venom: Each phase zulrah will move to another area around the island and spawn more venom clouds. To avoid these clouds, I and many players have found it best to stand at these two circled spots most of the time. Here you should be safe from the venom although some times during the fight you will have to run into the venom to avoid a melee attack or be able to reach zulrah. However sometimes the front the island will have no venom and you can stand here as well. Drops: - Zulrah's Scales: Always - Tanzanite Fang: 1/512 - Magic Fang: 1/512 - Serpentine Visage: 1/512 - Uncut Onyx: 1/512 - Tanzanite Mutagen: 1/6553 - Magma Mutagen: 1/6553 - Pet Snakeling: 1/4000 - Jar of Swamp: 1/3000 Full list of drops found here: Hope you enjoyed my guide!
  8. Pog
  9. Con's Commander Zilyana Guide GODWARS IS NOT A SAFE DEATH FOR HARDCORE Intro: Commander Zilyana or as I'll refer to them as Sara during this gude, is one of the 4 godwars bosses. She drops the best in slot crossbow the Armadyl Crossbow along with the Saradomin hilt and the pet. Recommend Levels: 80+ Range 80+ Defense 70+ Hitpoints 44+ Prayer Gear and Inventory: This setup is geared towards slayer task, but if you are not on task sub out the slayer helm for a archers helm or a armadyl helmet. ACB can be subbed out with a RCB and the blowpipe is used to kill the minions quickly so it is not needed. The runes in the rune pouch are earth,water and nature and are used for bones to peaches to extend trips. Bring any sara item to have no agro with the saradomin creatures. Getting there: ::home > nexus > Dungeons > God Wars Dungeon Once there go east to sara's corner. Once here climb down the rock. Here you get the kc to be able to enter Sara's lair. KC amount: 40 - No donor rank 35 - Emerald rank 30 - Ruby rank 25 - Diamond rank 20 - Dragonstone rank 15 - Onyx Rank I recommend killing spirtual mages for the chance at dboots. Once you have the kc, go south and climb down the next rock. The fight: The fight is going to be broken down into two sections. This is because on BoomScape atm, minions can not attack after they die once. First Kill: Enter the lair with protect from mage and eagle's eye/rigour. The strategy for killing saradomin is running in a circle to not allow her to attack you. This is done by: Running to a corner then attack Sara. Quickly run to next corner and attack. Repeat until kill is done. After this kill starlight first because it is the melee minion. Then kill Starlight(magic). After this pray range and kill bree(range). After the first kill: Now after the minions are killed they won't be able to attack you. Repeat the same strategy of running to each corner and attacking however this time you only need to pray eagle's eye/riguor. When you need more prayer points recharge at the altar in the lair. After sara is dead you can kill the minons freely without them attacking you. If you need food make sure to pick up the bones and bones to peaches them. Drops: Saradomin Hilt - (1/508) Armadyl Crossbow - (1/508) Saradomin Sword - (1/127) Pet Ziylana - (1/5000) Hope you enjoyed my guide!
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  10. Yea I got 99 fishing irl
  11. Con's Fishing Guide Intro: Fishing is a useful skill in BoomScape if you want to AFK a lot or for some reason want to catch your own dinner. However the skillcape looks really good and is overall an easy grind. In this guide I'll walk you through the most efficent ways to get 99 fishing although there are many different ways and I may note them throughout this guide. This guide will not include the cooking of the fish although it is a good idea to bank them for your cooking grind in the future. Requirements: To get started go to ::home and at shops talk to the fisherman. From him buy a small net and a harpoon, should not cost more than a couple hundred gp at most. 1-99: 1-35: Go ::home > nexus > cities > Camelot From here run south-east along the path to the fishing spots east of Catherby. Here we can start fishing shrimps. The spots can be found using the runelite client if you are on PC, otherwise look for the small net spots. From level 1-15 you will only be catching shrimp. Shrimp give 400 xp each and you will need to catch 7 shrimp for level 15. At level 15 you start catching anchovies as well. Anchovies give 1600 xp each and will need to catch about 25 shrimp and 7 anchovies for level 35 but this is dependent on RNG. 35-70: Now you will be using your harpoon and catching Tuna/Swordfish although you won't catch swordfish until level 50. The harpoon spots can be found with the lobster symbol on runelite or by the harpoon if you are on mobile. From level 35-50 you will only be catching tuna. Tuna give 3,200 xp each and you will need to catch 25 tuna for level 50. At level 50 you will start catching swordfish as well. Swordfish give 4,000 xp each and will need to catch about 100 tuna and 80 swordfish for level 70 but this is dependent on RNG. 70-99: Although there is many methods to 99 in fishing, the method I found fastest is to fish for monkfish as you catch them really quick and get a high xp rate for them. Go ::home > skilling > piscatoris fishing Once here, make sure you have your small net and head to the fishing spots. The monkfish spots are shown on runelite or by clicking on the net spots if you are on mobile. Each monkfish gives 4,800xp and you will need to catch 2,562 monkfish for level 99. Although this seems like a lot it goes by real quick and is very afk. Feel free to try fishing sharks at the fishing guild at around level 80. Hope you enjoyed my guide!
  12. Con's KBD Guide KBD IS NOT A SAFE DEATH FOR HARDCORE TO GET TO KBD YOU MUST GO THROUGH WILDY Intro: King Black Dragon also known as KBD is the king of all dragons, although do not let that scare you as he is not that powerful and can be defeated with ease by most. He has a few sought after drops such as the draconic visage(used to make dragonfire shield, kbd heads, dragon pickaxe, and his pet. KBD resides in the deep wildy and it must be traversed to reach him, although in his in lair you can not be killed by other players. Recommend Levels: If using melee: 80+ Attack 80+ Strength 70+ HP 70+ Prayer If using ranged: 80+ ranged 70+ hp 74+ prayer Gear and Inventory: Ranged(Low budget): In this setup, drink a antifire and when KBD is near half health switch to diamond bolts(e). Prayer Eagle's Eye or Riguor if you have it Ranged(Higher Budget): In this setup, drink a super antifire and pray mage and Eagle's Eye/Riguor Melee: To be honest do not bother with melee unless you have a dragon hunter lance, range will be better. If you have the lance, I trust you on your gear set up ? Getting there: *You can be pked on your way to KBD do not bring gear you do not want to lose* ::home > nexus > wilderness > lava maze From here run northwest and enter the fenced area. Run to the ladder and go down it. Once down there pull the lever and you will enter KBD's lair and are now safe from pkers. The Fight: The fight is pretty straight forward. Pot up your combat pot, either range or melee then drink a antifire potion. If you are using a anti dragon-fire shield or dragonfire shield there is no need to pray mage but if you are using a blowpipe or another two-handed weapon then pray mage. Then basically sit back and enjoy killing KBD. A note, KBD's white firebreath will freeze you but that is the only firebreath you got to worry about espeically if you are meleeing otherwise you should be good to go. Just rememeber to eat and repot your antifire when it runs out. Drops: KBD Pet - 1/3000 Goodluck on the pet drop everyone! Hope you enjoyed my guide!
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  13. Con's Thieving Guide *All xp rates in this guide are without the rouge outfit* Intro: Thieving is a skill on BoomScape made to make money. It is great starter cash or if you need a little money to buy a new item. In this guide I'll talk about the money route to 99 and the fastest route to 99. Feel free to do either one, or a mix of both. During thieving you have chance of being visted by a pillory guard, dont worry just talk to him and you will recieve a xp lamp(I recommend farming because its slow till level 45). During pickpocketing only you have a chance to recieve a crate, in the crate you can choose a piece of rouge's equipment. Each piece gives a 1.25% xp bonus in thieving. Requirements: Time The will to click a lot Selling Stall Items: Trade the baker at ::home to sell the items from the stalls Golden Needle: 2k each Golden Hammer: 3k each Golden Candle: 4k each Golden Tinderbox: 5k each Golden Pot: 7k each 1-99: The guide will diverge at certain levels for faster xp or more money but both start the same. 1-5: Pickpocket from men at ::home 384 xp per pickpocket 2 pickpockets required for level 5 5-25: Steal from crafting stalls at ::home 1,200 xp per Golden Needles 2k gp per Golden Needles 7 needles to steal for level 25 14k profit 25-45: Steal from scimitar stalls at ::home 1800 xp per Golden Hammer 3k gp per Golden Hammer 30 hammers to steal for level 45 90k profit 45-75: Steal from magic stalls at ::home 2400 xp per Golden Candle 4k gp per Golden Candle 479 candles to steal for level 75 1.9m Profit 75-99 (Money): 75-90: Steal from general stalls at ::home 4,000 xp per Golden Tinderbox 5k gp per Golden Tinderbox 1,034 tinderboxes to steal for level 90 5.2m profit 90-99: Steal from food stalls at ::home 6400 xp per Golden Pot 7k gp per Golden Pot 1202 pots to steal for level 99 8.4m profit 75-99 (Quick XP): 90-95: Pickpocket Ardy knights To get there: ::home > nexus > cities > Ardounge I recommend to turn off npc attack option in setting as it allows you to left click pickpocket. I also recommend to trap a knight in a house if there isnt one trapped already. 4,046 xp per pickpocket 1,869 pickpockets to level 95 95-99: Pickpocket Ardy heros To get there: ::home > nexus > cities > Ardounge *You still have a chance to fail at 99 so if you dont want to fail stick to ardy knights* 13,200 xp per pickpocket 323 pickpockets to level 99 Hope you enjoyed my guide!
  14. Great and simple guide!