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Everything posted by newton378

  1. Kill the boss Record_2024-02-24-17-00-39.mp4
  2. ARROOOOOO Refer to mage pic blue is magic, green is range, red is melee they attack in order left to right praying against it drains 30 pray, tanking without pray takes 30 DMG if you pray all 3 your pray bar will get KO'd , optimally pray against the first two, or last two if you need to sip pray pot in inv or something GRRRRRRRR Cerb shoot lava pools under you and around, stand 2 tiles away from them to avoid taking consistent DMG Bugged these pools will disappear after they're spawned but still persist to dmg you at the locations Finally just eat like a whale and chug ur pray pots after mages Record_2024-02-23-22-40-12.mp4
  3. How I run Phantom Muspah sometimes: Record_2024-02-18-22-44-56.mp4
  4. How I run my Zulrah: Record_2024-02-12-17-20-26.mp4
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  5. Ft a pretty dope DDS spec lol 1 small suggestion: make divine pot wear off text red
  6. People saying they don't see it, but on Android mobile I do. Poison 0 splats show up with any poison weapons but exceptionally so with abyssal tentacle, sometimes displaying 2 poison 0's from a single hit.