

  1. Announcements & Updates

    All updates about the server & website can be found in here!

  2. Download Client   (59,170 visits to this link)

    Download our client here to start playing BoomScape!

  3. Highscores   (69,911 visits to this link)

    Check out our Highscores and see were you're ranked!

  4. Grand Exchange   (682 visits to this link)

    Check the latest item prices in the BoomScape market!

  5. Donator Store   (64,102 visits to this link)

    Donate to BoomScape to keep us going!

  6. Vote   (58,019 visits to this link)

    Help our server continue to gain more users by voting for us!

  7. Discord   (52,736 visits to this link)

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