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Everything posted by Blaziken

  1. I've been advertising the event on Discord, on the forums and in game all day. My phone has died twice. Idk how else to let ppl know.
  2. I'm not staff so I'm not allowed to post there lol. I did try though. IGN: Blaziken
  3. Bonus name I forgot: V3ngd3vil
  4. Welcome Back Over the past 3 days both Zezima007 and I have donated a total of 5B worth of items to new players while trying our best to not contribute to the alt of an already established player. By hosting 3 events per day many players have been given a slight push forward so they can catch up to the other players. Now is time for day 4's event the rules are simple. □ Comment on this post □ Vote and screenshot proof of it then □ Post it in the Boomscape Discord channel under Events -> Vote Submissions □ Keep an eye out for a message from Zezima or myself and you'll be qualified and invited to the day 5 event Everything seen in the picture is the prize for winning DAY 5's event so make sure to take part in today's — day 4's event — before 0:00 (Eastern Standard Time). Only the names seen below are eligible to enter day 4. Good luck contestants and I'll see you tomorrow. 1. 13 (Our resident realist) 2. Aqua (The friendly noob) 3. Bandz 4. Gooney (Don't ask what his name means) 5. Highscores 6. KillaReborn 7. LuckyEx 8. Oden (Relative to Odin) 9. OgHoodBoss (Directionally challenged) 10. P3rfect B0wz 11. Pbfailpvm (Just win for once) 12. RektYouHaha (Ironman enthusiast) 13. SolTumeken (King of excuses) 14. Trillion 15. VZLA (Loves Chinese food) 16. Zezima007 (The Zezzer)
  5. Great update. Thanks James. I can't wait to put my trident in its rightful spot.
  6. I've noticed a delay after clicking to switch prayers causing my prayers to switch on the same tick that I'm attacked and receive damage. Not really a tech kinda guy so Idk if it's server lag or poor internet on my end. I appreciate the work that you're doing either way though.
  7. What is this new system for bosses? The MVP having the highest drop rate while others have it slightly lower?
  8. When the stones fall from the ceiling that attack can stack twice on the same tile because the interval between them is so short. I could be wrong but it also seems like the mage and range hits are moving faster than intended. When using melee on mobile I still get hit even if I pray on time.
  9. Is the drop table the same? Cause early game isn't very important unless you play an iron on realism or hard mode. Since it's an easy boss though, maybe just some noted herblore secondaries or something would provide incentive to kill the Papa Rattius
  10. I love these QoL updates, especially the mining gloves one. I might actually mine amethyst to 200M now, just for the collection log.