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Everything posted by loveandpower

  1. Good job with the farming and vyres! I'll test them out as time permits
  2. Had me excited for a moment with the GIM mention. Spooky update yay.
  3. I also made a suggestion on discord
  4. You could had easily asked @James James would be first to tell you forums are dead my friend. I feel this was unfair to those who didn't receive notice outside of forums
  5. Confused why this wasn't posted in discord events lol Ign: Draco Malfoy
  6. Overall solid update. I like the placeholder system as well. That was a smart move making it so it just records the charges. I assume you still have it set so the model is in a range or you just using one model and it saved the charges/replaced/updates the interface for each specific item as it saves separately for each one?
  7. Now all you need is a cow milking and churning system No fix for stone phase at scurry?
  8. Let the monkeying around begin!
  9. for the GE Update
  10. Herbi when But seriously good to see the bugs being battered out.
  11. Herbi when Maybe this will keep people entertained for a bit.
  12. I think Players will now save their facing direction upon logging in or loading a new region, rather than defaulting to facing south. Is my favorite. You have no idea how much that hurt my OCD
  13. Bro so glad about cooking messages lol. My OCD was killing me seeing it spammed
  14. Great fixes James. My irons will love the spin flax update
  15. Great job James. You may go to sleep now xD
  16. Plugin update is best part by far! Any future plans to allow custom made additions?
  17. Good to hear about the Arceuus library teleport. That one is a great enhancement considering no book of the dead yet
  18. Sounds amazing and I want that mini death! A picture of it would be amazing.
  19. Some awesome updates in this James ?