Best in slot guide

Anime queen

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Best in Slot Guide







The best in slot guide is here for you to expeditiously and facilely decipher the best in slot items for any Attack or Defence style in Boomscape . 







Up6eVTD.png Stab

tz7dHXg.png q6xONQh.png tMPtQZK.png UnZoNSy.png  CfhZU6w.png XulwAuJ.png EVaNWWH.png  biIscK9.png 2fSdnkW.png  tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png 5oCBA4N.png

(Fighter Hat, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Ghrazi Rapier, Avernic Defender, Zamorakian Spear, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Treasonous Ring (i)).


58fNrKK.png Slash

eJUJj3q.png q6xONQh.png tMPtQZK.png UnZoNSy.png w8jSuV6.png XulwAuJ.png u05S9i1.png biIscK9.png 2fSdnkW.png  tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png FT4yL3O.png

(Warrior Helm, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Abyssal Tentacle, Avernic Defender, Armadyl Godsword, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Warrior Ring (i)).


8juxWTi.png Crush

tz7dHXg.png q6xONQh.png tMPtQZK.png UnZoNSy.png cITZRst.png XulwAuJ.png VvoE4mn.png biIscK9.png 2fSdnkW.png  tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png xzDNo6N.png

(Fighter Hat, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Dragon Warhammer, Avernic Defender, Elder Maul, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Tyrannical Ring (i)).


eGNQmPJ.png Ranged

0whnIh3.png efyLpFC.png sDIRR8V.png a1c214447bd0b2263a7bfce9f774062f.png 939c976c4b57b2ded11cb47b81406f0f.png CD0XlWH.png OujkD6S.png xruPGAR.png aBgArHd.png tn0CabK.png aNbKg6X.png VspYIom.png

(Armadyl Helmet, Ava's Assembler, Necklace of Anguish, Dragon Bolts, Armadyl Crossbow, Twisted Buckler, Heavy Ballista, Armadyl Chestplate, Armadyl Chainskirt, Barrows Gloves, Pegasian Boots, and Archers Ring (i)).


gsf459n.png Magic

CKyqTeB.png 7NL8Ul6.png OJpIZ8G.png UnZoNSy.png G7Q6hW1.png uiA5wKw.png 4yzzHp6.png VF3LS8m.png jlulZ4H.png UuuoUzu.png GlyhusH.png 2R0Hafb.png

(3rd Age Mage Hat, Imbued God Cape, 3rd Age Amulet, Ancient Blessing, Kodai Wand, Arcane Spirit Shield, Toktz-Mej-Tal, Ancestral Robe Top, Ancestral Robe Bottom, Tormented Bracelet, Eternal Boots, and Seers Ring (i)).







Up6eVTD.png Stab

QIptQ17.png q6xONQh.png XS9OUjC.png UnZoNSy.png 7fdu1x2.png wD8Sszv.png lSfGnK3.png qNPAC2Z.png ivKLt5H.png tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png yOmriHq.png

(Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Ancient Wyvern Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)).


58fNrKK.png Slash

QIptQ17.png q6xONQh.png XS9OUjC.png UnZoNSy.png 7fdu1x2.png wD8Sszv.png lSfGnK3.png qNPAC2Z.png ivKLt5H.png tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png yOmriHq.png

(Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Ancient Wyvern Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)).


8juxWTi.png Crush

QIptQ17.png q6xONQh.png XS9OUjC.png UnZoNSy.png 7fdu1x2.png wD8Sszv.png lSfGnK3.png qNPAC2Z.png ivKLt5H.png tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png yOmriHq.png

(Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Ancient Wyvern Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)).


eGNQmPJ.png Ranged

QIptQ17.png q6xONQh.png XS9OUjC.png UnZoNSy.png 7fdu1x2.png 3Cd28Dq.png lSfGnK3.png qNPAC2Z.png ivKLt5H.png tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png yOmriHq.png

(Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Crystal Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)).


gsf459n.png Magic

VCH8yeh.png 7NL8Ul6.png XS9OUjC.png UnZoNSy.png VDB2usY.png aAzRowr.png lSfGnK3.png xruPGAR.png aBgArHd.png Myp3iRR.png GlyhusH.png yOmriHq.png

(God Halo, Imbued God Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, 3rd Age Wand, Spectral Spirit Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Armadyl Chestplate, Armadyl Chainskirt, 3rd Age Vambraces, Eternal Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)).







BZtsW-KJ.png Strength

sIRyhQk.png q6xONQh.png tMPtQZK.png UnZoNSy.png CfhZU6w.png XulwAuJ.png VvoE4mn.png biIscK9.png 2fSdnkW.png tn0CabK.png HZOW1kE.png DiLDpTg.png

(Serpentine Helm, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Ghrazi Rapier, Avernic Defender, Elder Maul, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Berserker Ring (i)).


ElFVqGW.png Ranged Strength

0whnIh3.png efyLpFC.png sDIRR8V.png UnZoNSy.png eYNV9Zi.png CD0XlWH.png BvLspSF.png QwR2gjT.png xruPGAR.png aBgArHd.png tn0CabK.png aNbKg6X.png VspYIom.png

(Armadyl Helmet, Ava's Assembler, Necklace of Anguish, Ancient Blessing, Toktz-Xil-Ul, Twisted Buckler, Twisted Bow, Dragon Arrows, Armadyl Chestplate, Armadyl Chainskirt, Barrows Gloves, Pegasian Boots, and Archers Ring (i)).


pikRXW7.png Magic Damage

qgqf62h.png 7NL8Ul6.png BV40Qoa.png UnZoNSy.png G7Q6hW1.png uiA5wKw.png 4yzzHp6.png VF3LS8m.png jlulZ4H.png UuuoUzu.png GlyhusH.png 2R0Hafb.png

(Ancestral Hat, Imbued God Cape, Occult Necklace, Ancient Blessing, Kodai Wand, Arcane Spirit Shield, Toktz-Mej-Tal Tormented Bracelet, Eternal Boots, and Seers Ring (i)).


7D4blrj.png Prayer

bfRH79S.png dUbqNrC.png mt8nPIb.png UnZoNSy.png CIwnfNS.png RPu0CmB.png u05S9i1.png nHPV4uz.png suwedHA.png luAOD5X.png mRedWP3.png S3fYqnC.png

(God Mitre, Ardougne Cloak 4, Dragonbone Necklace, Ancient Blessing, God Crozier, Book of Balance, Armadyl Godsword, Proselyte Hauberk, Proselyte Cuisse, Holy Wraps, Holy Sandals, and Ring of The Gods (i)).

Edited by Anime queen
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