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  1. saatana perkele hirvi mutta, voi vittu, nah im just kiding. Welcome m8!
  2. Hello, I've recently just started playing this server and I really enjoy it so I thought I should introduce myself. Anyways I'm half finnish/ half swedish (living in sweden). Some of you might remember me, I used to play BoomScape 718 back in 2013 til it shut down 2016 I used the name Eminem back then, former Mod and rank 1. Besides playing Rs I spend lots of time on youtube and netflix, I also like to Gym and take walks. Anyways I think James really stepped up from the last server, this is imo a huge improvment and will no doubt get extremely popular. Looking forward to meet you all ing. Sorry for my shit english, anything more you'd like to know about me, feel free to ask.