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Best in Slot Guide The best in slot guide is here for you to expeditiously and facilely decipher the best in slot items for any Attack or Defence style in Boomscape . Attack Stab (Fighter Hat, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Ghrazi Rapier, Avernic Defender, Zamorakian Spear, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Treasonous Ring (i)). Slash (Warrior Helm, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Abyssal Tentacle, Avernic Defender, Armadyl Godsword, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Warrior Ring (i)). Crush (Fighter Hat, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Dragon Warhammer, Avernic Defender, Elder Maul, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Tyrannical Ring (i)). Ranged (Armadyl Helmet, Ava's Assembler, Necklace of Anguish, Dragon Bolts, Armadyl Crossbow, Twisted Buckler, Heavy Ballista, Armadyl Chestplate, Armadyl Chainskirt, Barrows Gloves, Pegasian Boots, and Archers Ring (i)). Magic (3rd Age Mage Hat, Imbued God Cape, 3rd Age Amulet, Ancient Blessing, Kodai Wand, Arcane Spirit Shield, Toktz-Mej-Tal, Ancestral Robe Top, Ancestral Robe Bottom, Tormented Bracelet, Eternal Boots, and Seers Ring (i)). Defence Stab (Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Ancient Wyvern Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)). Slash (Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Ancient Wyvern Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)). Crush (Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Ancient Wyvern Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)). Ranged (Justicar Faceguard, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, Zamorakian Hasta, Crystal Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Justiciar Chestguard, Justicar Legguards, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)). Magic (God Halo, Imbued God Cape, Amulet of Fury, Ancient Blessing, 3rd Age Wand, Spectral Spirit Shield, Dinh's Bulwark, Armadyl Chestplate, Armadyl Chainskirt, 3rd Age Vambraces, Eternal Boots, and Ring of Suffering (i)). Other Strength (Serpentine Helm, Infernal Cape, Amulet of Torture, Ancient Blessing, Ghrazi Rapier, Avernic Defender, Elder Maul, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets, Barrows Gloves, Primordial Boots, and Berserker Ring (i)). Ranged Strength (Armadyl Helmet, Ava's Assembler, Necklace of Anguish, Ancient Blessing, Toktz-Xil-Ul, Twisted Buckler, Twisted Bow, Dragon Arrows, Armadyl Chestplate, Armadyl Chainskirt, Barrows Gloves, Pegasian Boots, and Archers Ring (i)). Magic Damage (Ancestral Hat, Imbued God Cape, Occult Necklace, Ancient Blessing, Kodai Wand, Arcane Spirit Shield, Toktz-Mej-Tal Tormented Bracelet, Eternal Boots, and Seers Ring (i)). Prayer (God Mitre, Ardougne Cloak 4, Dragonbone Necklace, Ancient Blessing, God Crozier, Book of Balance, Armadyl Godsword, Proselyte Hauberk, Proselyte Cuisse, Holy Wraps, Holy Sandals, and Ring of The Gods (i)).
Normal Variant; Crawling Hand Superior Variant; Crushing Hand Combat level: 45 Hitpoints: 55 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Cave Crawler Superior Variant; Chasm Crawler Combat level: 68 Hitpoints: 64 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Banshee Superior Variant; Screaming Banshee Combat level: 70 Hitpoints: 60 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Rock Slug Superior Variant; Giant rockslug Combat level: 86 Hitpoints: 77 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Cockatrice Superior Variant; Cockathrice Combat level: 89 Hitpoints: 95 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Pyrefiend Superior Variant; Flaming Pyrelord Combat level: 97 Hitpoints: 126 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Infernal Mage Superior Variant; Malevolent Mage Combat level: 162 Hitpoints: 172 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Bloodveld Superior Variant; Insatiable Bloodveld Combat level: 202 Hitpoints: 380 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Bloodveld Superior Variant; Insatiable Mutated Bloodveld Combat level: 278 Hitpoints: 411 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Cave Horror Superior Variant; Cave Abomination Combat level: 206 Hitpoints: 130 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ pray mage Normal Variant; Aberrant Spectre Superior Variant; Abhorrent Spectre Combat level: 253 Hitpoints: 275 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Devient Spectre Superior Variant; Repugnant Spectre Combat level: 335 Hitpoints: 390 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Dust Devil Superior Variant; Choke Devil Combat level: 264 Hitpoints: 300 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Kurask Superior Variant; King Kurask Combat level: 295 Hitpoints: 420 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Basilisk Knight Superior Variant; Basilisk Sentinel Combat level: 358 Hitpoints: 550 ~ Mirror or V's shield required; Basilisk sentinel attacks with magic & melee and also has a special attack in which they will fire a red coloured orb at your players tile. To avoid click off your current tile and let it explode before attacking again, known to hit 35s+~ Normal Variant; Nechryael / Greater Nechryael Superior Variant; Nechryarch Combat level: 300 Hitpoints: 320 ~ No unique Mechanics ~ Normal Variant; Gargoyle Superior Variant; Marble Gargoyle Combat level: 349 Hitpoints: 270 ~ Marble gargoyles can throw a grey ball occasionally hitting up to 38 on a player and immobilizing them, can be avoided by clicking a tile away. ~ Normal Variant; Abyssal Demon Superior Variant; Greater Abyssal Demon Combat level: 342 Hitpoints: 400 ~ Abyssal Demons have a unique special attack, teleportation around the player while still hitting you. Without protection prayers are known to frequently hit 20s.~ Normal Variant; Dark Beast Superior Variant; Night Beast Combat level: 374 Hitpoints: 640 ~ Night beasts have a magic special attack in which resemble a fire blast covering a 3x3 square. This magic account should never actually kill you and can be avoided by clicking away, but best to just tank through it and delivery the maximum damage. ~ Normal Variant; Smoke Devil Superior Variant; Nuclear Smoke Devil Combat level: 374 Hitpoints: 640 ~ No unique Mechanics
Requirements : Needed For Efficient Point Cap ~ 1100 total skill level, 80 Woodcutting, 90 Fishing Recommended ~ 99 in all combat stats (90+ will work) Dragon Axe / Dragon Harpoon (Both optional but highly recommended) Basic Information about Chambers of Xeric Potions Dropped Inside of Raids Twisted ~ Range Potion Kodia ~ Magic Potion Elder ~ Super Combat Potion Revitalisation ~ Super Restore Xeric's Aid ~ Saradomin Brew Prayer Enhance ~ Prayer Potion ~~ IMPORTANT TO KNOW ~~ Overload ~ Req. 50 HP to drink damages you for 50 HP, boosts stats to 120, and acts as constant Restore potion GEAR Range Gear Helmet: Void ranger helm / Armadyl helmet Body: Elite void top/Armadyl chestplate > Regular void top Bottom: Elite void robe/Armadyl chainskirt > Regular void robe Gloves: Void Knight gloves/Barrows gloves Cape: Ava's Max cape >Ava's Assembler > Ava's accumulator Necklace: Necklace of anguish > Amulet of fury Off hand: Twisted Buckler > Odium ward > Book of law Boots: Pegasian boots > Ranger boots Ring: Archer ring (i) > Archer ring Spell: Vengeances (Astral, Death, Earth) - Lunar Spellbook Weapon: Twisted bow > Dragon hunter crossbow > Armadyl Crossbow > Rune crossbow** MELEE Helmet: Nezinot facegaurd >helm of Nezinot >void melee>serpentine helm Cape: Inferno Max Cape> Inferno cape > Fire cape Necklace: Amulet of torture > Fury Spec Weapon: Dragon warhammer > Bandos godsword. Main Weapon: Tentacle whip > Crystal halberd Boots: Primordial Boots>Dragon Boots: Ring:Berserker ring (i)>Berserker ring Each Room Shaman Room take the opportunity to veng and sip range pot and once the raid starts turn on eagle eye / rigour and kill scavengers with Blowpipe Vasa Room After you have killed the shamans youll need to cure any poison you got with a guthix rest / sanfew / antipoison which ever you choose to bring and sanfew is best but guthix rest/antis work too if you cant get sanfews. Once you've gotten rid of poison it is very important to veng up and switch to mage pray, sip super combat pot and equip melee gear and prepare to dwh/c hally spec vasa in the next room, if your one of the first in the you may be tele'd under him and have prayer disabled If this happens dont panic and turn range prayer on as soon as possible after first attack and eat anglers as needed after the special hit vasa will move towards the crystal in north east and if it reaches the crystal it will start to regen health, kill the crystal once he starts healing and then once crystal dies try to finish vasa as soon as ya can. Vangaurd Room The vanguard to the north is the first one you will be going for pray mage and bp it dont forget to keep venging anytime you can you can stand underneath the vanguard to the east to not get hit during this one, if you dont kill the vanguard before it moves follow it and finish killing and then kill the one that was orginally to the east using melee and and range pray when the second is dead finish that last one with either mage or bp while praying melee and Magic > BP for the last vanguard Ice Warrior Room Pretty simple room here find a safe spot to drop your supplies and chop trees for kindling to add to the brazier in front of Ice Warrior. When hes almost thawed (blue bar will be like 50% or less) mage pray on and super combat sip dwh spec or c hally spec and use tent to kill Worm Room Even easier than previous room just drop stuff somewhere and then search chest for worms to fill the trough Mystics Room Start by sipping range pot turning eagle eye or rigour on and killing scavengers in the first room with BP, turn mage pray on and go to the next room start killing the mystics for the last mystic Mystics Room Start by sipping range pot turning eagle eye or rigour on and killing scavengers in the first room with BP, turn mage pray on and go to the next room start killing the mystics for the last mystic also try to save a veng for right before you go to next room don't forget to use super cmb and get your melee gear on for next room Tekton Room Pray melee and use piety, start with dwh/chally spec and finish off with tent once dead pick up overload and use drop any remaining super combats / range pots and heal up and proceed to next room Mutadile Room Pray mage and use BP with eagle eye / rigour and veng when you can for extra points, when it comes to doing the 2nd Muta that spawns 1 player will lure it and you will DD (stand in same spot) and kill it be carefull tis boss can hit 60s if you arent careful. Ranger / Mager / Gemstone Room This room is super easy too just stand back from magers to not get attacked by rangers at the same time just pray mage and use eagle eye / rigour, 1 player will cross and pick up the gemstone to continue after the rangers are dead. PRE OLM INFO !!! HAVE TO KNOW THIS!!! Red Circle: Spikes will drop on you over a time period, stay moving and run away from your team. Green Spikes: Will spawn under you that will hit pretty hard youll see them and have a short amount of time to move Portal Swap: which links two person together, and if they don't move on top of eachother fast enough 10 - 30 damage Poison: Poison track left behind where you go, and damages over time when you stand on it, stay moving and run away from your team. ~easy to handle if you turn your run off Electric waves: that have a chance take your protect prayers off for about 5 game ticks. ~ Youll get good at dodging these and its very usefull to avoid and your prayer get shut off as much During Olm Tips So as i put in the top the phases will scale to how big your team is, so refer to the top if you didn't read it, so always important to focus on the left hand as the left hand is the hand you will melee and use your dwh / bgs spec on, i recommend focusing on this hand on every phase untill the claw clinches youll know when it does by the chat box it will say and an animation will be above the hand, when that happens move on to ranging the right hand, you will want to stay on alert and quickly dodge the walls that move across screen they cause prayer to flicker, stay moving and watch out, ON THE LAST PHASE DO NOT KILL THE RIGHT HAND LEAVE AT 200 HP And finish killing the LEFT HAND just make sure they die at same time!! Notable Drops Avernic defender hilt Ghrazi rapier Sanguinesti staff (uncharged) Justiciar faceguard Justiciar chestguard Justiciar legguards Scythe of vitur (uncharged) Dexterous prayer scroll Arcane prayer scroll Twisted buckler Dragon hunter crossbow Dinh's bulwark Ancestral hat Ancestral robe top Ancestral robe bottom Dragon claws Elder maul Kodai insignia Twisted bow
Hi my ign is UIM NEZUKO My actual name is michael call me what ever you want I work as a nurse so I've seen many things I'm a father of 2 but there with there mother out in Michigan to be with her mom since she lost her dad I'm looking forward to meeting yall Dont forgot to stay beautiful â¤