BoomScape Updates - Ferox Enclave Adjustments, Discord Notifications & More!

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Discord Notifications

  • We've introduced a new Discord notification system! You can now customize the notifications you receive by selecting your preferred roles under the "Notification Roles" channel in the BoomScape Discord Server. This ensures you only receive updates relevant to your interests.
  • The following notification roles are now available for subscription:
    • Bossing: Tombs of Amascut, Theatre of Blood, Chambers of Xeric, Nightmare, Nex
    • Events & Boosts: Boosted Exp, Double Drops, Boosted Pet Rates, Boosted Slayer, Pest Control, PvP Supply Chest, PvP Leaderboards, Tournaments, Lottery, Shooting Stars, Staff-Held Events, Monthly Vote Rewards
    • Content Creators: YouTube Notifications
  • Additionally, we've added a new Discord channel that automatically displays and updates the list of active staff members along with their roles.

Screenshot 2025-03-06 at 15.52.52.png

Supply Chest Restrictions

  • Players can no longer attack NPCs or be attacked once they have looted the Supply Chest.
  • Entering Ferox Enclave is now restricted after looting the Supply Chest.

Ferox Enclave Adjustments

  • Players can no longer enter Ferox Enclave under the following conditions:
    • If they have an active Teleblock cast on them.
  • Standing on the surrounding edges of Ferox Enclave will no longer register as being "outside" of the Wilderness.

New Additions

  • The Amulet of Bounty is now fully functional. When equipped, it grants a 25% chance to consume only one seed when planting in an allotment patch.
  • Supercompost can now be made by using compost potions on regular compost.
  • If Break Vials is toggled on, you will now receive a filtered message when a vial is destroyed.
  • When draining Corporeal Beast’s stats, magic drains will now correctly scale with hit damage, completely negating attacks when reduced.
  • The Draynor Rooftop Agility Course now requires only Level 1 Agility.
  • After fighting the Mimic, players will be returned to their previous entry location.
  • Jewellery Enchantment spells will now:
    • Automatically enchant the next identical item in your inventory after the first spell is cast.
    • Convert the first jewellery item in your inventory rather than requiring a manual selection.
  • Adjusted the login notification message.
  • Mammoth spawn locations around Ferox Enclave have been corrected.

Bug Fixes

  • The Dodgy Necklace can now correctly display the remaining charges while equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where Bush patches were growing too quickly.
  • Fixed an issue where regrowing patches wouldn’t trigger their final regrow state, allowing indefinite farming.
  • Volcanic Ash Piles now have a 1/4 chance of depleting.
  • When creating potions, only the necessary amount of stackable ingredients will be used, rather than consuming the entire stack.
  • Planting a Curry Tree will now correctly display as a Curry Tree instead of an Apple Tree.
  • Fixed a no-clip issue at the Myths' Guild stairs.
  • Ensouled Minotaur Heads can now correctly be re-animated.
  • Voidwaker's Special Attack now correctly applies invisible bonuses, including Elite Void Melee bonuses.
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