Johnny Test

Onyx Donator
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Everything posted by Johnny Test

  1. Ancient Warriors' Gear Guide Equipment Mechanics Ancient warriors' equipment is extremely powerful, and can only be used in the wilderness. You should also use this equipment with caution, as the equipment will turn to dust if you die. How to Obtain Ancient warriors' equipment is obtained as a rare drop from any NPC found in level 20+ Wilderness as part of a global Wilderness loot table. The chance to receive a drop is based on the monster's combat level, using the following formula. Chance to hit loot table = x / 15,000 Where x = monster's combat level (capped at 100) Examples: Skeleton (level 22) = 22 / 15,000 = 1/682 chance Ice Giant (level 53) = 53 / 15,000 = 1/283 chance Hellhound (level 122) = 100 / 15,000 = 1/150 chance Upon hitting the loot table, you'll roll for a vesta, statius, morrigan, or zuriel weapon or armour piece. You have an equal chance of receiving any piece of equipment. *Landing on Morrigan's javelins or thrownaxes will give you 25-50. You can also receive the ancient warriors' equipment from PvP! When you kill someone in the wilderness, they have a 1/25 chance of dropping a PvP key. You can use this key to open the new PvP chest in home bank. In addition to the new ancient warriors' equipment, this chest has its own unique loot table.
  2. Boomscape Preset Guide Today we're taking a look at the new preset feature, which is a huge quality of life update. You can use the presets to quickly load your equipment and inventory, whether you're skilling, pking, or PvMing! To keep things balanced, these presets can only be loaded from certain areas. Areas you can load presets in: - Home Bank - Mage Arena Bank - Ferox Enclave - ::Skill Bank - Donator Zone Bank - Donator Zone Fishing Area - Donator Zone Runecrafting Area How to Use the Preset Interface Click the button in your equipment tab to open the preset interface From here, you can click the + button to save your inventory, equipment, or both to a slot. You can also rename your preset within this menu. Click the spellbook button to choose whether you load the preset with the standard, ancient, or lunar spellbook. Preset Slots Standard Player = 1 slot Emerald Donator = 3 slots Ruby Donator = 5 slots Diamond Donator = 8 slots Dragonstone Donator = 11 slots Onyx Donator = 13 slots
  3. Very nice guide!
  4. Boomscape Clue Guide This guide is a work in progress. To find a list of all clues, visit Items Needed The only items you need are a spade and the clue itself. Clue Difficulty Unlike OSRS, every difficulty has the same possible clues. The only difference is the number of steps. Beginner - 1 step Easy - 2 steps Medium - 3 steps Hard - 4 steps Elite - 5 steps Master - 6 steps Runelite Plugin The Runelite clue scroll plugin is 90% accurate in Boomscape. Search for "clue scroll" and ensure the plugin is enabled before beginning your clues. Fairy Ring Access Donators | ::dz > Run south Non-donators | Nexus > Minigames > Puro Puro > Run southwest Anagram Clues Clue: A ZEN SHE NPC: Zenesha in Ardougne platebody shop Directions: Nexus > Cities > Ardougne > Run southwest to platebody shop Clue: HALT US NPC: Luthas in the Karamja banana plantation Directions: Nexus > Skilling > Karamja Docks > Rune southeast to Luthas's hut. Clue: ERR CURE IT NPC: Recruiter west of Ardougne Directions: Nexus > Cities > Ardougne > Run west, following the path around the castle to the West Ardougne Wall Door > Open the door and run west to find Recruiter. Clue: GOT A BOY NPC: Gabooty in center of Tai Bwo Wannai Directions: Nexus > Skilling > Tai Bwo Wannai Trees > Run southwest to Gabooty. Clue: A BASIC ANTI POT NPC: Captain Tobias on the Port Sarim docks Directions: Nexus > Cities > Port Sarim > Speak to Captain Tobias just east of you. Clue: I EVEN NPC: Nieve outside of the Stronhold Slayer Cave Directions: Nexus > Dungeons > Stronghold Slayer Cave > Speak to Nieve. Clue: LEAKEY NPC: Kaylee in the Falador bar Directions: Nexus > Cities > Falador > Run southwest to the bar and speak to Kaylee. Clue: UNLEASH NIGHT MIST NPC: Sigli the Huntsman at the entrance to Rellekka Directions: Nexus > Cities > Rellekka > Run southeast to Rellekka's entrance and speak to Sigli. Clue: THICKNO NPC: Hickton in the Catherby fletching shop Directions: Nexus > Cities > Camelot > Run southeast to the Catherby fletching shop and speak to Hickton. Clue: ARR! SO I AM A CRUST, AND? NPC: Ramara du Croissant in Piscatoris Fishing Colony Directions: Nexus > Skilling > Piscatoris Fishing > Speak to Ramara in the building to the southeast. Clue: MOTHERBOARD NPC: Brother Omad in the Ardougne Monastery Directions: Fairy ring D-J-P > Run west to the Ardougne Monastery and speak to Brother Omad. Clue: DRAGONS LAMENT NPC: Strange Old Man at Barrows Directions: Nexus > Minigames > Barrows > Run south and speak to the Strange Old Man. Clue: ME IF NPC: Femi at the entrance to the Tree Gnome Stronghold Directions: Nexus > Cities > Tree Gnome Stronghold > Run south until you reach the entrance and speak to Femi. Clue: RED ART TANS NPC: Trader Stan near the Port Sarim charter ship Directions: Nexus > Cities > Port Sarim > Run southeast to the southern most dock and speak to Trader Stan. Clue: PEATY PERT NPC: Party Pete in home bank Directions: ::home > Speak to Party Pete in the northwest corner of the bank Clue: CAREER IN MOON NPC: Oneiromancer at the astral altar Directions: Nexus > Cities > Lunar Isle > Run southeast until you cross the bridge > Run east to the astral altar and speak to Oneiromancer. Clue: EL OW NPC: Lowe in the Varrock archery store Directions: Nexus > Cities > Varrock > Run east to the archery store and speak to Lowe. Clue: R AK MI NPC: Karim in the Al Kharid kebab shop Directions: Nexus > Cities > Al Kharid > Leave the castle courtyard and run west to the kebab shop > Speak to Karim. Clue: A BAKER NPC: BARAEK in Varrock square Directions: Nexus > Cities > Varrock > Run northeast to the fur stall and speak to Baraek. Clue: A NPC: A Directions: Nexus > Clue: A NPC: A Directions: Nexus > Cryptic Clues Clue: Varrock is where I reside, not the land of the dead, but I am so old, I should be there instead. Let's hope your reward is as good as it says, just 1 gold one and you can have it read. Answer: Speak to Gypsy Aris in Varrock square. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Varrock > Run west to Gypsy Aris's tent Clue: Speak to Rusty north of Falador. Answer: Speak to Rusty near the mind altar. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Falador > Run north through the falador gates, take the northeast path up the stairs, then run northwest to find Rusty within the trees. (You must right click Rusty to talk to him). Clue: Speak to the Lady of the Lake. Answer: Speak to the Lady of the Lake in Taverley. Directions: Nexus > Dungeons > Taverley Dungeon > Climb the ladder > Run east/northeast, following the water to the peninsula where the Lade of the Lake resides. Clue: Look in the ground floor crates of houses in Falador. Answer: Search the crates in the house east of Falador east bank. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Falador > Run east and follow the path to the house east of the eastern bank. Search the crates closest to the door. Clue: Speak to the bartender of the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock. Answer: Speak to the bartender of the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Varrock > Run south to the Blue Moon Inn and speak to the bartender. Clue: A town with a different sort of night-life is your destination. Search for some crates in one of the houses. Answer: Search the crate inside the Canifis clothing shop. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Canifis > Run north to the clothing shop and search the eastern crate. Clue: Speak to Kangai Mau. Answer: Speak to Kangai Mau in the Shrimp & Parrot in Brimhaven. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Brimhaven > Run west to the building with the quest icon and speak to Kangai Mau. Clue: This village has a problem with cartloads of the undead. Try checking the bookcase to find an answer. Answer: Search the bookshelf in the house near the Shilo Village gem mine. Directions: Nexus > Skilling > Gem mine > Search the bookshelf in the building to the southeast. Clue: Speak to Jatix in Taverley. Answer: Speak to Jatix in the Taverley herblore shop. Directions: Nexus > Dungeons > Taverley Dungeon > Climb the ladder > Run northeast to the herblore shop and speak to Jatix. Clue: You were 3 and I was the 6th. Come speak to me. Answer: Speak to Vannaka. Directions: ::home > Run northeast to the slayer building and speak to Vannaka. Clue: Speak to Arhein in Catherby. Answer: Speak to Arhein outside of Catherby bank. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Camelot > Run southeast to the Catherby bank and speak to Arhein. Clue: Speak to Sarah at Falador farm. Answer: Speak to Sarah inside the building near Falador farm. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Port Sarim > Run north to the Falador farm house and speak to Sarah. Clue: Someone watching the fights in the Duel Arena is your next destination. Answer: Speak to Jeed in the center of the Duel Arena. Directions: Nexus > Minigames > Duel Arena > Climb the ramp to the east > Run to the center and speak to Jeed. Clue: Talk to a party-goer in Falador. Answer: Speak to Lucy in the Falador party room. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Falador > Run east to the party room and speak to Lucy. Clue: Speak to Ned in Draynor Village. Answer: Speak to Ned in Draynor Village. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Draynor Village > Speak to Ned in the building to the north. Clue: A crate in the tower of a church is your next location. Answer: Search the crate upstairs in Ardougne church. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Ardougne > Follow the path west to Ardougne church > Climb the ladder one time and search the southern crate. Clue: Dobson is my last name, and with gardening I seek fame. Answer: Speak to Horacio in the Handelmort Mansion in East Ardougne. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Ardougne > Run west to the mansion and speak to Horacio. Clue: Snah? I feel all confused, like one of those cakes... Answer: Speak to Hans in the Lumbridge castle courtyard. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Lumbridge > Speak to Hans Clue: Speak to Ulizius. Answer: Speak to Ulizius at the Canifis mushroom patch. Directions: Fairy ring C-K-S > Speak to Ulizius. Clue: Speak to Donovan, the Family Handyman. Answer: Speak to Donovan at the entrance to the Sinclair Mansion. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Camelot > Run west, then take the path north to the Sinclair Mansion > Speak to Donovan outside the doors to the mansion. Clue: If a man carried my burden, he would break his back. I am not rich, but leave silver in my track. Speak to the keeper of my trail. Answer: Speak to Gerrant in the Port Sarim fishing shop. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Port Sarim > Enter the fishing shop to the northwest and speak to Gerrant. Clue: 'See you in your dreams' said the vegetable man. Answer: Speak to Dominic Onion at the Nightmare Zone. Directions: Nexus > Minigames > Nightmare Zone > Speak to Dominic Onion. Clue: Talk to the barber in the Falador barber shop. Answer: Speak to the hairdress in the Falador barber shop. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Falador > Run west to the barber shop and speak to the hairdresser. Clue: A Answer: A Directions: Nexus > Clue: A Answer: A Directions: Nexus > Clue: Come to the evil ledge, Yew know yew want to. Try not to get stung. Answer: Dig along the wall south of the Duel Arena at ::home (where the yew trees should be in OSRS). Directions: ::home > Run south behind the Duel Arena > Dig on the tile aligned with the second bed from the east. Clue: Aggie I see, Lonely and southern I feel I am neither inside nor outside the house yet no house would be complete without me. The treasure lies beneath me! Answer: Dig beneath the window to Aggie the Witch's house that faces Draynor Market. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Draynor Village > Run west to the Draynor Market > Dig on the tile between the bench and Aggie the Witch's window. Clue: I lie lonely and forgotten in mid wilderness, where the dead rise from their beds. Feel free to quarrel and wind me up and dig while you shoot their heads. Answer: Dig on the crossbow spawn in the Forgotten Cemetery. Directions: Nexus > Wilderness > East Dragons > Run southeast to the Forgotten Cemetery (level 16 wilderness) and dig where the crossbow spawns. Clue: Dig near some giant mushrooms behind the Grand Tree. Answer: Dig west of the giant mushroom behind the Grand Tree. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Tree Gnome Stronghold > Run northwest to the mushrooms. Clue: The beasts retreat, for their Queen is gone; the song of this town still plays on. Dig near the birthplace of a blade, be careful not to melt your spade. Answer: Dig one square south of the small furnace in the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. Directions: Nexus > Skilling > Piscatoris Fishing > Run southeast to the building with the furnace > Dig just south of the small furnace. Clue: Dig where the forces of Zamorak and Saradomin collide. Answer: Dig next to the law rift in the Abyss. Directions: ::home > Run northeast to the river > Cross the wilderness ditch and follow the river north to the Mage of Zamorak (level 5 wilderness) > Right click the mage to teleport into the abyss > Make your way to the inner circle of the abyss > Dig next to the law rift. Warning: You will be skulled and your prayer drained upon teleporting to the abyss. To reach the inner circle, a pickaxe or hatchet is recommended. Food is recommended for low level players. Clue: T Answer: D Directions: Nexus > Clue: T Answer: D Directions: Nexus > Map Clues Directions: Nexus > Cities > Port Sarim > Run west to the chemist's house in Rimmington. Directions: Fairy ring A-L-S > Run east and squeeze through gate > Run west then south, following the gate to the church. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Falador > Run north to the Saradomin statue at the crossroads. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Camelot > Run northwest, following the path across the 1st bridge, but before the 2nd bridge. Directions: Fairy ring D-I-S > Dig north of the closest fern to the fairy ring behind Wizards' Tower. Directions: Fairy ring D-J-P > Dig 3 squares north of the small crate Directions: Nexus > Cities > Falador > Run north out of the gate > Run east to the fenced in stones > Dig between the tree and the split stone. Directions: Nexus > Minigames > Castle Wars > Run east out the doors > Follow the path north across both bridges > Run northeast until you reach the goblin camp on the hill > Search the crate in the western building. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Ardougne > Run west, following the path around the castle to the West Ardougne Wall Door > Open the door > Run west, past the cemetery, until you reach the ruined house building with no walls > Dig in the northwestern corner of the building. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Draynor Village > Run southwest to the will trees and dig just north of the cluster of boulders Directions: Fairy ring A-L-P > Follow the trail southeast until you get to the broken bridge > Follow the southwestern trail and dig where the trail ends. Directions: Nexus > Cities > Yanille > Run southwest behind the building with the anvils > Dig one square south of the window that faces the tree. Directions: Nexus > Wilderness > West Dragons > Run east to the Dark Warriors' Fortess (level 14 wilderness) > Make your way to the center of the fortress and search the crate. Warning: The knights are aggressive, so protect from melee/food is recommended. Directions: Nexus > Wilderness > Ice Plateau > Run east until you reach the 3 lava vents (level 50 wilderness) > Dig in the center of the three lava vents Warning: This is in deep wilderness, so beware of PKers. Food, prayer pots, and energy pots are recommended, as well as a sharp weapon to slash the webs to enter the mage bank.
  5. How to Use Zahur for Herbs/Potions Zahur can be found in Nardah, at the southeast corner of the desert. To get there, you have two options: [Short] Teleport to fairy ring D-L-Q and run south. [Long] Teleport to Desert Hunter (skills section of portal nexus) and run south. Once you make your way to Nardah, find Zahur in the herblore shop. Right click on her to clean your noted herbs or make unfinished potions. Zahur will clean grimy herbs for 200gp each. She will also turn clean herbs + vials of water/blood into their respective unfinished potions for 200gp each. Note: Neither of these actions will give any xp. Zahur.mp4 Making unfinished potions through Zahur is a faster way to get 99 herblore, as it eliminates the time consuming processing of making unfinished potions. If you're looking to maximize the amount of xp you get from each herb, you should clean your herbs manually, then use Zahur to turn those clean herbs into unfinished potions.
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  6. Is it possible to share the chance of landing on common vs rare drop table?
  7. For the most part, I don't really care either way regarding ironman xp rate. My only concern is the impact it may have on the hi-scores, as new ironman are put at a disadvantage compared to those who are able to grind hundreds of millions of xp before rates get lowered.
  8. REQUIRED SECTION OF THE SURVEY IGN: - Johnny Test Reward wanted: - Drawing for 500 bonds Did any of the following influence your decision to download BoomScape: RuneLite Plugin Yes Mobile App No Ironman Mode No Raids Yes Bosses & Pets Yes Complete Player Owned Homes Yes Regular Updates Yes Flowers & Staking Yes Wintertodt Yes Number of Players Online Yes What was most important to you: - PvM - Skilling and Grinding Does the low xp rate (20x & 40X) appeal to you: - Yes Do you like Mystery Boxes - Yes OPTIONAL SECTION OF SURVEY How you found us (on list, or clicked ad?) - Runelocus Reason you joined not listed above - Smaller player base (better sense of community). - Not focused on custom items/content Any other helpful information to be part of the growth in BoomScape
  9. Hi there everyone! You may or may not have seen me around the server, but I'm Johnny Test. You'll mostly find me PVMing and making money. I started playing Runescape ~15 years ago, started playing private servers in the days of Silab/Mopar, and I'm still pretty obsessed to this day. I've played hundreds of private servers over the years, and I'm loving this one so far! IRL, I like video games, board games, listening to music, and baking, to name a few things. Feel free to chat me up in game! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better ?