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BoomScape Updates - Stackable Mystery Boxes, New Donator Rank & More!
Rick Sanchez replied to
James's topic in Game Updates
Great work James -
Additions Ents in the Woodcutting Guild Dungeon – You can now access the Ents located within the Woodcutting Guild dungeon. Bird's Nest Notification – When receiving a bird’s nest while chopping a tree, a red text message will now appear along with a sound cue when it falls from the tree. Stackable Mystery Boxes – Mystery Boxes are now stackable, meaning 28 Ultimate Mystery Boxes will only take up one inventory slot instead of 28. Uninterrupted Mystery Box Opening – When opening a Super, Ultimate, Twisted, or Infernal Mystery Box, the interface will no longer close if you are attacked while the loot is spinning. If the interface does close for any reason, you will still receive your rewards. Crystal Armour Reversion – You can now revert Coloured Crystal Armour pieces back into Crystal Armour Seeds. Disable Mystery Box Announcements – You now have the option to disable loot announcements from Mystery Boxes. New Donator Rank: Eternal Rank – A new Eternal Donator Rank has been introduced! The Donator Benefits page has been updated with more details on what this rank includes. Essence Mine Exit Portals – When teleporting to the Essence Mine, you can now use the exit portals to return to your original location. Bug Fixes Fixed Sound Looping Issues – Resolved an issue where certain sounds would loop indefinitely. Lumber-Up Special Fix – Eligible Felling Axes now correctly activate the Lumber-Up special. Halberd Attack Speed Correction – Adjusted the Halberd attack speed at Gauntlet from 7 ticks to 4 ticks. Dragonfire Bug Fix – Unenchanted Dragon Bolts will no longer incorrectly inflict a dragonfire hit. Looting Bag Protection Fix – If you die with 3 items, and one of them is a Looting Bag, you will no longer protect the bag or its contents.
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The Zenyte zone is pretty weak though.
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Whisperer Adjustments Whisperer is now guaranteed to be frozen after her Special Attacks. Attack speed has been adjusted from 10 ticks to 14 ticks. Two pillars now have 40 HP. New Additions You can now craft all types of pizzas! Updated the description of the Kharyll Portal Achievement Diary task. Blood Essence now functions—when activated, it has 1,000 charges and provides a 50% chance per essence to generate an extra Blood Rune. The Brimstone Ring now has a 25% chance to reduce your opponent's Magic Defence by 10%. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where mining paydirt messages weren't being filtered properly. Donator Benefits for Infernal & Twisted will now correctly apply to the Inferno & Fight caves. Resolved a bug at Blast Furnace where having over 255 bars ready to collect and smelting more reset the count to 0. Fixed a bug where Dragon Bolts could be fired from any crossbow. Corrected an issue where all crossbows could fire Bone Bolts & Bolt Racks. Fixed the Dorgeshuun Crossbow not using the correct ammo type. Resolved an issue where certain altars did not spare bones correctly via the donator benefit. Fixed an issue with the Northern Farming Patches at Falador & Catherby, where tree patches caused them to appear unraked. Resolved a farming bug where patches that appeared unraked still had crops growing inside them.
malfoy changed their profile photo
VictorErulp started following BoomScape Updates - Experience locking & other fixes!
BoomScape Updates - Experience locking & other fixes!
VictorErulp replied to
James's topic in Game Updates
Наша компания выполняет [url=]ремонт холодильников в Иркутске на дому[/url]. Мы отремонтируем ваш холодильников за адекватную цену и время. Обращайтесь в нашу фирму по ремонту холодильников. -
ZapStan_Rhype started following Donator Zone Features
Металлообрабатывающие станки представляют собой сложные механизмы, предназначенные для обработки металлических заготовок с целью получения деталей, отвечающих строгим требованиям по геометрии и качеству поверхности. Основными запчастями для станков являются детали, каждая из которых выполняет уникальную функцию и в совокупности обеспечивает высокую производительность и точность работы оборудования. Станина — это ключевой элемент, обеспечивающий жесткость и устойчивость всего механизма. Она изготавливается из высококачественного чугуна или стали для минимизации вибраций и деформаций. Конструкция станин должна обеспечивать оптимальное распределение нагрузки и сопротивление внешним факторам, таким как температурные колебания. Направляющие, которые обеспечивают перемещение рабочих органов, бывают различных типов — линейные, радиальные и круговые. Линейные направляющие изготавливаются из высоколегированных сталей и обрабатываются с высокой точностью, что позволяет снизить трение и обеспечить плавность движения. Выбор направляющих зависит от специфики выполняемых операций и требуемой точности. Немаловажные узлы металлообрабатывающих станков , такие как шпиндели, резцы и фрезы, определяют производительность и качество обработки. Шпиндель, как правило, представляет собой вращающуюся ось, к которой крепятся инструменты. Он должен обладать высокой жесткостью и стабильными оборотами. Резцы и фрезы изготавливаются из различных материалов, включая быстрорежущие стали и твердосплавные материалы. Выбор материала зависит от обрабатываемого металла и требуемой скорости резания. Современные металлообрабатывающие станки оснащены системами управления и электроприводами, что позволяет автоматизировать процессы и значительно повысить производительность. Числовое программное управление (ЧПУ) позволяет задавать сложные траектории движения и параметры обработки, что требует наличия высокоточных датчиков и исполнительных механизмов для обеспечения обратной связи. Системы охлаждения и смазки играют важную роль в работе станков, предотвращая перегрев инструмента и заготовки. Охлаждающие жидкости подаются на зону резания, что позволяет эффективно удалять тепло и стружку, а также уменьшать трение. Системы крепления заготовок обеспечивают надежную фиксацию деталей во время обработки. Они могут быть различных типов, включая кулачковые и магнитные системы, выбор которых зависит от геометрии заготовки и типа обработки. Современные технологии, такие как аддитивные технологии и 3D-печать, открывают новые горизонты для создания сложных конструкций, ранее невозможных для традиционных методов обработки. Это позволяет существенно сократить время на производство прототипов и снизить количество отходов. Важным аспектом является разработка новых сплавов и композитов, обладающих улучшенными механическими свойствами. Это повышает долговечность инструментов и улучшает характеристики обрабатываемых деталей, что особенно актуально в высокотехнологичных отраслях. Также необходимо учитывать вопросы экологии и устойчивого производства. Современные предприятия стремятся минимизировать негативное влияние на окружающую среду, внедряя системы рекуперации и утилизации отходов. Таким образом, детали для металлообрабатывающих станков представляют собой сложные компоненты, каждая из которых играет важную роль в процессе обработки. Интеграция новых технологий, таких как искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение, может значительно оптимизировать процессы обработки и повысить эффективность производства. Эти тенденции открывают новые горизонты для исследования и внедрения инновационных решений, способных изменить подход к металлообработке и обеспечить долгосрочную конкурентоспособность компаний в этой области. Запчасти для шлифовальных станков по металлу Детали для токарных станков по металлу, Детали для токарно-винторезных металлообрабатывающих станков Запчасти для токарно-винторезных станков по металлу, Детали для сверлильных станков по металлу 7a1a35f
SergoxilK started following Boom-Scape Starter Tour Guide
Great work, good to see server remains stable
Great job.
The Whisperer Fixes Resolved an issue where clicking to move while loading into The Whisperer at certain stages could prevent it from spawning. Fixed an incorrect broadcast message that mistakenly labeled loot as being from The Mimic instead of The Whisperer. Addressed a bug where The Whisperer would become unresponsive and not attack back until its next special attack. Melee attacks are no longer fully negated by using the Protect from Melee prayer. Tentacles now properly despawn as intended. Additions Added a missing shortcut along a Herbiboar path. Herbiboar now grants Herblore experience when looted. Shooting Star perk "Twinkle Star" has been added, which gives the ability to mine double the Stardust when mining a Shooting Star Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where new rank titles wouldn't display correctly in yell chat and on the character screen. Resolved a bug that prevented the Barrows Chest from being lootable. Fixed a pathing issue causing certain tiles within Chambers of Xeric (COX) to become unwalkable. Southern District Teleport has been temporarily disabled due to a client crash issue.
This update introduces The Whisperer boss from Desert Treasure II, alongside an event with various rewards for first-time kills and records. New donator ranks (Infernal and Twisted) have been added with exclusive perks. Additionally, we’ve implemented Herbiboar, Blast Furnace, Master Scroll Book functionality, and various quality-of-life improvements, including updates to the Herb Sack, Harmony Island farming patches, and Mining Gloves. Finally, several bug fixes have been applied, improving gameplay mechanics and stability. The Whisperer - Desert Treasure II Boss: The Whisperer has arrived! Access it via the Nexus Teleport System at home. Pick up a Blackstone Fragment and enter by running into the arena. Event Details: (Submit in the "Submissions" channel under the "Events" tab in Discord) First Pet: 500 Bonds – First player to receive the Whisp pet. Fastest Kill: 250 Bonds – Submit your fastest kill time. Fastest Awakened Kill: 250 Bonds – Submit your fastest awakened kill time. First 100 Kills: 100 Bonds – Post a screenshot of 100 kills. First 100 Awakened Kills: 100 Bonds – Post a screenshot of 100 awakened kills. Report any issues with The Whisperer in the BoomScape Discord (Bugs channel). New Donator Ranks: Infernal Donator ($10,000) – Benefits include: Infernal Mystery Box monthly (includes only Super Rare, Mega Rare, and Ultimate loot). Boss Task Limit increased to 60. Dark Essence Blocks replace Dense Essence Blocks when mining. Sacrifice Perks discounted by 25%. Birdhouse Runs complete in 30 minutes instead of 50. Twisted Donator ($5,000) – Benefits include: Twisted Mystery Box (excludes Common loot). Access to ::empty command. Free Zahur services. Boss Task Limit increased to 45. Sacrifice Perks discounted by 10%. Birdhouse Runs complete in 40 minutes instead of 50. Full benefits list: Donator Benefits. We are also open to expanding the perks further, please do let us know what you'd like to see added to these ranks! New Features & Content: Herbiboar: Requires 80 Hunter. Dynamic paths make each route unique! Blast Furnace: Access via Nexus Teleporter. Dwarfs automatically run equipment. Requires coins in the coffer for access. Ice Gloves or water bucket can be used for instant bar collection. Master Scroll Book: Obtain from Clue Scroll Caskets or other players. Stores up to 1,000 of each Teleport Scroll. Favorite teleport scrolls for quick access. Herb Sack Improvements: Now openable & closable. Auto-fills when harvesting Herbiboar (if open). Chat messages improved (no longer shows herbs not in the sack). Other Additions & Adjustments: Allotment & Herb Patches added to Harmony Island. Mining Gloves & Expert Mining Gloves guarantee 1-3 extra resources. Potatoes can now be cooked into Egg Potato, Mushroom Potato, etc. Duke Sucellus unique drop rates buffed. Bug Fixes: NMZ Overloads now correctly increment HP and restore stats when expiring. TOB Party System no longer locks players until a server restart. Hunllef Combat System memory leak fixed. NPC Dialogue typo corrected. Flower Poker Fix – Prevents nulling by clicking objects/NPCs. Pyromancer Set now correctly includes Warm Gloves. Elven & Celestial Signet now apply the 10% no-charge effect correctly. Celestial Signet & Ring now consume charges correctly, with a 10% chance of extra resources up to adamantite. Spiritual Fairy Tree (Donator Zone) now functions properly. Zahur Diary Benefit Fix – Correctly halves prices. Blighted Manta Rays no longer consumable outside Wilderness. Lizardmen & Aviansie Tasks now count properly. Altar Bone Saving Fix – Adjusted mechanics for donators.
atomic changed their profile photo
Phillippobre started following BoomScape Updates [07/06/22]
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Jerrygibia started following BoomScape Updates - Duke Succules Improvements Part 2 and More!
JasonSmeag started following BoomScape Updates [07/06/22]
This comprehensive guide provides new players with essential information about Boom-Scape's functionality and features, enabling a great start with basic information. Things to note Make sure read server rules as it is crucial to avoid potential issues. Join the cc "James" this is a help channel where you can request assistance from our community or engage in casual conversation. Join our discord by using ::discord, this is our official discord channel. Helpful topics Starter Money Makers you can have knowledge how to make quick gp. Donator Benefits variety of listed benefits. Donator Zone Features an Island offering premium features for enhanced user experience. Useful Commands in game ::claim for claiming votes ::donated for donations ::dz Donator Zone ::skill Skilling Area ::gz Gambling Zone ::discord to open our Discord channel ::event teleports you to a running event when available To start of our home banking system facilitates deposits, storage, and withdrawals, provides access to preset, note, and un-note items, and enables GP-to-platinum token conversion. A configurable Bank PIN adds an additional security layer. Grand exchange is a trading system for you to purchase and sell tradeable items from other players in our community . Currently a 1% tax on all Grand Exchange sales. Brana provides access to the loyalty shop, where you redeem Boom-Scape loyalty points earned through gameplay/staying logged in. Party Pete is the Vote Shop offers a range of in-game items, including boost scrolls and fighter torsos. Vote tokens can also be purchased and subsequently sold to other players for gp. Wise old man is the Bond shop where you can buy many items such as UMB, infernal cape etc. When you purchase an item in the bond shop your donator rank will increase, 100 Bonds spent is $10. The Nexus portal, located outside the bank, offers teleportation to multiple locations, with an option to save frequently used locations as favorites. Iron man tutor You can remove your iron man status and manage iron man group. Gielinor Guide It gives you a basic home tour. Closed chest you can use your crystal keys to open this chest. Elven crystal chest you can use your enhanced crystal keys here for a better loot than the regular chest, keys can be enhanced by using 9 crystal shards per key in Prifddinas. Mimic chest where you can fight the mimic boss, make sure to turn it on. Armour stand beside it, you can repair broken items like rune defenders etc. The combat dummy is where you can test your weapons and armor, also displays your max-hit, but no experience will be granted for hitting it. Any ammunition fired at it will always be lost. Rejuvenation pool heals your hitpoints and poison, restores prayer and special attack. Altar of the occult allows you swap your spell book. Altar you can use it to offer bones for prayer xp. Slayer Masters nearby the thieving stalls, North-East of home bank. This is where you are assigned a task and can trade for slayer supplies and rewards. Thieving stalls are here, North-East of home bank, one of the best starter money makers more information on other thread. Sewers take you down to varrock sewers where there are rats available. Fairy ring allows you to travel using three letter codes, they can teleport to most rings within the system. You can find it near home bank by running north east to cross the river using bridge then head south. Watson is where you can skip your clue scrolls, or upgrade to master, Donators get free daily skips. Located North of home bank. Bill gates allows you to enter the lottery by purchasing tickets costing 1m gp. Located outside of home bank. Jimmy Dazzler provides a variety of cosmetic items for your fashionscape. located outside the shops area at home. Shops Alice has farming items such as rake and spades etc, useful to train farming. Shop assistant this is the general store you can find your basic tools required, also you can sell your unwanted/alchables here rather than placing it in the ge. Fish monger has variety of food and potions that you can use for PvM and PvP. Woodsman tutor you can purchase axes for woodcutting and a few logs are available for purchasing. Lyting this is the Magic shop providing you with all the basic weapons and armours used to start your magic training, Including runes. Ajjat this is the Melee shop providing you with all the basic weapons and armours used to start your melee training, Barrows gloves are available here. Hamund this is the Ranged shop providing you with all the basic weapons and armours used to start your Ranged training, Ammunition like arrows/bolts are available here. Fisherman this shop provides you with fishing tools and baits. Gadrin this shop provides your mining tools along with some ores for purchasing. Mage of Zamorak, this shop offers a diverse selection of runecrafting talismans. Kaqemeex the Herblore emporium, it has variety of ingredients to complete making your potions for Herblore. Master Crafter this shop has your crafting tools and supplies, you can also gems over here like Diamonds a good money maker. Hickton this shop provides you with Fletching supplies, it also includes Bow string for purchase. Hunting Expert this shop provides you with Hunter supplies such as, Box trap and Bird snare. Sawmill Operator this shop provides you with supplies for construction and you can trade in logs and buy the planks. Makeover Mage this npc allows you to customize your character, you need to remove all worn equipment to begin. Wise Old Man this is the same Bond shop as home, where you use bonds to purchase items which increases your rank, 100 bonds is $10. Mac you can purchase skill capes and hoods including max cape and hood. Bob Barter (herbs) this npc allows you to decant your potions. Morana you can access the Sacrifice system where you sacrifice items for points that you can use to unlock perks and purchase items included. Free for all portal also known as white portal, you can fight other players safely without losing items. The leader-board displays the top players for Voting, Edge and Deep Wild PvP for the current month. Well of Goodwill you can donate gp to activate boosts that lasts for 1 hour. Boosted experience . Double slayer points. Double pest points. Double drops. Barlak is where you can turn in special bones and shells to obtain coins,construction or crafting experience, located near the POH portal nearby home bank. This is the POH portal that takes you to your own house for construction. The Estate agent beside it you can relocate,redecorate and destroy your house. The AFK zone you can leave your account open while it gives you experience and AFK tokens, located South-West of home bank. AFK Wintertodt gives woodcutting,firemaking and construction experience. AFK Herbiboar gives hunter and herblore experience. AFK Zalcano gives mining and smithing runecrafting. You can spend your AFK tokens by talking to Logosia beside the zone. Skilling Area Skilling area which can be accessed by using ::skill There is a cooking range. ores outside for mining such as mithril,adamantite,runite etc. Bunch of Trees like oak,yew,magic for woodcutting, also nearby is redwood. Furnace,anvil and a bank chest all in close proximity, located just North-West once you teleport to ::skill Banks placed nearby for convenience. Abbot Langley He can attach a sigil to a blessed spirit shield as well as remove sigils from them, usually done to the arcane spirit shield in order to use the sigil to fortify Elidinis' ward. Fishing area for you to start fishing,Shrimp,trout,lobster,monkfish and karambwan etc. Nulodion he sells the cannon and equipment along with ammo mould for making the cannonballs also any lost cannon can be retrieved here. Located South-West of home bank, near skilling area and South of Ice mountain. The Wilderness/PK Please be careful when entering, your items will be lost upon death. Emblem trader the PK points shop you can purchase items using your PKP, also has an option to skull. Skully is for Wilderness Loot keys to get loot keys enabled and functioning though he will charge you 10m to enable this as a one time fee also keeps track of the amount of chests you have claimed, the loot claimed and destroyed. Perdu for locking items with trouver parchment and to fix certain broken items. The wilderness ditch is where all the pking action takes place. LEVERS There are 2 levers at home that takes you to deep wilderness. One lever South of home bank, beside PvP tournament. One Lever North of home bank, near Rejuvenation pool. PVP SUPPLY CHEST This chest spawns in wilderness in specific locations, spawns approximately every 3 hours 15 mins and it unlocks in 10 minutes after it spawns. Requirements are 100 combat level and less than 13 saradomin brews in Inventory. Deadman chest, you can use your bank keys here to obtain loot. Located inside home bank. This is the PvP tournament, where you fight in a randomized style every 4 hours and earn rewards. Located outside of home bank, It is safe and your items are automatically removed upon entering. Shooting Star A shooting star will fall at a random spot selected from a predetermined list roughly every 4 hours. Stardust is obtained by mining the crashed star. Stardust is used at Dusuri in Falador South-West of Party room. Extra useful information Npc drop table are located in bestiary, access it using quest tab/Character summary and head over to the orange star tab. Items are not lost upon death except in the wilderness. Run energy is unlimited except in the wilderness.
NEW DONATOR ZONE GUIDE In this guide I will go through all the new updates and features it has to offer and details that can be useful, the donator zone is a member only location to be able to enter the dz you need to be a minimum of $10. Basic benefits There is a 15% invisible xp boost. (including the dungeons) Banks placed around for faster accessibility. Donator shop for premium supplies. There are now 4 separate sections Emerald plus zone $10 ::dz1 Dragonstone zone $250 ::dz2 Onyx zone $1000 ::dz3 Zenyte zone $2500 ::dz4 You need to hit the required $rank to be able to access in the specific zones, new donator zone standard base teleport there by using ::dz The donator zone now has its very own Banker+Grand exchange. You can access the Wise Old Man which is the bond shop, Voting/PvP Leaderboards and the altar. Both crystal chests are present including mimic and as well as the Deadman chest, followed by Zahur a herblore npc who can decant your potions and make unfinished potions etc. Donator zone now has its very own Nexus Portal followed by Party Pete which is the Vote shop. And over here you can heal using the Rejuvenation pool and also swap spell books using the altar. The Donator shop is accessible by talking to Jiminua, it has various supplies that can be used for PvM or PvP. The Thieving stalls which are one of the best starter money making method in BoomScape the stalls are much better than the regular one at home as the highest value stall is next to the baker, maple trees nearby. Ores,furnace and anvil for mining & smithing accelerating skill progression due to their proximity, willow trees nearby. Magic and yew trees for woodcutting and a spiritual fairy ring transport that can be useful shortcut to certain locations. Dedicated fishing area that allows you to catch anglers etc, and an on-site fire place for you to cook the raw food. Emerald plus zone Combat training utilizing sand crabs. Designated hunter area that includes red chinchompas, red salamanders and tropical wigtails. Conveniently located runecraft Ourania altar near a bank. Mining area that you can obtain gems such as sapphire, ruby etc. Dragonstone zone Amethyst mining which provides efficient experience for rapid mining level advancement, and they can also be crafted into amethyst arrows for use in challenging boss encounters. Numerous trees are available such as magic, maple and willow for your woodcutting training. Runecraft at dz remains an excellent method for Runecraft training, further enhanced by the death altar and a convenient nearby bank chest for improved efficiency. Onyx zone Farming area that has allotment, flower herb and tree patch + a compost bin, also a seed vault nearby and a tool leprechaun, the farms also cannot be diseased and are protected by default. Custom agility rooftop course with boosted xp rates. (196xp per course) Mining and wood cutting with magic trees and once again the amethyst being a superior xp training for mining. Hunter area outperforming previous zone with black chinchompas and black salamanders. Blood altar for Runecraft making it surpass last zones efficiency, also near to a bank chest for convenience. Instance portal to create your own instance with custom settings. Dungeon The dungeon contains various slayer monsters and also a bank deposit box every sector for convenience. Nose pegs and witchwood icons are not required in this dungeon. Dark beasts (level-182) Fire giants (level-86) Hellhounds (level -122) Ankous (level-98) Cave horrors (level-80) Aberrant spectres (level-96) Zenyte zone Train agility on custom zenyte zone rooftop course. (430xp per course) The mining area contains a substantial quantity of runite ore, conveniently located near a bank chest. Wrath altar for optimal efficiency with a bank chest in reaching distance. Premium woodcutting zone with various trees such as magic,yew,maple etc and also an allotment for farming included disease free. Dungeon The dungeon contains various bosses and monsters and also a bank deposit box in every sector for convenience. Kalphite queen (level-333) King black dragon (level-276) Thermonuclear smoke devil (level-301) Dust devils (level-110) Abyssal demons (level-124) Nechryaels (level-115)
Hello, Please do send me a message on the forums and I can try and fix the issue for the Chromebooks, but will need your input as I don't have one myself.
New Additions Gauntlet Changes The Gauntlet Killcount now correctly displays in the Collection Log. Players will no longer receive multiple Gauntlet Capes if they already possess one. Improvements have been made to Hunllef's handling mechanics. Resolved an issue where players could become stuck in the entry door to avoid tile attacks. Room Customization Limited rooms like the Costume Room, Portal Nexus, and Menagerie can now be freely moved. Miscellaneous Otto now repairs broken Dragon Hastas free of charge. Prayers are now entirely disabled in certain tournament formats. Bug Fixes Christmas Crackers can now be used on other players. Slayer Masters now correctly enforce combat requirements. The Regen Bracelet now restores 2 HP as intended. Damage no longer resets the depleted timer, and the HP regeneration rate has been adjusted from 50 ticks to 100 ticks. Fixed an issue with Gauntlet barriers that could cause players to become stuck and avoid floor attacks. Various backend issues have been resolved. Mobile Changes Haptic Feedback Added haptic feedback for the following actions: Opening menus (e.g., long-pressing on the floor to bring up interaction options). Interacting with objects and NPCs. Mouse Hovering Previously the "mouse" would hover over things such as when you went to pray, leaving interfaces such as this one with information boxes, or indented buttons, this has now been fixed Email Autocomplete When signing in you can now autocomplete your email with the suggestions from your keyboard. UI Improvement The "x" button functionality on mobile has been restored.
- 1 reply
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You have to spend bonds for them to count towards your rank.
BoomScape Updates - Corrupted Gauntlet, Donator Zone adjustments & more!
fe zolar replied to
James's topic in Game Updates
Another great update - credit to James and the team always speedy- 1 reply
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can you do a muspah preset please and thank you
The Gauntlet Adjustments Corrupted Gauntlet has arrived! Event Details: Submit proof in our Discord Event Submissions channel or message me directly on the BoomScape forums: 1st Player to complete 100 Corrupted Gauntlet runs: 500 Bonds 1st Player to receive an Enhanced Crystal Seed: 500 Bonds Pet Event: Includes runs from both Corrupted and Crystal Gauntlet: First Youngllef Pet: 500 Bonds Second Youngllef Pet: 250 Bonds Third Youngllef Pet: 100 Bonds Gameplay Adjustments: Your stats will now restore upon entering The Gauntlet. On death, you’ll teleport back to the Gauntlet lobby. Hunllef’s HP reduced to 600 (from 1,000). No longer required to clear your inventory before entry; your inventory will restore upon defeat or victory. Note: You still need to clear your equipment. Added a Gauntlet Teleport to the Nexus Teleport at home. Requires stats to access Prifddinas. Hunllef now always starts with a ranged attack. Preset Options You can now access the "Preset Options" button from your equipment tab while standing next to a bank. Tournament Timer View the remaining time for the next Tournament in the Quest Tab. Click on the timer to see the upcoming tournament style. Donator Zone Adjustments Teleport Updates: Access Donator Islands through the Portal Nexus at home under the new "Donator Zones" category. Direct teleport commands: Emerald: ::emerald / ::dz1 Dragonstone: ::dragonstone / ::dstone / ::dz2 Onyx: ::onyx / ::dz3 Zenyte: ::zenyte / ::dz4 New Features: The Altar and Fishing Spots are now accessible. Fairy Ring & Spirit Tree added to the main island. Thieving Stalls added for skilling. Multiple Bank Chests added to improve skilling efficiency. Tool Leprechauns placed near Farming Patches. Seed Vault added beside the main allotments in the Onyx zone. NPC Spawns added, including: Donator Island Shop Party Pete Wise Old Man Bug Fixes Fixed access to Dragonstone Island for Dragonstone donators.