BoomScape Updates [07/08/2021]


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Latest BoomScape Update

Finally finished Barrows collection log: 2007scape


Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue with VLS Specs damage
- Fixed an issue happening when doing Skillcape Emotes
- Fixed an issue happening with Ava's

New Additions to BoomScape

- Collection log now fully functions correctly fixing the following
Killcounts now display in Collection Log
KC for Revs & Gloughs Experiments now has a listner
Xeric Rewards now contribute to the log
Clue Scroll Rewards now contribute to the log
Barrows Rewards now contribute to the log
Shop Items now contribute to the log
Pets now contribute to the log
Wintertodt rewards now contribute to the log
Unsired loot now contribute to the log
Eternal Glory now contribute to the log
Pest Control now contribute to the log
Elite Void now contribute to the log
- Skull Sceptre can now be combined
- You can now Gift Ultimate & Cosmetic Mystery Boxes
- Allowed PvP Armours to be worn & tested in POH
- COX Unqiue Loot is now broadcasted in-game
- New Ultimate Mystery Box has been added to the Store
- Crystal Crowns can now be combined with the different Crystals

Cache Changes
- Ultimate Mystery Box model added
- Few various fixed to the cache structure

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