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Discord Notifications We've introduced a new Discord notification system! You can now customize the notifications you receive by selecting your preferred roles under the "Notification Roles" channel in the BoomScape Discord Server. This ensures you only receive updates relevant to your interests. The following notification roles are now available for subscription: Bossing: Tombs of Amascut, Theatre of Blood, Chambers of Xeric, Nightmare, Nex Events & Boosts: Boosted Exp, Double Drops, Boosted Pet Rates, Boosted Slayer, Pest Control, PvP Supply Chest, PvP Leaderboards, Tournaments, Lottery, Shooting Stars, Staff-Held Events, Monthly Vote Rewards Content Creators: YouTube Notifications Additionally, we've added a new Discord channel that automatically displays and updates the list of active staff members along with their roles. Supply Chest Restrictions Players can no longer attack NPCs or be attacked once they have looted the Supply Chest. Entering Ferox Enclave is now restricted after looting the Supply Chest. Ferox Enclave Adjustments Players can no longer enter Ferox Enclave under the following conditions: If they have an active Teleblock cast on them. Standing on the surrounding edges of Ferox Enclave will no longer register as being "outside" of the Wilderness. New Additions The Amulet of Bounty is now fully functional. When equipped, it grants a 25% chance to consume only one seed when planting in an allotment patch. Supercompost can now be made by using compost potions on regular compost. If Break Vials is toggled on, you will now receive a filtered message when a vial is destroyed. When draining Corporeal Beast’s stats, magic drains will now correctly scale with hit damage, completely negating attacks when reduced. The Draynor Rooftop Agility Course now requires only Level 1 Agility. After fighting the Mimic, players will be returned to their previous entry location. Jewellery Enchantment spells will now: Automatically enchant the next identical item in your inventory after the first spell is cast. Convert the first jewellery item in your inventory rather than requiring a manual selection. Adjusted the login notification message. Mammoth spawn locations around Ferox Enclave have been corrected. Bug Fixes The Dodgy Necklace can now correctly display the remaining charges while equipped. Fixed an issue where Bush patches were growing too quickly. Fixed an issue where regrowing patches wouldn’t trigger their final regrow state, allowing indefinite farming. Volcanic Ash Piles now have a 1/4 chance of depleting. When creating potions, only the necessary amount of stackable ingredients will be used, rather than consuming the entire stack. Planting a Curry Tree will now correctly display as a Curry Tree instead of an Apple Tree. Fixed a no-clip issue at the Myths' Guild stairs. Ensouled Minotaur Heads can now correctly be re-animated. Voidwaker's Special Attack now correctly applies invisible bonuses, including Elite Void Melee bonuses.
Additions Ents in the Woodcutting Guild Dungeon – You can now access the Ents located within the Woodcutting Guild dungeon. Bird's Nest Notification – When receiving a bird’s nest while chopping a tree, a red text message will now appear along with a sound cue when it falls from the tree. Stackable Mystery Boxes – Mystery Boxes are now stackable, meaning 28 Ultimate Mystery Boxes will only take up one inventory slot instead of 28. Uninterrupted Mystery Box Opening – When opening a Super, Ultimate, Twisted, or Infernal Mystery Box, the interface will no longer close if you are attacked while the loot is spinning. If the interface does close for any reason, you will still receive your rewards. Crystal Armour Reversion – You can now revert Coloured Crystal Armour pieces back into Crystal Armour Seeds. Disable Mystery Box Announcements – You now have the option to disable loot announcements from Mystery Boxes. New Donator Rank: Eternal Rank – A new Eternal Donator Rank has been introduced! The Donator Benefits page has been updated with more details on what this rank includes. Essence Mine Exit Portals – When teleporting to the Essence Mine, you can now use the exit portals to return to your original location. Bug Fixes Fixed Sound Looping Issues – Resolved an issue where certain sounds would loop indefinitely. Lumber-Up Special Fix – Eligible Felling Axes now correctly activate the Lumber-Up special. Halberd Attack Speed Correction – Adjusted the Halberd attack speed at Gauntlet from 7 ticks to 4 ticks. Dragonfire Bug Fix – Unenchanted Dragon Bolts will no longer incorrectly inflict a dragonfire hit. Looting Bag Protection Fix – If you die with 3 items, and one of them is a Looting Bag, you will no longer protect the bag or its contents.
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Whisperer Adjustments Whisperer is now guaranteed to be frozen after her Special Attacks. Attack speed has been adjusted from 10 ticks to 14 ticks. Two pillars now have 40 HP. New Additions You can now craft all types of pizzas! Updated the description of the Kharyll Portal Achievement Diary task. Blood Essence now functions—when activated, it has 1,000 charges and provides a 50% chance per essence to generate an extra Blood Rune. The Brimstone Ring now has a 25% chance to reduce your opponent's Magic Defence by 10%. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where mining paydirt messages weren't being filtered properly. Donator Benefits for Infernal & Twisted will now correctly apply to the Inferno & Fight caves. Resolved a bug at Blast Furnace where having over 255 bars ready to collect and smelting more reset the count to 0. Fixed a bug where Dragon Bolts could be fired from any crossbow. Corrected an issue where all crossbows could fire Bone Bolts & Bolt Racks. Fixed the Dorgeshuun Crossbow not using the correct ammo type. Resolved an issue where certain altars did not spare bones correctly via the donator benefit. Fixed an issue with the Northern Farming Patches at Falador & Catherby, where tree patches caused them to appear unraked. Resolved a farming bug where patches that appeared unraked still had crops growing inside them.
The Whisperer Fixes Resolved an issue where clicking to move while loading into The Whisperer at certain stages could prevent it from spawning. Fixed an incorrect broadcast message that mistakenly labeled loot as being from The Mimic instead of The Whisperer. Addressed a bug where The Whisperer would become unresponsive and not attack back until its next special attack. Melee attacks are no longer fully negated by using the Protect from Melee prayer. Tentacles now properly despawn as intended. Additions Added a missing shortcut along a Herbiboar path. Herbiboar now grants Herblore experience when looted. Shooting Star perk "Twinkle Star" has been added, which gives the ability to mine double the Stardust when mining a Shooting Star Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where new rank titles wouldn't display correctly in yell chat and on the character screen. Resolved a bug that prevented the Barrows Chest from being lootable. Fixed a pathing issue causing certain tiles within Chambers of Xeric (COX) to become unwalkable. Southern District Teleport has been temporarily disabled due to a client crash issue.
This update introduces The Whisperer boss from Desert Treasure II, alongside an event with various rewards for first-time kills and records. New donator ranks (Infernal and Twisted) have been added with exclusive perks. Additionally, we’ve implemented Herbiboar, Blast Furnace, Master Scroll Book functionality, and various quality-of-life improvements, including updates to the Herb Sack, Harmony Island farming patches, and Mining Gloves. Finally, several bug fixes have been applied, improving gameplay mechanics and stability. The Whisperer - Desert Treasure II Boss: The Whisperer has arrived! Access it via the Nexus Teleport System at home. Pick up a Blackstone Fragment and enter by running into the arena. Event Details: (Submit in the "Submissions" channel under the "Events" tab in Discord) First Pet: 500 Bonds – First player to receive the Whisp pet. Fastest Kill: 250 Bonds – Submit your fastest kill time. Fastest Awakened Kill: 250 Bonds – Submit your fastest awakened kill time. First 100 Kills: 100 Bonds – Post a screenshot of 100 kills. First 100 Awakened Kills: 100 Bonds – Post a screenshot of 100 awakened kills. Report any issues with The Whisperer in the BoomScape Discord (Bugs channel). New Donator Ranks: Infernal Donator ($10,000) – Benefits include: Infernal Mystery Box monthly (includes only Super Rare, Mega Rare, and Ultimate loot). Boss Task Limit increased to 60. Dark Essence Blocks replace Dense Essence Blocks when mining. Sacrifice Perks discounted by 25%. Birdhouse Runs complete in 30 minutes instead of 50. Twisted Donator ($5,000) – Benefits include: Twisted Mystery Box (excludes Common loot). Access to ::empty command. Free Zahur services. Boss Task Limit increased to 45. Sacrifice Perks discounted by 10%. Birdhouse Runs complete in 40 minutes instead of 50. Full benefits list: Donator Benefits. We are also open to expanding the perks further, please do let us know what you'd like to see added to these ranks! New Features & Content: Herbiboar: Requires 80 Hunter. Dynamic paths make each route unique! Blast Furnace: Access via Nexus Teleporter. Dwarfs automatically run equipment. Requires coins in the coffer for access. Ice Gloves or water bucket can be used for instant bar collection. Master Scroll Book: Obtain from Clue Scroll Caskets or other players. Stores up to 1,000 of each Teleport Scroll. Favorite teleport scrolls for quick access. Herb Sack Improvements: Now openable & closable. Auto-fills when harvesting Herbiboar (if open). Chat messages improved (no longer shows herbs not in the sack). Other Additions & Adjustments: Allotment & Herb Patches added to Harmony Island. Mining Gloves & Expert Mining Gloves guarantee 1-3 extra resources. Potatoes can now be cooked into Egg Potato, Mushroom Potato, etc. Duke Sucellus unique drop rates buffed. Bug Fixes: NMZ Overloads now correctly increment HP and restore stats when expiring. TOB Party System no longer locks players until a server restart. Hunllef Combat System memory leak fixed. NPC Dialogue typo corrected. Flower Poker Fix – Prevents nulling by clicking objects/NPCs. Pyromancer Set now correctly includes Warm Gloves. Elven & Celestial Signet now apply the 10% no-charge effect correctly. Celestial Signet & Ring now consume charges correctly, with a 10% chance of extra resources up to adamantite. Spiritual Fairy Tree (Donator Zone) now functions properly. Zahur Diary Benefit Fix – Correctly halves prices. Blighted Manta Rays no longer consumable outside Wilderness. Lizardmen & Aviansie Tasks now count properly. Altar Bone Saving Fix – Adjusted mechanics for donators.
Hello, Please do send me a message on the forums and I can try and fix the issue for the Chromebooks, but will need your input as I don't have one myself.
New Additions Gauntlet Changes The Gauntlet Killcount now correctly displays in the Collection Log. Players will no longer receive multiple Gauntlet Capes if they already possess one. Improvements have been made to Hunllef's handling mechanics. Resolved an issue where players could become stuck in the entry door to avoid tile attacks. Room Customization Limited rooms like the Costume Room, Portal Nexus, and Menagerie can now be freely moved. Miscellaneous Otto now repairs broken Dragon Hastas free of charge. Prayers are now entirely disabled in certain tournament formats. Bug Fixes Christmas Crackers can now be used on other players. Slayer Masters now correctly enforce combat requirements. The Regen Bracelet now restores 2 HP as intended. Damage no longer resets the depleted timer, and the HP regeneration rate has been adjusted from 50 ticks to 100 ticks. Fixed an issue with Gauntlet barriers that could cause players to become stuck and avoid floor attacks. Various backend issues have been resolved. Mobile Changes Haptic Feedback Added haptic feedback for the following actions: Opening menus (e.g., long-pressing on the floor to bring up interaction options). Interacting with objects and NPCs. Mouse Hovering Previously the "mouse" would hover over things such as when you went to pray, leaving interfaces such as this one with information boxes, or indented buttons, this has now been fixed Email Autocomplete When signing in you can now autocomplete your email with the suggestions from your keyboard. UI Improvement The "x" button functionality on mobile has been restored.
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You have to spend bonds for them to count towards your rank.
The Gauntlet Adjustments Corrupted Gauntlet has arrived! Event Details: Submit proof in our Discord Event Submissions channel or message me directly on the BoomScape forums: 1st Player to complete 100 Corrupted Gauntlet runs: 500 Bonds 1st Player to receive an Enhanced Crystal Seed: 500 Bonds Pet Event: Includes runs from both Corrupted and Crystal Gauntlet: First Youngllef Pet: 500 Bonds Second Youngllef Pet: 250 Bonds Third Youngllef Pet: 100 Bonds Gameplay Adjustments: Your stats will now restore upon entering The Gauntlet. On death, you’ll teleport back to the Gauntlet lobby. Hunllef’s HP reduced to 600 (from 1,000). No longer required to clear your inventory before entry; your inventory will restore upon defeat or victory. Note: You still need to clear your equipment. Added a Gauntlet Teleport to the Nexus Teleport at home. Requires stats to access Prifddinas. Hunllef now always starts with a ranged attack. Preset Options You can now access the "Preset Options" button from your equipment tab while standing next to a bank. Tournament Timer View the remaining time for the next Tournament in the Quest Tab. Click on the timer to see the upcoming tournament style. Donator Zone Adjustments Teleport Updates: Access Donator Islands through the Portal Nexus at home under the new "Donator Zones" category. Direct teleport commands: Emerald: ::emerald / ::dz1 Dragonstone: ::dragonstone / ::dstone / ::dz2 Onyx: ::onyx / ::dz3 Zenyte: ::zenyte / ::dz4 New Features: The Altar and Fishing Spots are now accessible. Fairy Ring & Spirit Tree added to the main island. Thieving Stalls added for skilling. Multiple Bank Chests added to improve skilling efficiency. Tool Leprechauns placed near Farming Patches. Seed Vault added beside the main allotments in the Onyx zone. NPC Spawns added, including: Donator Island Shop Party Pete Wise Old Man Bug Fixes Fixed access to Dragonstone Island for Dragonstone donators.
The Gauntlet has been introduced! The Gauntlet is now a Boss Only Gauntlet with the following features: A boss timer will start as soon as you enter the Gauntlet. You can select items from the "Tool Storage" in the center of the room, but choosing these items will reduce your reward efficiency. The scoreboard will automatically update with global kills, deaths, best times, and your personal stats. Enhanced weapon seeds can no longer be obtained from the Elven Crystal Key Chest. Big Noodle Returns! 100 Snowballs (1/50) 50 Snowballs (1/25) 25 Snowballs (Guaranteed) 100 Bonds (1/100) 10 Bonds (1/10) Christmas Cracker (1/500) Little Noodle Pet (1/50) Big Noodle will spawn on every server restart. After being defeated, Big Noodle will respawn every 3 hours. The boss now features multiple drop tables: Each player has a unique chance to hit all tables per kill. To qualify for a drop, you must deal at least 1 damage to Big Noodle. A Christmas Shop has been added to spend Snowballs! Donator Zone Adjustments The Donator Zone has been revamped with a main island and several branching zones and dungeons. All areas offer a 15% bonus experience, which is stackable. Main Island: Central area includes: Bankers, Grand Exchange clerks, chests, portal nexus, altars, regen pools, and various skilling areas. New Zone Details: Emerald Plus Zone: Features Sand Crabs, Red Chinchompas, Red Salamanders, Tropical Wagtails, and Gem Rocks. Includes an Ourania Altar. Dragonstone Zone: Houses the Death Altar. Onyx Zone: Offers a custom agility course with boosted XP rates. Farming areas with disease-free patches: 2 allotments, herb patch, flower patch, tree patch, and compost bin. Instance Portal to create custom instances. Resources: Amethyst Crystals, Black Chinchompas, and Black Salamanders. Custom dungeon with: Dark Beasts, Aberrant Spectres, Cave Horrors, Ankous, Fire Giants, Hellhounds. No need for nose pegs or witchwood icons in this dungeon. Zenyte Zone: Features a custom agility course and disease-free farming patches. Resources: Rune Rock spawns and Wrath Altar. Custom dungeon with: Greater Nechryaels, Thermonuclear Smoke Devil, Greater Abyssal Demons, King Black Dragon, Dust Devils, and Kalphite Queen. Feedback Wanted: Suggestions for adjustments or additions to the Donator Zone can be made on the BoomScape Discord! Other Updates: Discord Unlinking: Use ;;unlink in-game to remove your Discord account link and all associated roles. Hespori Seeds: You can now use Hespori Seeds directly on the patch to plant them. Bug Fixes Added a check for trade requests within the Tournament System. Fixed an issue where setting the withdraw/deposit "custom quantity" to 0 prevented further transactions. The "I See Two" perk now applies correctly to Scurrius, Duke, and Leviathan. Resolved a bug causing unlimited hitpoints with thrall summoning. Fixed multiple Null Pointer Exception (NPE) errors. Mobile Fixes Fixed screen zooming issues caused by rapid clicks: Switching items or prayers no longer triggers unwanted zooming. Additional mobile-related bugs reported should now be resolved.
Get ready to test your skills in the brand-new Tournament System, now live in BoomScape! With randomized fight types, exciting rewards, and a dedicated lobby, it’s time to prove you’re the ultimate competitor. This update also introduces Double Pet Boost Rates, potion improvements, and a revamped gambling system, alongside essential bug fixes and cache changes. Dive in and experience the latest enhancements to BoomScape! Tournaments: The highly requested Tournament System is now live! Details: Tournaments run every 4 hours with randomized fight types: Main - Dharok Pure - NH Tribrid Main - Whip/GMaul/BGS (No Body/Legs) Pure - Range/Granite Maul Main - Welfare NH Tribrid Main - Mystic/Barrows Hybrid Main - NH Tribrid If you'd like to see other options, please do make suggestions in the BoomScape Discord! Rewards: 1st Place: 6 PK Points & a PK Key 2nd Place: 4 PK Points 3rd Place: 2 PK Points Participation: 15 Sacrifice Points Access the lobby near the BoomScape home area bank or use ;;tournament. Double Pet Boost Rates: Doubles pet drop rates for bosses and skilling (does not apply to gambles). Activated as a reward when 250 votes are reached. Potion Updates: Potions requiring (4) dose input now output (4) dose: Super Combat, Super Antifire, Anti-venom+. Gambling Rework: Win/Loss statistics are now tracked and displayed after each gamble. Speak to The Chief Servant at the Gambling Zone to view stats. Post-gamble interface now displays what you won or lost. Bestiary Updates: Guaranteed drops (e.g., bones) are now shown. Bug Fixes Farming patches now display correct products and update more effectively from farther distances. Fixed Hespori Patches not growing properly. Resolved issue preventing Aviansie attacks with magic. Virtus Robes now grant an additional 3% magic damage. NPCs can no longer attack through walls using projectiles. Addressed multiple backend issues causing instability. Cache Changes Added a Tournament Lobby Area. New NPC added for the Tournament system.
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This update revamps Farming with new Redwood and Hardwood Trees, instant patch updates, and functional compost bins. Brimstone Key drop rates are tripled, duplicate pets are prevented, and various bugs, including TOB loot and Basilisk Knight mechanics, have been fixed. Enjoy smoother gameplay and expanded farming options! New Additions: Farming Rework Redwood Trees: Can be planted at the Farming Guild. Takes 20 hours to grow fully. Growth protection available from Alexandra for 150,000 coins. Hardwood Trees: Can be planted at Fossil Island. Teak Trees: Take ~7 hours to grow; protection costs 40,000 coins. Mahogany Trees: Take ~8 hours to grow; protection costs 60,000 coins. Growth protection managed by nearby squirrels. Improved Farming Mechanics: Big Compost Bin at the Farming Guild now works correctly. Hosidius farming patches now update without requiring a relog. Farming patches now update instantly instead of waiting 20–50 ticks. Fixed an exploit that allowed instant harvesting of crops. Tree seeds must now be turned into saplings before planting. Other Additions: Duplicate pets can no longer be received if they are in your Pet House. Smithing interface fixes: Exiting the interface no longer causes input loss. Brimstone Keys: Drop rates increased by 3x. Superior Slayer monsters now always drop a Brimstone Key. Bug Fixes: Fixed visual issues caused by older characters using invalid styles. Resolved syncing issues with the damage map that affected the ancient barrier restoration at Nex. Abyssal Dagger now correctly uses 25% special attack energy (down from 50%). Cleaned up Theatre of Blood loot mechanics; purple chests now display correctly. Fixed an issue allowing pets to be duplicated in the Player-Owned House. Basilisk Knights: Correctly attack with magic when out of melee range. Projectile mechanics fixed. Entering/Exiting the Wilderness Godwars Dungeon no longer grants damage immunity. Corrected stun animations for Vyre guards.
BoomScape Update: The Leviathan Emerges! Prepare yourselves, adventurers! The powerful Leviathan, the latest Desert Treasure II boss, has arrived, bringing a thrilling new challenge to BoomScape. This monstrous foe awaits only the bravest warriors—ready to test their skills in intense battles that promise both high risks and rich rewards. Accessing the Leviathan is easy; simply use the BoomScape Teleport system and take the boat to its lair. To celebrate the Leviathan’s arrival, we’re launching an exciting event with incredible prizes for those who can claim victory over this formidable opponent. From being the first to receive the elusive Lil'viathan pet to setting record-breaking kill times, adventurers have the chance to earn massive Bond rewards by proving their prowess in combat. Join the hunt for glory and riches, and secure your place in BoomScape history! The Leviathan - Desert Treasure II Boss: The Leviathan has arrived! Access it by teleporting via the BoomScape Teleport system and taking the boat across to the boss area. Event Prizes for Leviathan Achievements (Submit in the "Submissions" channel under the "Events" tab in Discord): First Pet: 500 Bonds - Awarded to the first player to receive the Lil'viathan pet. Fastest Kill: 250 Bonds - Submit your fastest kill times in the BoomScape Discord. Fastest Awakened Kill: 250 Bonds - Submit your fastest awakened kill times in Discord. First 100 Kills: 100 Bonds - Post a screenshot of 100 kills to claim this reward. First 100 Awakened Kills: 100 Bonds - Post a screenshot of 100 awakened kills to claim this reward. Ultimate Ironman (UIM) Item Retrieval Service: Items from deaths at Zulrah, The Nightmare, and Hespori can now be stored in death storage. You can disable "Item Retrieval Service" under the quests misc tab. Be cautious: If you die with items in your Death Storage, those items will be permanently deleted. New Sacrifice Perks: "Ring of Keys": Automatically pick up tooth and loop halves of keys when a Ring of Wealth is equipped. Cost: 1,000 points. "Duke Express": Skip the prep phase at Duke; this perk costs 3,000 points, starts the kill timer at 30 seconds, and spawns Duke after 15 ticks. Boss & Slayer Kill Logs: Now include all in-game bosses and slayer creatures. You can access the Collection Log from the Adventure Log in the POH. Farming Additions: Dragonfruit Trees: Plant, farm, and consume Dragonfruit, which can also be used to make Dragonfruit pies. Supercompost: Add Snape Grass, Tree Roots, and Coconut Shells to compost bins to create Supercompost. Other Additions: Direct teleport to Obor’s Entrance. Coconut Milk Creation: Use a vial on half a coconut. Functional Fishing Spots: Added at the lake north of Prifddinas, allowing fishing for Sharks and Lobsters. Hardcore Ironman Death Announcements: Now broadcasted in the "Game Events" channel on Discord. Updated random NPC dialogue for more variety. Bug Fixes Fixed unlimited resurrections when dying at Zulrah with a daily resurrect from the western achievement diary. Fixed Scythe of Vitur not dealing damage in PvP. Fixed Ring of Wealth to pick up items benefiting from Slayer and other bonuses. Nex's door is now functional. Corrected text for tree pruning. Fixed graphical issues when opening the decanter interface. Charged Accursed Sceptres now downgrade on death in the wilderness rather than being deleted. Shops now display correct messages for buying items and will not buy items for 0gp. Fixed visual issues with objects and ground items (e.g., mage bank web, marks of grace) when accessing different height levels. Standardized Clue Scroll examine text to "Hopefully leads to treasure." Adjusted wording for the Fishing Guild teleport diary task. Fixed right-click deposit/withdraw functionality in the Farming Tool Storage. Staff Section Expanded logging features for staff tools. Corrected logging for items destroyed from Death Storages. Halloween Event Wrap-Up Thank you for joining the Reaper of Shadows Halloween event! The event has concluded, but you can still access ;;halloween to spend any remaining Candy Points.
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Reaper of Shadows Returns for Spooky Halloween! The Reaper of Shadows is back for another Halloween event! The Reaper will spawn upon each server restart and will respawn every 3 hours after its death. Note for Hardcore Ironmen: This is not a safe death! Potential rewards include: Guaranteed Candy Points that can be redeemed in the Halloween Shop for festive items. A 1/100 chance to receive 50 BoomScape Bonds and a 1/10 chance to receive 10 Bonds. A rare 1/500 chance to obtain a Black H'ween Mask. Spooky Pumpkins with a 1/100 chance. "Little Death" Pet to collect, with a 1/50 chance. New Additions Group Ironmen icons now correctly display in-game: The icon will automatically update when logging into any Group Ironman (GIM) account. It will also appear on the hiscores and in the Discord clan chat. Skill Lamp System Rework: Skill lamps are now awarded for completing Achievement Diaries. Skill lamps now correctly display the amount of experience gained in the chatbox. Zalcano Fixes Fixed an issue where dialogue displayed incorrectly if you didn’t meet the stat requirements for Crystal Shard drops. Fixed an issue with Zalcano's HP bar not closing correctly. Fixed some dialogue errors at Zalcano. Zalcano will now properly use its falling rocks attack. Halloween Sale Special! Get spooky savings this Halloween with our special discount codes: HWEEN10: Save 10% on any purchase! HWEEN20: Save 20% on purchases over $100! HWEEN30: Save 30% on purchases over $200! Use these codes and grab your festive deals now! https://boom-scape.com/store/
BoomScape Updates - Unique Item Bank Placeholders, Zalcano Enhancments & More!
James replied to
James's topic in Game Updates
It's done the same way OSRS does it, which is that it saves a placeholder when removed for charged items. When redepositing the charged item it will take whichever placeholder comes first which is the same as OSRS. -
New Additions Charged Items in the Bank: When removing charged items from the bank (such as the Scythe of Vitur or Blowpipe), they will now be held as placeholders. You can have unlimited placeholders for each charged item, preventing the need to reorganize your bank. Grand Exchange Search Fix: When searching Grand Exchange offers, the interface will now correctly scroll to the top, eliminating the previous issue where players had to manually scroll up/down to view results. Bone Staff Update: The Bone Staff now has its built-in spell and can be charged with Chaos runes. Scurrius Boss Room Update: You can now speak to Historian Aldo outside the Scurrius Boss Room. Along with new dialogue, you can gamble Scurrius' Spines for a chance to get the pet! (1/2,000 base chance). Zalcano Fixes Updated to use the correct hit splats at Zalcano. You can now mine any Rock Formation at Zalcano, with the Glowing Rock Formation having a chance to provide additional tephra per mine. You will no longer take damage while standing in the waiting area. Increased Zalcano’s downtime from 12–16 ticks to 20–28 ticks for faster kills. Zalcano is no longer capped at 380 mining damage; you can now kill Zalcano in one mining cycle if enough DPS is dealt. Fixed an issue where you could be interrupted by the Pillory Guard. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where Ironman players were unable to retrieve their items if killed by another player and returned to pick them up.
Event: Zalcano, the Imprisoned Demon! The first 3 players to get the Smolcano Pet will be receiving rewards in the following order: 1st Place: 300 Bonds 2nd Place: 200 Bonds 3rd Place: 100 Bonds Since no one has claimed the pet yet, a bounty has been placed! Zalcano is a group boss, and everyone has a chance to receive a pet roll if they hit the minimum damage threshold, regardless of MVP status. You can now teleport to Zalcano through the Nexus Teleportation at home with no stat requirement. Good luck to all participants! The base pet rate is 1/1,000! New Additions You no longer need to be MVP to receive a Scurry roll, encouraging mass participation. Cheese is now edible from Scurrius. Zalcano Adjustments: Zalcano now spawns on server startup. The drop system for Zalcano has been updated to the new system used for most custom bosses. Damage dealt during the mining phase now contributes to your total damage count. Nex Adjustments: Nex’s drop system has been adjusted to use the new damage calculation system due to previous drop-related issues. Added a plaque to the Nex waiting room. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue with Zalcano’s drop system by upgrading to the new custom boss drop system. Corrected how player attributes were saved, ensuring that PoH attributes like the Boss Display are now properly saved. Fixed an issue where cannons could not be deployed. Backend Changes Added a method for handling pet drops and migrated some older bosses to the new system. Implemented a check to prevent an error from occurring and fixed an issue with API functionality.
Scurrius, The Rat King! Scurrius has been added to BoomScape and can be accessed in the Edgeville Dungeon or via the teleport in the Teleportation Nexus at home. Scurrius can be fought solo, in a group, or in an instance. Everyone in the group will receive kill credit and loot! With Scurrius, you can now craft the following weapons using Scurrius' Spine. These weapons are exclusive to fighting rats and Scurrius and provide a +10 max hit: Bone Mace Bone Shortbow Bone Staff Player Owned Houses Expansion! We've expanded the POH and added the final piece: the Portal Nexus Room! In this room, you can build the following: Portal Nexus Mounted Xeric's Talisman Mounted Digsite Pendant The Portal Nexus allows you to set up to 30 teleports. New Additions Salt Mines are now accessible. You can teleport to them using the Teleportation Nexus at home. The following resources can be mined: Efh Salt Urt Salt Te Salt Basalt Bug Fixes Fixed an issue causing crashes when switching to or from building mode in the POH. Added a missing requirement check for the Ape Atoll Agility Course. Fixed an issue that allowed cannons to be used in PvM instances despite restrictions.
New Additions Duke Succellus Adjustments: The Gaze Attack now displays the gaze overlay interface to enhance the attack's effect. Best timers have been reset again, and the vats will reset after each kill to prevent preparation skips. There may be a future perk allowing you to skip the entire preparation phase while adding the minimum preparation time to balance out the personal bests (PBs). Resource limits now reset after each kill. Ape Atoll Agility Course has been added: You must turn into a monkey to complete the course; only ninja monkeys and Kruk can traverse the course. Monkey Backpacks can now be transformed based on the number of laps completed, with each variation unlocked in the Collection Log. The backpack can be purchased from the loyalty shop at home: Karamja Monkey: 50 laps Zombie Monkey: 100 laps Maniacal Monkey: 150 laps Skeleton Monkey: 300 laps Kruk Jr: 500 laps Princely Monkey: 750 laps. Monkey GreeGree's can be purchased by the Ape Atoll Course. Mining Gloves costs have been reduced: Regular gloves: 40 tokens Superior gloves: 100 tokens Combination to expert gloves: from 60 to 40 tokens. Charging the Vyre Well now costs 200 blood runes per charge, down from 300. Scythe of Vitur now consumes 1 charge per successful swipe. If no damage is dealt, no charges will be consumed. AFK Zone Limits A new system has been implemented, limiting the number of concurrent accounts allowed in the AFK Zone to two. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue preventing certain items, such as party hats and Ancient PVP helmets, from being wearable. Corrected a map clipping issue that allowed players to walk to unintended positions. Barehand Impling Catches are now logged in the Collection Log. Fixed an issue with the Grand Exchange Offer Viewer, where search results were previously case-sensitive. Corrected various dialogue issues. Cache Changes Clients will need to be reloaded for the following updates to take effect: Shifted the interface IDs for the Grand Exchange Offer Viewer. Deleted unused interfaces and adjusted others that previously overrode Desert Treasure II interfaces.
New Additions Corrected Spells Display: Kourend Teleport Saradomin Strike, Claws of Guthix, Flames of Zamorak, Charge Lunar Spells such as Tan Leather and Recharge Dragonstone now require completion of the Fremennik Hard Diary. Grace now displays a list of Agility Course Lap Counts and can toggle lap counters on or off. Added Ice Ancient Sceptre creation and benefits. Fixed an issue where you could skip the preparation phase at Duke and reset personal best timers. The Ancient Chest has been added to the Ancient Vault and can be opened using spare quartz from Desert Treasure II bosses. The Grand Exchange search now supports keyword search, allowing for broader results. Added Sounds: Missing sounds have been added for the following activities, along with fixes to how the sound system functions: Cooking Firemaking Mining Herblore Fletching Farming Consumables Prayer Grand Exchange Death events Player Owned House Portal Equipping and unequipping items Your weapon sound is now localized, rather than an area sound. Bug Fixes Kourend Teleport now correctly requires 48 Magic, 2 Law runes, and 1 Water and Fire rune. Loot from Impling Jars is now tracked in the Collection Log. The Max Cape now inherits the perks of the Herblore Cape. Fixed an issue with instances.
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BoomScape Updates - Duke Succules Improvements Part 2 and More!
James posted a topic in Game Updates
Duke Sucellus Changes Personal Best Timers for Duke have been reset. Fermentation Vats now reset to prevent inaccurate best times. Fixed an issue where you would still take damage from Duke’s Gaze attack even after killing him during his special attack. Corrected the damage output from Duke’s Gaze Attack, now capped at 70 damage (101 when awakened). Removed the global announcement for Frozen Tablet and Awakener's Orb drops at Duke. New Additions Soulreaper Axe: Combat definitions, render animations, and sounds have been added for the axe. You can now create the Soulreaper Axe and inspect its pieces. The Soul Stacks logic has been implemented. Special Attack functionality has been added. Teleportation Interface Rework at home: Any previously favorited teleports will need to be re-added due to this change. Zalcano can now be accessed from the Teleportation Nexus. No stats are required for access, but Crystal Shards will only drop if you have the required stats. Added missing magic damage bonus to Virtus robes, and the Virtus mask will now hide the player's hair. The Vote Shop has been divided into two stores to allow for more items to be added. The Ring of Shadows is now available in the Vote Shop. Its teleports can be unlocked using tablets dropped by Desert Treasure II bosses. The Ring of Shadows does not require charges. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue with the Alchemical Hydra, where it couldn't attack beyond 16 tiles. Addressed projectile issues with Tumeken's Staff and Venator Bow. Fixed a bug where the following POH rooms were not saving data correctly: Portal Chamber Room Superior Garden Room Treasure Room Achievement Gallery Room Corrected a bug where NPCs larger than 1 tile were unable to perform melee attacks.