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Everything posted by James
Fight caves for donators now start from wave 30 and up Fixed an issue with Basilik Knights Added Slayer enchantment items to work Added Jormungand's Prison for Basilisks etc Added correct drops for Basilisks Fixed Maple Tree's at home Dialogue added to Ilfeen for Crystal seeds Fixed an issue with UI on panelless gameframe Fixed issues with Pest Control Points & Slayer overlapping each other
BoomScape Mystery Box Loot Table Common Table Item Amount Ahrim's Hood 1 Ahrim's Robetop 1 Ahrim's Robeskirt 1 Dharok's Helm 1 Dharok's Platebody 1 Dharok's Platelegs 1 Dharok's Greataxe 1 Karil's Crossbow 1 Uncommon Table Item Amount Dark Bow 1 Ranger Boots 1 Dark Bow Paint Colors 1 Whip Paint Mix's 1 Spirit Shield 1 Infinity Gloves 1 Infinity Hat 1 Infinity Top 1 Infinity Bottoms 1 Infinity Boots 1 Tzhaar-ket-om 1 Toktz-xil-ek 1 Abyssal Whip 1 Granite Maul 1 Berserker Necklace 1 Bunny ears 1 Flippers 1 Rubber Chicken 1 Bunny Feat 1 Abyssal Tentacle 1 Rare Table Item Amount Occult Necklace 1 Amulet of Fury 1 Dragonfire Shield 1 Toxic Staff of the Dead 1 Staff of the Dead 1 Crystal Shield 1 Blessed Spirit Shield 1 Serpentine helm 1 Eternal Boots 1 Pegasian Boots 1 Primordial Boots 1 Armadyl Chestplate 1 Armadyl Chainskirt 1 Armadyl Helmet 1 Bandos Tassets 1 Bandos Chestplate 1 Zamorak Godsword 1 Saradomin Godsword 1 Bandos Godsword 1 Berserker Ring 1 Warriors Ring 1 Archers Ring 1 Seers Ring 1 Berserker Ring (i) 1 Warriors Ring (i) 1 Archers Ring (i) 1 Seers Ring (i) 1 Elder chaos top 1 Elder chaos bottoms 1 Elder chaos hood 1 Mega Rare Table Item Amount Armadyl Godsword 1 Arcane Spirit Shield 1 Specteral Spirit Shield 1 Abyssal Dagger 1 Armadyl Crossbow 1 Dragon Warhammer 1 Robin Hood Hat 1 Ferocious Gloves 1 Dragon Hunter Lance 1 H'ween Masks 1 Black H'ween Mask 1 Santa Hat 1 Black Santa Hat 1 Inverted Santa Hat 1 Partyhat's 1 Black Partyhat 1 Rainbow Partyhat 1 Partyhat & Specs 1 Christmas Cracker 1 3rd Age Items 1 Dragon Claws 1
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BoomScape Super Mystery Box Loot Table Common Table Item Amount Coins 6,000,000 - 8,000,000 Abyssal Whip 1 Abyssal Tentacle 1 Berserker Ring 1 Seers Ring 1 Archers Ring 1 Warriors Ring 1 Occult necklace 1 Toxic staff of the dead 1 Staff of the dead 1 Blessed spirit shield 1 Odium ward 1 Malediction ward 1 Uncharged toxic trident 1 Imbued heart 1 Uncharged trident 1 Dragonfire shield 1 Viggora's chainmace 1 Craw's bow 1 Thammaron's sceptre 1 Rare Table Item Amount Ancient wyvern shield 1 Dragonfire ward 1 Serpentine helm 1 Eternal boots 1 Pegasian boots 1 Primordial boots 1 Armadyl helmet 1 Armadyl chestplate 1 Armadyl chainskirt 1 Bandos chestplate 1 Bandos tassets 1 Bandos boots 1 Zamorak godsword 1 Saradomin godsword 1 Bandos godsword 1 Berserker ring (i) 1 Archers ring (i) 1 Seers ring (i) 1 Elder chaos hood 1 Elder chaos top 1 Elder chaos bottom 1 Elder maul 1 Crystal Key 15 - 25 Super Rare Table Item Amount Coins 10,000,000 - 12,000,000 Amulet of torture 1 Necklace of anguish 1 Tormented bracelet 1 Ring of suffering 1 Ring of coins 1 Ring of stone 1 Ring of nature 1 Armadyl godsword 1 Spectral spirit shield 1 Abyssal dagger 1 Armadyl crossbow 1 Dragon warhammer 1 Robin hood hat 1 3rd age wand 1 3rd age bow 1 3rd age sword 1 3rd age cloak 1 3rd age range coif 1 3rd age range top 1 3rd age range legs 1 3rd age range vanbraces 1 3rd age mage hat 1 3rd age robe top 1 3rd age robe 1 3rd age amulet 1 3rd age fullhelm 1 3rd age platebody 1 3rd age platelegs 1 3rd age kiteshield 1 3rd Age Mystery Box 1 Dragon claws 1 Elite Void Set 1 Bonus Exp Scroll 1 Rare Drop Scroll 1 Ecumenical Key 5 - 10 Ultimate Rare Table Item Amount Coins 100,000,000 - 150,000,000 Ferocious gloves 1 Brimstone ring 1 Dex Scroll 1 Arcane Scroll 1 Green halloween mask 1 Blue halloween mask 1 Red halloween mask 1 Black halloween mask 1 Santa hat 1 Black santa hat 1 Inverted santa hat 1 Red party hat 1 Yellow party hat 1 Blue party hat 1 Green party hat 1 Purple party hat 1 White party hat 1 Black party hat 1 Rainbow party hat 1 Partyhat & specs 1 Dragon hunter lance 1 Twisted bow 1 Christmas cracker 1 Scythe 1 Bunny ears 1 Justiciar helm 1 Justiciar body 1 Justiciar legs 1 Ancestral hat 1 Ancestral body 1 Ancestral skirt 1 Kodai wand 1
Issue with the interfaces not working in 'side-panel' game frame fixed Fixed an issue where blocked slayer tasks wouldn't save Added in dialogue so you can now upgrade your void to elite void Corrected spawn timers at DKs & Godwars Added some new items to Bond shop
Outfit Item Sets have been added Slayer helmet wasn't working correctly against certain NPCs this has been fixed Fixed an issue where Rogue crates would 'null' a players account The ground items system has been adjusted to work correctly
Fixed an issue with overloads not functioning in the correct way Ardougne Cloak teleports have been added Updated Mobile client Fixed an issue where you couldn't logout when selecting a character Fixed an issue on Tablet where the NMZ chest crashed the app Mac Shop hoods removed for now (overloaded the store)
NMZ Absorption Potions & Overloads added to Benefits tab in NMZ store Fixed an issue with damage hits cause by NMZ (hitting through prayer etc) Duel Arena disabled at home for now still accessible through ;;duel Absorption now absorbs hits as it should Ironmen can now trade items for Bonds Few stores have been adjusted to make items more accessible Voting boxes now have a 1 in 4 chance to give a Crystal Key on the normal loot table
Added Royal Seed Pod to Vote Store Added Crystal Keys to Vote Store Added Imbued God Capes to Vote Store Bounty Rewards Shop has been updated Lockpicks are back in the General Store Fly Fishing rod added to shops Salve Amulet ID updated in Shop Ardougne Cloak (4) added to Vote Shop Nightmare Zone has been released into BoomScape! Added Smooth Dance to the Emotes 0_o Baslisk Cave region xteas have been added in, will be releasing the dungeon in next update
Welcome back to the #1 RSPS ƒ°…¸‹Å“¢â‚¬°
Welcome to BoomScape my guy ƒ°…¸‹Å“¢â‚¬°
$ Benefits of the various Donator Status' $ Donator Rank Unlocks Eternal Donator - $25,000 Infernal Donator - $10,000 Twisted Donator - $5,000 Zenyte Donator - $2,500 Onyx Donator - $1,000 Dragonstone Donator - $250 Diamond Donator - $100 Ruby Donator - $50 Emerald Donator - $10 Emerald Ruby Diamond D-Stone Onyx Zenyte Twisted Infernal Eternal Monthly Infernal Mystery Box Monthly Twisted Mystery Box Recieve Dark Essence Blocks when mining Access to the ::empty command Free Services from Zahur Sacrifice Store Perk Discount - - - - - - 10% 25% 35% Birdhouse Runs Timer - - - - - - 40 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes Boss Task Limit - - - - - - 45 60 100 Bank Space Limits 825 850 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1200 1200 1200 Fight Cave Benefits WAVE 30 WAVE 35 WAVE 40 WAVE 45 WAVE 50 WAVE 60 WAVE 61 WAVE 62 WAVE 62 Inferno Cave Benefits WAVE 15 WAVE 20 WAVE 25 WAVE 32 WAVE 40 WAVE 50 WAVE 55 WAVE 60 WAVE 60 Godwars Boss Dungeon KC 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 None None Drop Bonus 1.05% 1.07% 1.10% 1.12% 1.15% 1.25% 1.30% 1.35% 1.35% Additional Marks of Grace 1 2 3 4 5 10 12 15 15 Magic Cape Swaps 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Yell Cooldown 120 Seconds 90 Seconds 60 Seconds 45 Seconds 30 Seconds 10 Seconds 5 Seconds No Cooldown No Cooldown Presets Capacity 3 5 8 11 13 13 13 13 13 Extra Pest Control Points Per Game 1 2 3 4 5 8 10 12 15 Repair item cost 0 Extra Chance To Spawn a Superior Slayer Monster 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 50% Extra Slayer Points Earn By Completing a Slayer Task 2 3 4 5 8 10 15 20 20 40% chance to produce extra cannonballs 5 6 7 8 10 15 18 20 20 Chance to Get Double Herbs When Harvesting None None 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 65% Extra PKP None None 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 Chance to Receive an Additional Vote Box None None 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Slayer Points Cost to Cancel a Task 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0 0 Discount on Points Lost in Raid When Dying None None 5% 10% 20% 40% 50% 60% 60% Extra Chance to Find a Pet 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 25% 50% 50% Noted Bone & Bar Drops Dwarf Cannon Auto Reload Cball From Inventory Extra Golden Nugget on MDLM Free Protection In Karuulm Slayer Dungeon Without Boots Reduced Steps On Medium-Master Clues Coal Bag Capacity 56 100 250 500 750 1000 1200 1500 1500 Chance of obtaining noted resources when fishing, mining, or woodcutting 10% 20% 50% 65% 85% 90% Chance to save a bone when used on an Altar 10% 15% 20% 25% 40% 50% 60% 75% 75% Custom Yell Prefix Custom Yell Color Custom Yell Shade Noted Ckey drops Ability to create Godwars Instance's Free Daily Clue Scroll Skips 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 15 20 Locked Stats Limit 2 4 5 7 10 23 23 23 23 With every rank you will also be able to visit the Donator Island. To get there simply type ::dz in game. Here you will receive an invisible 15% XP boost towards all skills. You can also get a better insight to the Donator Island by going to the following thread below.
BoomScape Updates Below you will find a list of all updates BoomScape has gone through, if you have any suggestions of what we should have next please post to the suggestions board RuneLite client developed Mobile client developed Fixed a security issue with account saving Mobile client issue fixed with donator icons Mobile client issue fixed with chatbox not minifying Fixed issue with Slayer Masters Nerfed drop rate for rouge outfit Nerfex exp bonus for rogue outfit Cleaned up code for random slayer coin drops Darts added to shop Spade added to general store Fixed issues with Ironman status Emerald Donators can now Yell Fixed Rejuv Pool not curing poison Crystal key drops whilst on slayer task added Donators get noted bone drops Skilling exp nerfed Added loyalty store Fixed object issues at home Armour repair stand added Crystal Key now rewards a whole host of good balanced supplies Ibans staff can now be auto casted More of the Lunar spells have been added in DK Spawns adjusted to correct ones Nerfed crafting money maker Removed need for Ecto for BoneCrusher Added in Majority of farming spots at the farming guild Bonds spent in the shop now count towards your total spent Turael will now reset slayer tasks but this will also reset your current spree Super Mystery Boxes buffed Barrows chest buffed Bob Barter added to home (decants pots) Emblem Trader actions updated Lowered the default sell & alch prices of bonds Animations fixed for Zammy Spirtual Mages Fixed spawns in GWD Fixed stores selling some items for free Sorted an issue with superior drop tables Sorted an issue where superiors wouldn't despawn Wyrms Slayer Task Fixed Drop rate for Wintertodt buffed Shortcuts added to Fremennik Slayer Dungeon Caskets dropped by Sand Crabs/Other NPCs have had coin drops added to the item Fixed a server null exception & login security Fixed an issue with autocast on fixed screens
Mr Green Trees should be your name tbh
BoomScape Rules Welcome to BoomScape! To maintain a fair and enjoyable environment for all players, please adhere to the following rules. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary actions ranging from mutes to permanent bans. Passwords & Bank Pins If you compromise the security of your account by sharing your Password or Bank Pin and this leads to loss of items or levels, you will not receive compensation. Botting/Macroing The use of third-party software, including bots, auto-clickers, or any software to gain an unfair advantage is prohibited. Violations will result in a ban. Bug Abuse Intentionally exploiting bugs that harm BoomScape or the community will lead to a ban. Discovering a bug requires immediate reporting under the “Report a Bug” section on the forums or Discord. Duping Abusing any item/money duplication bug will result in a permanent ban. Report any in-game bugs to BoomScape staff immediately. Glitched Items Trading glitched items on the BoomScape market is prohibited. Punishments vary case by case. No Begging Begging for items from other players is not allowed as it creates a negative environment. Advertisement Advertising any content related to other servers will result in a permanent ban. DDoS Threats Any threat of DDoS will result in a mute, escalating to an IP mute if continued. Carrying out a threat leads to an IP ban. Flaming Insulting another player or staff is forbidden and will result in a mute. Severe cases can escalate to a ban. PK Point Farming All forms of PKP farming are punishable by jail time, with increasing severity for repeated offenses. Real World Trading Trading BoomScape items for real-world currency is strictly prohibited and results in a permanent ban. Note: If conflicts arise, use your ignore list or contact BoomScape staff for assistance.
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