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Everything posted by James

  1. BoomScape Latest Update New Content - Correct walk/run animations have been added for Ski's - Amulet of Avarice has been added to the Revenant drop tables, when worn, this will note all drops by NPCs in the Revenant Caves - Revenant Caves have been re-worked to match OSRS, there are now only Revenant Monsters in the cave - Added Blighted Sacks for Wilderness Usage (These won't 'light' up in the Magic Book interface) - Added Blighted Foods & Potions - Revenants now drop Blighted items, and Wilderness Slayer Cave NPCs now drop Blighted items amongst other Wilderness Items - Looting Bag Notes now work on Bankers/Banks Bug Fixes - Corrected Fishing Guild Teleport location on Lunar Spellbook - Fixed an issue where you would get stuck when Runecrafting without a Pet out - Added a check for the Grand Exchange for new players so you can't xfer items across - General Graardor range attack chance has been corrected - Fixed an issue where you would sometimes be hit by 'invisible' blood splatters at ToB - Corrected some Text from a Slayer task guide - Staff of the Dead now saves autocast - Updated Wilderness Slayer Cave to use the correct NPC IDs Equipment Rebalance - We have implemented the update of a list of items that were rebalanced last year on OSRS - List of items affected - Ghrazi Rapier - Inquisitors Mace - Trident of the Swamp/(e) - Sanguinesti Staff - Kodai Wand - Dragon Hunter Crossbow - Dragon Hunter Lance - Scythe of Vitur - Twisted Bow - Toxic Blowpipe & all Dart variants - Armadyl Crossbow - Crystal Bow - If any items have been missed please let me know, some items were already 'rebalanced' Christmas Content - Big Noodle has been disabled, you can still access ;;xmas to spend any remaining Snowball points! Client Updates - The 'RuneLite' command !kc now works - CoX Helper has been re-added to the client
  2. BoomScape Update New Content - The Graphic used when achieving a 99 has been updated - When achieving the max total level you will now receive the correct graphic - New Event Point System added, which will be rewarded for events ran by Staff - Items Protection Values have been updated, now using OSRS's GE Values to evaluate what will be protected on death. Bug Fixes - Fixed some instances in combat that caused a 'null' - Corrected a Syntax for the ;;thread & ;;member commands - Vanguards now drop the correct Guaranteed drops in COX and have a 1/2 chance at either Revitalisation or Overloads being dropped - Added correct projectile graphic for Amethyst Javelins - Fixed a bug when having a pet out at an RuneCrafting altar it would transform that pet into a Rift Guardian pet Other Development - Streamlined the way Discord Logs are done - Added a local logging system for individual players - Disabled Spores at Nightmare
  3. ??BoomScape Christmas Update!?? Big Noodle returns to BoomScape! Big Noodle will be spawned on any Server Restart The new Boss will spawn every 3 hours after Big Noodle has been killed Multiple Drop Tables can be landed on the new Boss, further details below on exact tables, all tables can be hit on every kill and all tables are unique to each player. To receive a drop you need to hit Big Noodle for at-least 1 damage! New Christmas Shop Added to spend Snowballs in! Big Noodle's Drop Table 200 Snowballs (1/50) 100 Snowballs (1/25) 50 Snowballs (Guaranteed) 100 Bonds (1/100) 10 Bonds (1/10) Christmas Cracker (1/500) Little Noodle Pet (1/50) Event Shop New Content - BOFA increased protection in the wilderness Bug Fixes - Heavy Casket now has the correct standing animations - Skeletal Mystic's at COX are now considered 'undead' NPCs - Wilderness Armours / Weapons can now be used on Combat Dummys anywhere - Master Wand now saves Spells upon switching weapons
  4. BoomScape Latest Updates New Content - Granite Cannonballs now function with the Dwarf Cannon - Granite Cannonballs can now be made by using them on Granite Dust - Bracelet of Slaughter & Expeditious Barcelet now works as intended, with a 25% chance of being used whilst equipt on a Slayer Task. Bug Fixes - Sanguinesti Staff is now 4 tick, previously was set to 5 tick - Toxic Staff of Dead now has +25 Magic attack bonus - Purple Sweets now provides the correct message in-game & restores 10% run energy - Fixed some issues with nulls at ToB, one being when using Ring of Suffering at Nylocas - Corrected Weapon Type on Crystal Pickaxe - Fixed an 'invisible' damage that was happening at Olm - Magic is now highest DPS against Totems at Nightmare - Added a check to ToB to end a custom death end event listener which sometimes seemed to not remove correctly. - Fixed an issue with repeating un-noting tasks with your servant at PoH.
  5. BoomScape Update New Content - Greatish Guardian has been added - Cleaned up how Pets are done in the backend - Inquistors Armour now applies the correct bonus' when using 'Crush' attack style - Soul Bearer functionality has been added - The Soul Bearer has been added to the Appreciation Store! Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with the Yell command causing clients to screenshot with certain phrases - Slayer Monsters that provide more experience than their HP level will now provide that amount of experience - Fixed a pricing issue in the Shops - Fixed a bug that caused Nightmare to drop double loot - Fixed a few null issues - Fixed an issue with the Appreication Point system calculating incorrectly - Issue with Pets reverting after being morphed if not picked up before logging out has been fixed.
  6. BoomScape Updates Content Updates - Base drop rate has been increased, previously was 1/53, and is now 1/43 for non-mvp, mvp is now 1/39. - Nex KC now shows upon a kill - You can now use Presets in the Nex waiting room - Removed Discord message regarding Lottery when the pot is at 0gp Nightmare Fixes - Ranged/Magic attacks now apply the following max damage correcting previous logic - 9 Max Damage when the correct prayers are used - 33 Max Damage when no prayers are used - 39 Max Damage when the incorrect prayer is used Bug Fixes - Ammonite Crabs are now aggressive - Cannons can no longer be placed within the Nex regions - Added further checks for pre-iron accounts
  7. BoomScape Updates Nex Fixes - Melee Attack - Praying against Melee now halfs the max hit, previously was * 0.8 - Smoke Phase - Smoke Magic Hit has been increased from 32 to 33, protect from magics now halfs the max hit, previously was * 0.8 - Shadow Phase - Shadow Range Max hit has been increased from 45 to 60, protection against Range now halfs the max hit - Shadow Range Max hit also changes depending on your distance from Nex - Blood Phase - The Blood Magic attack now only targets a single player, and any players within a 3x3 AoE of the current target - Ice Phase - If praying Protect from Missiles whilst stuck inside the 'Ice Prison' the max damage of 75 will be reduced by 50% - When being trapped in the 'Ice Prison' you can now re-activate prayers & eat - Upon the Stalagmites being destroyed the player will now be unlocked - Protect from Magic increased from * 0.8 to 0.5 - Zaros Phase - Prayer Effectivness increased from * 0.8 to 0.5 Content Updates - Little Nightmare Pet Base rates have been reduced and are now 1/1,000 or 1/800 if you are the MVP - You can now revert inactive BOFA's & Blade's of Saeldor for Enhanced Crystal Weapon Seeds at the Signing Bowl for 250 Crystal Shards Bug Fixes - You can no longer Gamble if you are below a certain level
  8. BoomScape Updates Nex Changes - Nex Special Attack chance has been decreased, making it easier - Fixed an issue with the Shadow Smash attack being incorrectly done - Reduced Blood Reavers healing by 50% New Content - Bot Prevention has been added to various other skills to combat against players using Autoclickers - Added missing spawns to the Wilderness Slayer Cave & missing Tasks to Krystilia Bug Fixes - All Slayer Helmets should now function correctly in the Smoke Dungeon - 'Empty Jugs' have been corrected to the right ID - Fixed a bug where you could get unlimited charges on charged items that use Ornament Kits - Fixed an issue with the Anicent Ceremonial Mask - Nightmare Zone spawns have been adjusted - Fixed an issue with Poison/Venom whilst using a cannon, this extends & fixes issues with item charges being used for each hit with a cannon - Some NPCs were being named as 'null' when Rare items were broadcasted on Drop, these have been fixed - Fixed an issue with cannons not being able to start firing again whilst being attacked by NPCs Removed Content - The Halloween Event has now ended, you can still access the Shop & Location by typing ;;halloween Staff logs - Corrected wording for when items are dropped - Added PK logs
  9. ? BoomScape Halloween Update ? Halloween Event! - There will be a Boss Event which runs every 3 hours, and always spawned upon a server restart.. This is not a SAFE EVENT FOR HCIM. - Possible rewards include the following; - Black Candy (Guaranteed) - These can be used in the Halloween Shop for some Festive items! - BoomScape Bonds, 1/100 Chance for 50 Bonds, 1/10 Chance for 10 Bonds! - Black H'ween Mask, 1/500 Chance - Pumpkin, 1/100 Chance - Little Death Pet, 1/50 Chance - The Halloween event can be accessed by typing ;;halloween in-game, with the event ending on Friday 4th of November New Content - Meiyerditch Laboratories has been added to the Teleport Nexus along with NPC Spawns - Appreciation Points have now been limited due to the excessive amounts of AFK players farming appreciation points on alt accounts. The new system won't be publicly dettailed. If you don't abuse the appreication points then you shouldn't notice any effect. - When achieving 200,000,000 experience in a stat, your game mode will also be broadcasted - Agility Pet rates have been halved - Skilling pets are now 5x more likely once 200m experince has been achieved - Scroll Boxes will now be rewarded from Bird Nests & Fishing Clue Bottles Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue in the Grand Exchange, where when collecting unstackable items as 'items' the inventory space wouldn't be taken into consideration/checked - Corrected a few issues with items not having the correct requirements setup - Fixed an issue with a Shortcut in Zeah getting stuck - Corrected drop rates on Zakl'n Gritch - Crystal Implings will no longer spawn in Puro Puro, and will from now spawn in Prifddinis - Jad now provides the correct amount of Slayer Experience - Corrected Dragon Dart to have the correct bonuses Server Sided - Changed the way Database settings are used for the server, for continuity between the server and local development
  10. BoomScape Updates We have a short update today, as there is an underlying issue which has been resolved in the bug fixes pushed out today. Our Spoooooky Halloween Update will be dropping this Friday, be prepared.... New Content - ToB Drop Rates are now 1:1 with OSRS, making the the drop rate better than it previously was - Updates to the Vote Shop Bug Fixes - Fixed a null issue with Blowpipe when attacking NPCs that transform - Fixes to how the Poison & Venom system work. NPCs will no longer null out when dying to a one hit venom attack - Corrected incorrect ornament kit combine - Corrected Al Kharid Mine Shooting Star Broadcast
  11. BoomScape Latest Update New Content - Ash Sanctifier now functions, Donators will get the full experience from using it, any non donators will receive half the experience - Zahur has been added to the Donator Zone - Added Ammonite Crabs to the Donator Zone - Amethyst Bolts & Darts can now be created - Amethyst Darts can now be used on the Blowpipe - Arrows can now be used with weapon poison along with Amethyst Darts - The Granite Maul now costs 60% Special Attack, with the Ornate Maul now functioning how it should at 50% Special Attack - Ornate Maul can now be combined with a Granite Maul - Abyssal Dagger drop rate is now what it should be - When receiving a 99/max the global announcement will also display what Experience Mode you are playing on - Added Tertiary Rewards to TOB (Ornament Kits & Sanguine Dust) - Celestial Ring/Signet will now provide an invisible +4 mining bonus - Celestial Ring/Signet now consumes charges, saving charges from being used with Crystal Tools - Ultimate Mystery Box & Voting Mystery Box tables have been updated - Jimmy Dazzler Shop Updated - PK Points Shop Prices reduced - Voting Shop has been updated Bug Fixes - You can now create a Slayer Helm with imbued Black Masks of any variant - Added checks to Nightmare Zone todo with Absorption protection smuggling - Fixed an issue with certain items having issues with being alched. - Corrected Crystal Body stats - Added missing Void Ornament Items to the Set Effect - Corrected the cycles for Shooting Stars - Basilisk Knights now count towards tasks - Fixed an issue with old players being unable to login - Fixed issue wih Pest Control Stat rewards - Corrected Spawn timers for Thermonuclear Smoke Devil & Cerberus - Corporeal Beast can no longer be Venomed/Poisoned - Fixed incorrect BOFA range from 8 Squares to 10 Squares
  12. Voting Mystery Box These can be claimed through the vote shop, in-game, they cost 150 Vote Points and give you the chance at the following loot! Common Table Item Amount Crystal Key 25- 50 Cannonballs 500-750 Anglerfish 500-1,000 Dragon Bolts 300-400 Superior Dragon Bones 300-450 Crystal Weapon Seed 1 Blood Shard 1 Rare Table Item Amount Crystal Tool Seed 1 Cannonballs 2,500-4,000 Crystal Armour Seed 1 Abyssal Whip (or) 1 Shattered Relics Void Ornament Kit 1 Shattered Relics Mystic Ornament Kit 1-3 Dragon Crossbow 1 Pet Drop Scroll 1 Rare Drop Scroll 1 Bonus Exp Scroll 1 Super Rare Table Item Amount Abyssal Tentacle (or) 1 Abyssal Bludgeon 1 Dagon'hai Robes Ornament Kit 1-3 Zenyte Shard 1 Black Tourmaline Core 1 Ranger Boots 1 Crystal Armour Seed 1 Mega Rare Table Item Amount Enhanced Crystal Weapon Seed 1
  13. BoomScapes Revision Update has finally landed As a lot of you know, we have been working on a massive update for BoomScape over the past few months, we have finally perfected everything and packed in a lot of new content and updates! We are going from a 192 revision of Old School RuneScape, all the way up to the 206 revision, meaning a mass of updates being dropped all at once which is exciting! Below I will go into detail about the updates & changes that have been made starting of with Client changes! We have gone through and removed quite a few redundant plugins that had no use in BoomScape to help reduce clutter in the options! The list of removed plugins can be seen below Removed Plugins Whale Watchers War Indicator TMorph Tithe Farm Thieving Tarns Lair Supplies Tracker Runedoku Quest List Pyramid Plunder Puzzle Solver Player Scouter Mage Training Arena Loot Assist Kourend Libary Kingdom Equipment Inspector Clan Man Mode Blackjack BanList World Hopper Twitch SlayerMusiq Profiles News Feed Drop Party Default World Crystal Math Labs The main RuneLite client updates can be seen below, something you guys have been waiting for, for a while! 117HD Release & GPU Updgraded Disclaimer The 117HD Plugin is still in beta, and isn't recommended to be used in dangerous situations such as PvP No items or HCIM status will be refunded in the event of the client crashing due to these plugins, so please be cautious and especially aware on lower powered computer setups. Notes for HD Plugin BoomScape does not maintain the HD Plugin, all the features have been taken from the public RuneLiteHD Github, any graphical issues caused on your client will most likely be present in OSRS too, and will be fixed in the future. We ask thar you don't report these issues to us. Running the HD plugin heavily depends on the GPU, it is not recommended to enable the HD plugin if you don't have a GPU and are using integrated graphics. The 117 HD & GPU Plugins are now available on BoomScape Please take note, the plugins cannot be both enabled at the same time as they conflict with each other, and only one will be runnable at a time. 117 HD: This plugin will move most of the client's rendering to the GPU, if available, upgrading a lot of visual aspects of the game to a much higher definition There are quite a few customisable options within the plugin to tender how the plugin works Some of the options include: Adjustable draw distance, from 1-90 tiles. Shadow quality/distances. Winter Theme mode Dynamic lighting Underwater Caustics Fog depth GPU Plugin The plugin will not make any drastic visual changes to the game, but passes some of the rendering to the GPU, which will allow players to smooth out the games edges with anti-aliasing, adjust draw distance from 1-90 tiles & add colorblind filters. Players may experience issues with these plugins, mainly depending on your GPU & the version of OpenGL that you are running, also depending on the device, OS etc Some potential solutions to these issues can be found here: https://github.com/runelite/runelite/wiki/GPU-FAQ The following updates have been added to BoomScape Nex has been released! Killcount Requirement Nex will be accessible after 40 Ancient Killcount in the new God Wars dungeon lair, you can use a Ecumenical key to skip this kc requirement, donators will also get their respective boosts to KC requirements. How the fight works Nex is an instanced area so beware if you drop items on the floor as they will not be retrievable, the fight will start a minute after players enter through the Ancient Barrier, which will set the ancient barrier to turn red whilst Nex is being fought. Drop System There is a minimum damage requirement to be eligible for a drop and killcount from Nex, if you are over that threshold you will receive loot, with the MVP getting Big bones additionally. Loot is the same for every player, except the MVP who will have a slight higher chance to get a valuable unique & Pet Nexling! Similar to OSRS, Torva items will need to be repaired, this can be done by breaking down Bandos Tasstes/Chestplates into Bandosian components. This can be done by using the bandos items on the Ancient Forge, and then use the damaged Torva armour on the Anvil with the required Bandosian components in your inventory to fix them! Ancient Weapons Ancient Godsword The Ancient Godsword' special attack has been added, adding a whole new variety to PvP in the Wilderness, please refer to the following for further details about how the Ancient Godsword works https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Ancient_godsword Zaryte Crossbow The Zaryte crossbow can be crafted by attaching a Nihl horn to an Armadyl Crossbow along wih 250 Nihil Shards, it's special attack guarantee's a Special from your bolt, please refer to the following to find further details on how the Zaryte Crossbow works! https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Zaryte_crossbow Shooting Stars have been released! How they will work? Shooting Stars will spawn every 4 hours into BoomScape, these events will be globally broadcasted in-game & on Discord in the #game-events channel. These will work similar to OSRS, there are 9 layers to the Shooting Star that has crashed down to Gilenor, with each layer requiring a different mining level to be able to harvest the stardust from the Star. The star will automatically be mined by a group of Dwarfs if it's not mined within 30 minutes! Where can I spend my Stardust collected? Stardust can be spent at Dusuri's Star Shop, who can be found by the Mining Guild entrance in Falador, he will sell the following items: Celestial ring (uncharged) Star fragment - This allows one piece of the prospector kit to be recoloured to a gold variant. Bag full of gems. Soft clay pack. We might also add other goodies to this store, so feel free to make suggestions on what we could add! For a more detailed understanding of how the Shooting Star system works, please refer to the following: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Shooting_Stars Bow of Faerdhinen & Blade of Saeldor have been added! How will they be rewarded? Initially as we don't have Gauntlet in BoomScape, these will be received in UMB & SMB's along with being inside the Enhanced Crystal Key chest at an extremely rare rate.. Going into the future, we are planning on releasing some additional bosses, such as a Vote boss which currently is planned to spawn per 250 global votes, and this will either be on the bosses drop table, or perhaps you will get points for killing the Vote Event Boss, it is unsure exactly how that will work at this stage though. We will be working on releasing Gauntlet also but it's currently unknown to when progress will be started on this. How can the weapon be made and colored? The Blade & Bow can be both made at the Signing Bowl and be made into either Corrupted or Uncorrupted versions, only corrupted versions can be recoloured, to find out more information on the weapons please refer to the following: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Blade_of_saeldor#Charged https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bow_of_faerdhinen#Charged The new Vote Mystery Boxes have been added! These can be purchased using Vote Points in the Party Pete shop and will provide some juicy new rewards along with cosmetic upgrades! The loot table will be added shortly for this New Additions to BoomScape Revision has been updated from 192, to 206, meaning a lot of visual changes around the game, and to the map! If you find any issues around the map, be sure to create a bug report or DM me personally Demonic Creatures will no longer drop 'ashes' and in replacement will drop 'Demonic Ashes' with different demonic creatures dropping different tiers.. These can be scattered in return, gaining prayer experience. Added new Pets Nexling Pet Lil'Zik Metamorphis Lil' Creator Lil' Destructor Double Cannonball mould has been added *** currently unsure where to add this.. lol, maybe donor store idk yet.. New Item Combines have been added, such as the Ornament kit for Dragon Warhammer that wasn't passed in an OSRS Poll These types of Ornament Kits will be released in a few different ways, but none have been 100% confirmed yet New Vote Mystery Boxes Jimmy Dazzlers Seasonal 'FashionScape' store BoomScape Events Crystal Tools now work and function as expected Changes to Death Mechanics in the Wilderness Previously the death mechanics in the wilderness meant that untradeable items over 20 wilderness turned into coins, which was incorrect, they will now protect if they are supposed to, else they will either turn into gold, or revert to the un-upgraded version of the item. Bug Fixes We have gone through and fixed up some bugs text Removed some random rocks falling at Corporeal Beast, along with resistance message Dragon Hunter Crossbow no longer boosts damage by 30% and has been decreased to 25% Wyverns were not being considered as a dragon, causing issues with DHL/DHCB, this has been corrected Sotetseg no longer hits you after he has been defeated Corrected the crafting of Crystal Tools at the Signing Bowl not requiring the Dragon counterpart Crystal Axe Crystal Pickaxe Crystal Harpoon Character Selection Name has been changed due to some issues it was causing Fixed an issue with Dwarf Cannon auto reload for Dragonstone + donators Fixed a bug with non donators getting extra Slayer points
  14. BoomScape Re-Launch As some of you have already found out, BoomScape has re-launched, meaning we have reset everyone's items & levels. This has been a subject in BoomScape for the past few months amongst the staff team, and after further discussion with the playerbase, we have decieded to relaunch the game! I understand some players are frustrated with the decision, but in the long term, it is the best outcome for the longevity for BoomScape, also sets everything back to normal, giving all players a chance to compete again and be on a level playing field. As you may know, BoomScape has been running for almost 2 whole years! In that time the economy had become flooded with items, and gold, which in earlier revisions of BoomScape there was a few bugs which led to people gaining a lot of gold sadly! This led to everything in the economy being a bit all over the place and why we decieded it's best to have a restart! For this reset, we decieded to allow players to keep any pets they achieved along with Infernal Capes, if you login and are missing either of these please send me a message on Discord and I will look into getting them back for you! Going into the future, we will be implementing item sinks and further gold sinks to make sure we don't end up in this same place again in the years to come. BoomScape will also be undergoing a revision upgrade by the end of the week, which means we will be on the latest revision of OSRS, and have new features to the client & game which we have been working on over the past few months, I would like to thank you for your loyalty to BoomScape and hope for you all to stick around and see what we've got lined up for the future of BoomScape (trust me it's unreal), we will also be the only RSPS to have all these features along with Mobile still running, as a lot of RSPS's lately have stopped support mobile as you may already know! If you have any issues please feel free to message me on Discord, and I thank you again for your loyalty to BoomScape!
  15. BoomScape Launcher Update New Launchers for the BoomScape Client have now been released for Windows, Mac & Linux. The clients will now support the GPU plugin correctly, upon some other fixes. The previous Launcher will no longer be supported going into the future, only critical updates will be pushed to the old launchers. You can find the new downloads links below https://boom-scape.com/downloads/ Windows 32Bit - https://boom-scape.com/download/releases/BoomScapeSetup32.exe Windows 64Bit - https://boom-scape.com/download/releases/BoomScapeSetup.exe MacOS - https://boom-scape.com/download/releases/BoomScape.dmg Linux x64 - https://boom-scape.com/download/releases/BoomScape.AppImage Linux Aarch x64 - https://boom-scape.com/download/releases/BoomScape-aarch64.AppImage Cross Platform Jar - https://boom-scape.com/download/releases/BoomScape.jar If you haven't already the Android Client has also been updated to support the Revision update coming soon Android Launcher - https://boom-scape.com/download/files/boomscape.apk
  16. BoomScape Update Some Important information firstly As some of you may know, we are currently working on upgrading BoomScape to the latest OSRS Revision (#207), we have made massive progress and currently at the stage where we are adding the new content on a development server. In preparation for the update, both the Mobile & Desktop clients have changed to be able to read the new data from the cache, meaning you will need to download the latest client to continue playing BoomScape. For anyone using the desktop Launcher your clients have already been updated automatically so you can ignore this! However if you use the following clients you WILL need to download the new client! Java Direct Android Mobile Client You can find the latest downloads on the website https://boom-scape.com/downloads/ Content Updates - Scroll of Redirection now functions on House Teleport Tabs - Added Prifddinas & Hosidius Teleport Tabs - You can now trade in pieces to Ignisia for Burnt Pages & Extra Supply Crates! Bug Fixes - Fixed special attack not using attack delay from NM Staffs & Dawnbringer - Fixed Harmonised Nightmare Staff, no longer is able to Autocast on Ancients & is only 4 tick on Modern spellbook - Fixed an issue with Donator Zone bounds for extra XP - Special Attack no longer resets on relogs - Fixed issues with starting HP of Nightmare Totems & Xarpus - Fixed an issue where your screen would stay tinted dark after leaving the ToB Area - Fixed an issue after ToB where you couldn't teleport
  17. BoomScape Updates Content Changes - AFK Zone has been changed and nerfed drastically - The chance at a successful action has been reduced from 70% to 40% - There is now a 50% chance at receiving an AFK point per succesful rotation - The delay per action has been increased from 4 ticks to 6-12 ticks - Mystery Box price has been increased, Third Age Mystery Box has been removed - Dragon Warhammer now requires 60 Strength instead of 60 Attack - Added Graceful Hallowed combine options & added to the Vote Shop - Added Graceful Trailblazer combine options & added to the AFK Shop - Added Zalcano Shard combine options & added to Pickaxe usage, this has also been added to the AFK Shop - 3rd Age Plateskirt added to 3rd Age Mystery Box, Mimic Loot Table, Clue Scroll Tables & Mystery Box Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with Trident (e) & added dialogue when dismantling - Fixed an issue with Blamish Oil being the wrong ID for creation of Oily Fishing Rod - Rapid Heal now resets the HP timer - Fixed an issue with Obsidian Set bonus when using Ornament versions - Changed the Tome of Fire to use Empty book on Mystery Boxes - You can no longer use cannons at Cerberus & TOB I am away on Holiday for the weekend, but once I return we will be working on the new Revision Updates, we have already packed all the latest OSRS data from #206, and will be working on fixing up a few issues once I get back and then working on the new content!
  18. BoomScape Updates New Content - Chambers of Xeric Loot will now have the Loot Beam added above the chest, white for no uniques, purple for a unique - The assigned Chests at TOB now show the spinning selector for your loot - Sarachnis should no longer null, also added correct Attack, Defend & Death anims - Catherby added to Nexus Teleport - Reduced Agility Pet base chance by 50% - AFK Zone Added, this will be located just behind the Well of Goodwill - Wintertodt will provide Construction, Firemaking & Woodcutting experience - Herbiboar will provide Herblore & Hunter experience - Zalcano will provide Runecrafting, Mining & Smithing experience - Per successful action you will be rewarded with AFK Points which can be used in the new AFK Shop Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with the GE Offer Viewer for Mods+ - Fixed an issue in the Catacombs with unwalkable flags by Bloodvelds & Greater Demons
  19. BoomScape Updates New Content - Placeholders now work in the Seed Vault - You will now receive 80% of the imbue amount back when unimbuing - Added an option within the GE Offer Viewer for Mods+ to abort players offers (to be used in the case of those pesky offers) Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with the ring of suffering - Fixed a GIM issue on items in the wilderness - Fixed an issue with non donators getting extra 100 Slayer Points & having unlimited free Clue Skips - Fixed an issue with floor items only showing one of that item when re-entering the area, example - 10 unnoted sharks would previously show as 1 shark on the floor when leaving and re-entering a region
  20. BoomScape Latest Updates New Content - Explorers Ring Functions now functions - You can now use Alchemy, High/Low - You can now use energy restore - The charges for Alchemy will have 30 per day, and 3 per day for energy restore, these will reset daily (UTC-08:00/PT) - Totem Drop Rates have been buffed - Mole Claws & Skins drops are now noted for Donators - You can now click on a Cooking Range's etc to cook an array of raw food in your inventory Mobile Additions - On Mobile the 'Functions' button now operates how it should - You can select to chose between 3 toggles, Keyboard, Tap-to-drop & Single-tap Bug Fixes - Removed Easter Event Points within Quest Tab - Corrected the removal message for Blood Fury - Fixed an issue with Mimic being able to kill it as many times as you like without opening the Mimic crate - Corrected Mysterious Emblem message formatting - Fixed an issue in the Equipment Stats viewer that didn't register items moved within the Inventory container causing items to appear 'duped' - Corrected anims for Abhorrent spectre (Superior) - Corrected stat requirements for Nightmare Staffs & Dragon Kiteshields - Ironemn will now receive PK Drops, but will not be able to pickup the items, the items should now publicly spawn after some time - Fixed a null issue in the Skill Lamp when no skill was selected - Blood Pints can now be consumed - Fixed an issue with Chefs Delight' boost - Fixed several issues with how the Pest Control interfaces & activity bar works - Fixed an issue when hiring a Servant for POH, the Servants Inventory wasn't initiated TOB Fixes - Fixed an issue with The Maiden of Sugadinti respawning - Fixed an issue with Nylocas Spiders respawning in the Vasilias & Verzik Fights
  21. BoomScape Updates New Content - The Mimic has been released! - You will need to go to Watson's House located near Hosidius and speak to the Mimic chest to enable the chance of getting Mimics - The Mimic can be rolled on either Master Caskets (1/10), or Elite Caskets (1/20) - Unlike OSRS you have unlimited chances to defeat the Mimic, dying will not change the chance of the loot - Third Age items have a chance of 1/200 to be added to your Mimic Clue Scroll - The Mimic is also a Teleport in the Nexus teleporter - The Ring of 3rd Age has been added along with all the options to morph into 3rd age items - Mimic KC now saves to the Highscores - Seed Box has been added - Seed Box can be purchased in the Vote Shop for 25 Vote Points - Seed Vault has been added, this can be accessed at the Farming Guild and serves to store all types of Seeds & Saplings! - UIM are unable to use the Seed Vault as storage Bug Fixes - Clue Scrolls now have the 'examine' option within the interface - Fixed an issue where the Skill Lamp's Interface didn't correctly switch Sprites when selecting different skills to gain xp - Fixed an issue within the Quest Tab where the selected option didn't change visually, and fixed an issue on Resized Screens
  22. BoomScape Updates New Content - Group Ironmen can now view and manage their team, you can do this by going to Adam at home and selecting 'Manage ironman group'! - Fishing Explosives now work in Kraken instances - Dinhs Bulwark Special Attack now works - The Lottery now starts at 25m GP - Mysteryious Emblems are now x10 of OSRS - Ancient Artefacts are now x20 of OSRS - Incinerator in the Bank Interface now works for deleting items Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with Noted items in TOB being withdrawn to the bank in noted form. - Dragon Platebody/(g) now has characters arm renders set correctly - Corrected Portals at Pest Control Death & Defend Animations - You can now use Range/Magic for Portals at Pest Control - NPE Fixes (Null Pointer Exception) - Fixed an issue with Server Side NPEs in relation to Fishing Spots - Fixed an NPE with a Vasa Nistirio attack - Fixed an NPE with Slayer Task Tips - Fixed an NPE at Adamant Dragons - Added a NPE check at COX - Fixed a bunch of NPEs at Pest Control Cache Update - New Interface has been added for Group Ironman Management which will require clients to be restarted to be able to use
  23. BoomScape Updates Majority of todays updates are todo with TOB fixing up the majority of bugs/issues found from TOB runs New Content - You are now assigned chests within TOB with an arrow pointing to your chest, this also includes Purple chests to show you received a unique - Nylocas will no longer hit the maximum hit if you are on the wrong prayer, instead it'll hit up to the maximum - Added Escape Crystals for Theatre of Blood - Presets can now be accessed from ToB & CoX Bank areas Bug Fixes - Projectiles now work how they should at TOB Verzik Boss - Fixed issues with Nylocas's attacks and the way the boss switches through its phases - Fixed an issue on Phase 1 of Verzik where the Boss would still attack you whilst dead - Added stat restores to after you defeat Xarpus - Added a check to bloat to not inflict damage upon stomp if it's dead - Fixed a server side issue with destroying the TOB Dynamic Map - Fixed an issue caused by the Target Route System in PvP - Fixed an issue where the logout listener wasn't removed from Nightmare Zone which in some cases put you back to NMZ area when logging back in
  24. BoomScape ToB Release Theatre of Blood has now been released on BoomScape after a long awaited time of development! The majority of TOB has been made to be 1:1 with OSRS with a few exceptions you'll find when running the raid to make it slightly easier than OSRS, though still be extremely challenging! The TOB drops previously in COX has been removed and can now only be acquired from TOB. TOB can be accessed through the Nexus Teleport at Home, under Minigames. Scythe's will now also require to be charged similar to how OSRS works, this can be done by filling up the wells at TOB with Blood Runes and Vials of Blood, 1 charge is equal to 100 charges. There has also been a few fixes in general to how NPCs function which should provide a much better experience when bossing overall. To celebrate the release of TOB we will be running an event for the following categories First Team to get a Unique drop - $50 Store Credit for each of the contributing players within the Team & $100 Credit for the person that receieved a Unique drop! First Solo to get a Unique drop - Scythe of Vitur (uncharged) (Be sure to show proof of the Solo run using the Rewards Room interface) Speed Events, please be sure to post your fastest times in Discord under #tob-team-times or #tob-solo-times be sure to take a screenshot of the interface from the Rewards Room to be eligible. Fastest Team to run TOB - $50 Store Credit each Fastest Solo to run TOB - Scythe of Vitur (uncharged) Bug fixes/Suggestions will now resume to be released weekly, we are also working on a new revision update which will include new content & bosses such as Nex!
  25. BoomScape Updates New Content - Bank Fillers now have full functionality - TzHaar-Ket-Om Ornament Kit now works - Ether Bracelet now returns any ether remaining when uncharging - Bone Crusher will now restore Prayer Points when used in Kourend Catacombs - Hespori Seed Chances has been increased Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with Hespori Patch Growth rates - Fixed an issue with Ring Of Suffering not removing Uniquie Value when unimbued - Corrected protections against Dragon Fire Attacks - Corrected Extended Super Antifire Potion - Stackable items will now add to the looting bag when the bag is full, if the stackable item is already in the looting bag - Added a check for Looting Bag drops when having an Open Looting Bag in the Bank/Inventory - Dagannoth Supreme Pet Drop has been added as it was previously missing from the table