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Everything posted by James

  1. BoomScape Updates BoomScape New Content - Weapon Poison has been added, you can now use weapon poison potions on accepted weapons/ammo to give them poison - Stat Spy has been added to Lunar Spells - Tan Leather has been added to Lunar Spells - Recharge Dragonstone has been added to Lunar Spells - Cure Group has been added to Lunar Spells - Heal Other has been added to Lunar Spells - Telekinetic Grab spell has been added to Modern Spells Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where players didn't get poisoned/venomed - Fixed an issue with Energy Transfer spell not removing special attack from the caster. - Fixed a bug with how TeleGroup works on Lunar Spell Book - Fixed a missing check for aid on Veng Other - Fixed an issue with Boss Tasks - Fixed an issue with Dragon Forge chainbody ID
  2. BoomScape Updates BoomScape New Content - New Slayer Master Zotikos has been added, he only provides Boss Tasks to people with 'Like a boss' unlocked for a 1m fee - Majority of Lunar Spells has been added - Plank Make spell has been added - Energy Transfer spell has been added - Huner Kit spell has been added - Spin Flax spell has been added - Cure Me spell has been added - Cure Other spell has been added - Telegroup spells has been added - String Jewellery has been added - Brimhaven shortcut to Dragons has been added Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with Duradel not providing an option for how many Boss kills to choose - Fixed an issue with Donator Zone Roof not being removed when inside the house for people with roofs on - Fixed an issue where the Slayer Tower duneon was considered as being in the Wilderness - Fixed noted bones/bar drops appearing as unnoted drops for Donators - Fixed a bug with Favouriting Lithkren in the teleporter - Fixed a nulling issue at Sarachnis
  3. BoomScape Updates New Content - The Taxidermist now functions allowing you to stuff NPCs heads etc for use in POH - Bars now drop noted for Donators - Pest Control games should now only require 3 people to start - You can now type ";;wiki string" to search the OS Wiki - Barlak has been added, you can speak to him around the Home area to trade in Long & Curved bones for experience & GP! Bug Fixes - Issues with the way cannons worked in Single Way combat zones have now been fixed - Issues with NPCs going through walls due to the cannon should now be fixed - Fixed an issue where you could use cannons in some Dynamic Regions like The Nightmare - Cannons can now be re-claimed through Nulodion if lost or broken - Fixed in issue in the Wilderness Slayer Cave where the Wilderness Level didn't display - Fixed an issue with Pest Control instantly starting with 5 people rather than waiting for the timer - Fixed visual issues with Crystal Body & 3rd Age Druidic Top - Fixed an issue with how Slayer Works - Duradel & Steve will no longer only give out Boss Tasks - Lizardmen Sharman, Red Dragons can now be recieved as a task if you have the unlock - Vampyres can now be receieved as a task - Corrected Slayer XP Received from Jad & Zuk on a TzHaar task - Fixed an issue with the ladder at Slayer Dagganoth's - Fixed an issue with the Master Wand not having correct Autocast ID
  4. BoomScape Cannon Update! New Content - Cannons have now been introduced into BoomScape & can be purchased for 750k from Nulodion south of the Ice Mountain. - Making Cannon Balls is now possible, donators also have a 40% chance at making extra balls (Each Donator Rank has a higher amount of extra balls) - Dragon Kiteshields & Platebody's can now be made at the Dragon Forge Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with how Grand Exchange history is displayed - Fixed an issue with damage applied from Cannon being set to the players hits - Fixed an issue with how the cannon works when it runs out of ammo or turns broken - Discord Token has been changed
  5. BoomScape Updates Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances players wouldn't see loot on the floor until after 1 minute - Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances objects wouldn't update for all players - Fixed an issue where stacked item drops wouldn't remove from the floor - Added extra checks for wilderness deaths, now Irons loot can be picked back up by the Ironman that died - Fixed an issue with mage being 1 tick without a staff - Added a null check for Abyssal Sire in the event a player dies/tps out whilst Sire is on a certain phase - Corrected Crystal Bow ID from Iilfeen Website Changes - We have switched over to a new Web Host which will cover the following; - Web speeds should now be much faster than the previous website which previously had incredibly slow speeds - DDoS Protected Web Server, this should mean the website shouldn't have any downtime from attacks
  6. BoomScape Updates Content Updates - Grand Exchange has a new Offer Viewer added - You will be able to search for items in the new interface - You will be able to filter the items by the price - The new System will display all items currently being Bought & Sold - You will be able to access the offer directly by clicking on the offer in the new interface - Grand Exchang History has been added - Big Noodle can now drop Santa Hat's & Snowball Drops have been increased - Big Noodle can now be set to spawn hourly (This will likely happen during Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Boxing Day) Bug Fixes - NPCs in Kourend can now be stacked - Fixed an issue with the drop rate on Olm Pet, you will now have a 1/50 chance at receiving the Olm Pet if you receieve a unique - Corrected a few missing Discord Integration to the new style - Fixed the issue with Harmonised Staff tick speed - Minions at Godwars Dungeon will no longer bug out after the first kill
  7. BoomScape Updates Discord - Achievements in Discord will now come across Embdeded displaying a more stylish look along with an image of the Stat leveled - Drops & Pet Drops in Discord now also have Embeded styling - Events also have the new Emebded styling applied Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with Smoke Battlestaff not saving autocast on weapon switch - An issue where you would be classed as High Risk whilst on Streak has been fixed - Fixed an issue where the Harmonised Staff was at default 5 tick delay adjusting it to 4 tick delay - Crafting Guild can now be accessed - Fixed an issue in Buy Viewer with how the Inventory Interface works
  8. ??BoomScape Christmas Update!?? New Christmas Boss on BoomScape! Big Noodle will be spawned on any Server Restart The new Boss will spawn every 3 hours after Big Noodle has been killed Multiple Drop Tables can be landed on the new Boss, further details below on exact tables, all tables can be hit on every kill and all tables are unique to each player. To receive a drop you need to hit Big Noodle for at-least 1 damage! New Christmas Shop Added to spend Snowballs in! Big Noodle's Drop Table 100 Snowballs (1/50) 50 Snowballs (1/25) 25 Snowballs (Guaranteed) 100 Bonds (1/100) 10 Bonds (1/10) Christmas Cracker (1/500) Little Noodle Pet (1/50) Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where some NPCs would be aggressive even though they aren't supposed to be aggressive NPCs. Previously this was set only on aggro level causing a few issues for HCIM.
  9. BoomScape Updates Nightmare Bug Fixes - Totems should no longer have issues on Phase 1, logging has been setup incase it still does. - Fixed an issue where when asked not to be shown dialogue when entering Nightmare again it still would - Totems should no longer bug out on Phase 1 though I've not managed to re-create the issue once on Local - Corrected the Graphics on Sleepwalker phase - Corrected Grasping Claws Attack - Max Hits on Nightmare have been corrected to 33 with the correct prayer & 39 with the incorrect prayer/no prayer - Fixed an issue with Nightmare displaying incorrect in the Lobby on Phase 3 Mobile Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where Spell Filtering did not work on Mobile Server Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with Olm having a safespot - Fixed an issue with the Teletab system after a recent cache update - Hydra's drop will now drop in the correct order, Hydra Eye, Hydra Fang & Hydra Heart - Nightmare Staffs will now save the last spell they were on
  10. Nightmare Updated (Finally....) - Nightmare has been released - Nightmare Staffs have been implemented - Nightmare Teleport has been added to Nexus Teleporter - Core workers have been adjusted How Nightmare Works It works pretty similar to OSRS; - Drops are similar with double rolls & MVP enhancements - There is a Damage Threshold to be elidgeable for drops - All Phases work with the exception of the Surge phase due to the OSRS Revision we are currently on - The Nightmare will start once she is disturbed locking other players from joining the Instance so be sure the whole group is in before it starts! - The Instance will be destroyed if Nightmare is killed OR if all the players in the instance have been killed - Nightmare Spectating will be added in a later update due to time constrainments - Rest of it should be 1:1 with OSRS Other Updates Abssyal Sire no longer requires a Task to be killed Nightmare Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where the Sleepwalkers would continue to count whilst they were dying stacking extra damage - Fixed an issue where Sleepwalkers would 'reach' Nightmare to early - Fixed an issue where Sleepwalkers would get stuck if a player was in the way - Grasping Claw Damage delay has been matched correctly to when the claw pops out - Fixed Totems Interface to Sync correctly when they are fully charged - Fixed issues with spells/rings that would apply damage to an NPC in retaliation to being hit - Fixed an issue where the Kill Count didn't increase on Nightmare
  11. BoomScape Latest Updates New PK System has been added to BoomScape - Bounty Hunter Points removed - PK Points replaces Bounty Hunter Points, upon login these will automatically be converted over to the new PK Points System - New PK Points System awards 2 points per kill & 4 points per Bounty Target kill - Cooldowns have been added on kills against the same player for PK Points to avoid farming - You will now receive different Skull Overheads to show the current streak you are on - Mysterious Embelms now convert to cash instead of Bounty Points - PK Points Store has been added replacing the previous Bounty Hunter Store - There is now a kill streak system which awards the killer that ends somebody's killstreak with PK Points & Coins Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with Pickpocketing whilst wearing Full Rouges outfit - Fixes an issue where the Quest Icon wouldn't change to the corrisponding selection - Removed Lottery Global messages for now whilst the System is turned off Staff Logging Changes - Trades are now logged - Drops & Item Picking up is now logged - Duels are now logged - Mods can now do ;;bc - Logs for mutes are now handled better
  12. BoomScape Latest Updates Halloween Mini-Quest has been added, you can start the Mini-Quest by speaking to Sir Prysin located in Varrock Palace! Bone Bolts can now be used with Doreshuun Crossbow Devout Boots can be made by combining Holy Sandals & Drake' Tooth PVP Armours have been removed from UMB's, Coins have been added into UMB's, 100m, 500m & 1,000m Fixed a few items that had incorrect info Superior Slayer Monsters now Guarentee a Totem piece drop in the Katacombs Rouges Outfit now provides double loot from thieving NPCs when the whole set is worn Well of Goodwill now shows some cool graphics when filled up Normal Admins no longer lose there status when spending bonds lol Recoloring skins has been reduced for Donators Added Alchemical/Sarachnis & Nightmare Displays in POH using Jars
  13. BoomScape Latest Updates GIM Teams can now be up to 10 players Presets now reset HP/Toxins/Stats/Special Attack Ironmen can now remove their Ironman status through Adam Fixed an issue with some Yew Tree's being unchoppable Achievements will now send to Discord (aka levels) Reaching the max level will now send out a global message alerting people you have reached max Reset stats dialouge through max has been fixed & Iron's get to reset stats at half the price Fixed an issue with Imbued & Max Imbued Magic Capes giving the wrong IDs Fixed an issue with NMZ where if you DC'd or logged out during the NMZ you wouldn't receive the points Gardin's default dialouge has been removed Dragon Claws ID has been updated to the correct one from Cox Rewards Corrected the Discord URL for joining BoomScape Discord in-game Wilderness Keys are now Rewarded instead of 'monkeys' for PvP kills randomly
  14. Latest BoomScape Update This update comes with the release of a full Grand Exchange system, currently functions such as 'History' & 'Sets' are disabled for now until a future update! Fixed a few issues with items on the 'brake' list Fixed an issue with a few ornament kits not working Fixed a few issues with Max Capes not requiring all 99's The Bruma Torch now functions as a Tinder Box at Wintertodt All Mystery Boxes can now be gifted Cache Update The map at the home area has been slightly altered, with the removal of the duel arena, and addition of a Grand Exchange section in the bank, the bank size being slightly increased! Few NPCs have been moved about slightly along with a few other new coord changes.
  15. New Updates Ultimate Mystery Boxes are now in the Bonds store Ultimate Mystery Boxes now give full sets for PvP armours/weapons Removed the Rogues Crate interface due to an issue happening on Mobile, this will now be done through an options dialogue Ale of Gods now does the correct animations Rainbow Partyhat is now tradeable You can now reset certain levels through Mac for a fee! You can now speak to Watson to skip Clue Scrolls and get the casket! Fixed an issue with Presets Interface crashing on Mobile Smaller update than usual, I've been very ill these past few weeks and hope to recover and pump out more updates for BoomScape!
  16. Boomscape Ultimate Mystery Box Loot Table Common Table Item Amount Necklace Of Anquish (or) 1 Amulet of torture (or) 1 Ring of Suffering 1 Tormented Bracelet 1 Armadyl Chestplate (or) 1 Armadyl Chainskirt (or) 1 Bandos Chestplate (or) 1 Bandos Tassets (or) 1 Zamorak Spear 1 Armadyl Crossbow 1 Armadyl Godsword 1 Elder Maul 1 Arcane Scroll 1 Primordial Boots 1 Justiciar Faceguard 1 Justiciar Chestguard 1 Justiciar Legguards 1 Ancestral Hat 1 Basilisk Jaw 1 Rare Table Item Amount Dragon Claws 1 Pegasian Boots 1 Kodai Wand 1 Dragon Hunter Crossbow 1 Dragon Hunter Lance 1 Avernic Hilt 1 Ancestral Robe Top 1 Ancestral Robe Bottom 1 Dragon Warhammer 1 Nightamare Staff 1 Ancient Godsword 1 Super Rare Table Item Amount Elidinis' Ward 1 Green halloween mask 1 Blue halloween mask 1 Red halloween mask 1 Santa Hat 1 Red Party Hat 1 Yellow Party Hat 1 Blue Party Hat 1 Green Party Hat 1 Purple Party Hat 1 White Party Hat 1 Spectral Spirit Shield 1 Inquisitor's Great Helm 1 Mega Rare Table Item Amount Osmumten's Fang 1 Zaryte Vambraces 1 Torva Full Helm (damaged) 1 Torva Platebody (damaged) 1 Torva Platelegs (damaged) 1 Black Halloween Mask 1 Black Santa Hat 1 Inverted Santa Hat 1 Black Party Hat 1 Rainbow Party Hat 1 Party hat & Specs 1 Ghrazi Rapier 1 Sanguinesti Staff 1 Inquisitor's Mace 1 Inquisitor's Hauberk 1 Inquisitor's Plateskirt 1 Arcane Spirit Shield 1 Enhanced Crystal Weapon Seed 1 Eldrich Nightmare Staff 1 Ultimate Rare Table Item Amount Tumeken's Shadow (uncharged) 1 Elysian Spirit Shield 1 Twisted Bow 1 Scythe of Vitur 1 Volatile Nightmare Staff 1 Harmonised Nightmare Staff 1
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  17. Latest BoomScape Update Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with VLS Specs damage - Fixed an issue happening when doing Skillcape Emotes - Fixed an issue happening with Ava's New Additions to BoomScape - Collection log now fully functions correctly fixing the following Killcounts now display in Collection Log KC for Revs & Gloughs Experiments now has a listner Xeric Rewards now contribute to the log Clue Scroll Rewards now contribute to the log Barrows Rewards now contribute to the log Shop Items now contribute to the log Pets now contribute to the log Wintertodt rewards now contribute to the log Unsired loot now contribute to the log Eternal Glory now contribute to the log Pest Control now contribute to the log Elite Void now contribute to the log - Skull Sceptre can now be combined - You can now Gift Ultimate & Cosmetic Mystery Boxes - Allowed PvP Armours to be worn & tested in POH - COX Unqiue Loot is now broadcasted in-game - New Ultimate Mystery Box has been added to the Store - Crystal Crowns can now be combined with the different Crystals Cache Changes - Ultimate Mystery Box model added - Few various fixed to the cache structure
  18. Latest BoomScape Update PvP Updates Wilderness Weapons & Armours have been added including the following; Statius Vesta Zuriel Morrigan' The Wilderness armours & weapons will turn to 'Ash' upon death in the Wilderness & are only usable within the Wilderness. The armours & weapons will be obtainable by any NPC above level 20 Wilderness and can also be obtained through PvP Keys. Johnny has provided a more detailed thread regarding this which can b found here PvP Keys have been buffed, previously 50/1, now 25/1 rate in PvP PvP Chest has been added to home so you can unlock potentinally great loot... Bug Fixed Fixed an issue in MLM which wouldn't allow access to the second level with the achievement unlocked Fixed an issue with the 'Reset' option on Box Traps for Hunter Corrected the functionality of how different Avas devices work to the correct methods Super Combat Potion can now be made with Unfinished Torstols Pots Fixed an issue with Mining & Farming Guild teleport favouriting Fixed an issue with no multi-dose pots Fixed incorrect POH storage amounts Misc Added in-game commands for the normal Admin role (For Mikko <3) Donators can now benefit from Slayer Task Cancelling which is now decreased depending on the rank; Emerald - 25 | Ruby - 20 | Diamond - 15 | Dragonstone - 10 | Onyx - 0 points. Added the 'Revert' option functionality on Crystal Weapons/Armours Added a Boosted COX Command Added Xerician Armours Crafting Ability
  19. Latest BoomScape Update New additions to BoomScape Presets have been added to the game, these can be accessed in set locations, Johnny has written a detailed thread regarding how it all works! The preset menu can be accessed by selecting the new Preset option in the Equiptment section Dragon'Hai stats have now been corrected Pearl Barbarian Rod functionallity added Full dialogue added to The Little Nightmare Pet (Nightmare coming soon) Dragonstones from the Crystal Key chest are now noted Uncut Onyx added to TzHaar shops for 1,000,000 Tokkul Changes to the core Packet System Changes to the core Banking System Super Mystery Box Loot Chances Buffed Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where winners of the lotto would cause them to null on server restarts Fixed an issue where GIM accounts could remove their Iron status Fixed an issue with fishing Anglers with Pearl Rod causing it to ask for a fountain Corrected the animations for the Pearl & Pearl Babarian rods Greater Demons in the wilderness now have a drop table Removed individual drops for Looting Bag on NPCs Cache Changes Cache has been updated in the latest game update which means to gain the latest from BoomScape please reload your clients! Presets System added including CS2s Changes in the Quest Tab for text Various other small changes For a full insight on how the new presets system works check the thread
  20. New Addtions Darkmeyer added with the addition of Blood Fury and Blood fury drop Rug merchants added in the Al Kharid Desert Heroes' Guild recharging addded & doors/ladders fixed Mining rocks, speed of respawn rates decreased (now re-spawn quicker) Bug fixes Fixed a few issue with Zahur potion cleaning/unfinished potion making Fixed a few issues with shops Fixed an issue with the world selector on the login page where it would null that client session Fixed an issue when you login with incorrect password and the wrong message was shown
  21. BoomScape Updates Zahur now functions for Herb cleaning, Unfinished pot making & Decanting Oily Rod can now be made Phoenix Pet now global alerts the server when achieved Nightmare Staff combining now works Jimmy Dazzler' shop has been updated BoomScape Bug Fixed Fixed an issue with Autocast switch Fixed an issue with Damned amulet & full Ahrims not allowing autocast Mythical Cape is now returned when removing in POH XP Lamps now give experience based on the fixed level instead of the current level Graphical issue with Prospector top fixed Updated a few issues with Smoke Devil Dungeon checks for slayer helm Cache Changes Imbue option now displays in the Nightmarezone shop Group Ironman Interface/Base added (GIM is not added yet) Nightmare Staffs now have there special attack options working Buy X is now shown in Shops
  22. Changes to BoomScape Vengeance Other Spell Added Nail Beast Nails added to Herblore Shop for Sanfew Serum Added Explorers Ring to Vote Shop Clue Reward Caskets now stack when completing Clues Added correct configs for Twisted Slayer Helm Spinach rolls are now edible Oysters can now be opened Larrans Key chest Drop Table updated You can now select Stats for Rewards in Pest Control You can now select Resource for Rewards in Pest Control Bugs Fixed Fixed an issue with Potion creation in Raids Fixed an issue with Kourend Head Guards Med Clue drop rate Fixed an issue with Prifddinas agility 'null' spots & added counter for course Fixed an issue with the Special Attack on Dragon/Zammy Spears Fixed a few incorrect dig spots for Clues Fixed Slayer Ring/Eternal Slayer Ring options Fixed an issue with Blowpipe not inflicting venom Fixed an issue where DFS/Ancient Wyvern Special attack could null you Doors Fixed Ranging Guild Door Wizard Guild Doors Farming Guild Door Piscatoris Door & Agility Shortcut Relekka Door fixed for access to a shop
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  23. Changes to BoomScape Login Delay is now fixed (Previously was taking 30~ seconds to login to BoomScape) Battlemage Potion & Divine Battlemage Potion functionality added Players Online now shows on the Discord Bot, you can also type ::online in Discord and the bot will tell you the current amount of players Donator Store updated Donator Island Store updated Purple Sweets eating functionality added TOB Items are now avaliable in COX Halfed the rate per points for a unique chance in COX Bugs Corrected the medium clue donator item Corrected the IDs for Spooky/Spookier Outfit
  24. @99sCan you update the list?
  25. 5/100