Donator Zone Features (updated regularly)


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Red chinchompa detail.png Donator Zone FeaturesGrapes detail.png

As it's not extremely clear for newer/non-donor players what the Donator Zone has, hopefully this'll clear some of that up.

I'll make an effort to keep this updated as things are changed, as it's still a work-in-progress.


15% bonus experience within the island

Donator shop

Easy access to fairy ring/spirit trees

Banks throughout for convenience


As listed in the image below which shows what's included, the following skills are currently trainable within the Donator Zone:

 Thieving_icon.png Thieving Thieving_icon.png

Hunter_icon.png Hunter Hunter_icon.png

Mining_icon.png image.png.f5879a3f24288e798d681532a1ec790e.png Mining & Smithing image.png.3372522ee43df662e4a3b02b092d8ba9.png Mining_icon.png

Melee.pngRanged_icon.pngMagic_icon.png All combat skills Magic_icon.pngRanged_icon.png Melee.png

Construction_icon.png Construction Construction_icon.png

Runecraft_icon.png Runecrafting Runecraft_icon.png

 Fishing_icon.png Cooking_icon.png Fishing & Cooking Cooking_icon.png Fishing_icon.png

 Woodcutting_icon.png Woodcutting Woodcutting_icon.png

onyx.pngdragonstone.pngdiamond.pngruby.pngemerald.png Donator Store emerald.pngruby.pngdiamond.pngdragonstone.pngonyx.png




onyx.pngdragonstone.pngdiamond.pngruby.pngemerald.png Donator Shop emerald.pngruby.pngdiamond.pngdragonstone.pngonyx.png

The shop contains various items to help with pvp and pvm.

If you have any suggestions as to what you'd like to see added to this store in future, please feel free to comment below and let us know!


Donator Zone

For those of you who have the Emerald rank or above, you'll have access to the Donator Zone by typing ;;dz in-game!

Below are a collection of screenshots and close-ups of each area, which features it has and a brief description of what it may include or be used for.


Spiritual Fairy Tree

For the most convenient access to a Spirit tree or Fairy ring, this is a must-have for clue hunters, as some clue steps are unreachable without fairy rings, such as Miscellania steps.


Thieving_icon.png Thieving Area Thieving_icon.png

One of the most competitive thieving training and money-making methods for the early stages can be found here, as the shop to sell thieved items is directly beside the highest level stall.

You can easily train thieving from 1-99 and make a couple bones while you're at it!



Mining_icon.png Mining Area Mining_icon.png

The convenience of having most mid-to-high level ores available in a single area. Despite not having a bank right beside it, it's still a bonus for low-level ironmen in particular (maybe there should be a bank?).



 Melee.pngRanged_icon.pngMagic_icon.pngCombat Training Area Ranged_icon.pngMagic_icon.pngMelee.png

A convenient, AFK-friendly option with low defence and high hitpoints for training all combat skills without disruption. Also very competitive in XP rates due to the increased XP within the area.


 Woodcutting_icon.png Woodcutting Woodcutting_icon.png

A great place gain the fastest woodcutting XP in-game if you're paying attention. Alternatively, it's the best source of logs to make planks for filthy skillers, due to the proximity of the bank.


 Fishing_icon.pngCooking_icon.png Fishing & Cooking Cooking_icon.pngFishing_icon.png

A bank, fire and all of the fishing spots you'd ever need have been consolidated into one area. This includes Karambwans, Sharks, Anglerfish and more!


Runecraft_icon.png Runecrafting Runecraft_icon.png

The Ourania/ZMI Altar is available within this area, this is the best Runecrafting experience in the game, due to the proximity of the bank. That works for me!



Construction_icon.png Construction Construction_icon.png

Despite not having many uses, this is at the very least useful for closer and easier access to the POH portal.



Hunter_icon.png Hunter Hunter_icon.png

For safe, competitive Hunter experience, this place takes the cake. A generous mix of Crimson Swifts and Red Chinchompas to satisfy those training arguably the worst/most boring skill in the game.



onyx.pngdragonstone.pngdiamond.pngruby.pngemerald.png Donator Store emerald.pngruby.pngdiamond.pngdragonstone.pngonyx.png

The donator store, of which can be accessed by speaking with Jiminua. The contents of the shop can be found near the top of this thread. 



Message from Tugendbold

Thanks for reading the guide, hope you found it helpful. If you have any suggestions for content to be added to the donator zone, including shop stock, skill training options or to improve existing features, the staff team would appreciate that.

Message from Vilix

Thank you Tugendbold for making this awesome guide and letting us use it for the Donator Benefits thread. Click the link below to check out the other benefits of donating.


Edited by Tugendbold
Updated thread layout, added some more pictures and stuff
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  • Vilix changed the title to Donator island tour (updated regularly)
  • Tugendbold changed the title to Donator Zone Features (updated regularly)
13 hours ago, Manashroom said:

Being able to purchase the godbooks/book of darkness would be nice, as far as i know theres no other way for ironmen to obtain it

I agree, perhaps even having an ironman shop/shop near the lighthouse including empty books to be filled, add the same stock to donator shop for convenience ?

Edited by Tugendbold
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On 4/22/2021 at 3:54 AM, Tugendbold said:

I agree, perhaps even having an ironman shop/shop near the lighthouse including empty books to be filled, add the same stock to donator shop for convenience ?

Were looking into replacing a section at ;;home with an ironman shop.

We are taking suggestions for Donator zone shop as we are yet to add items to it.

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37 minutes ago, Papa j said:

Were looking into replacing a section at ;;home with an ironman shop.

We are taking suggestions for Donator zone shop as we are yet to add items to it.

It was a suggestion for the donator shop also, didn't know you were adding a shop to home, good stuff

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