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Mosey last won the day on April 17 2021

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About Mosey

  • Birthday 02/09/1999

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  1. This is what I like to see ? coming back after getting cleaned. Let alone x2 lol! Have a good time man we will see you when you get back! ?
  2. Very clean my boy
  3. Great work as always brother, I learned a thing or two ?
  4. BoomScape Community Survey Winner: DeadInside 2021-04-20 14-22-24.mp4 WE NEED YOUR HELP~REWARDS GIVEN @Ceejay and I have created a player survey that we need everyone to fill out! Everyone who fills this survey out will receive their choice of either 20 crystal keys OR their name entered in a random drawing to win 500 bonds! We want to know why out of the thousands of RSPS out there, what made you choose BoomScape? Reply to this forum thread with your answers to the survey and make sure to leave your IGN as well as your reward choice. A easy way to go about this is to copy and paste the survey in your reply and just simply erase the opposite of whatever your answer is. This survey will be accepting replies from 4/12/21 until 4/19/21 ending at 6pm EST. Your feedback is crucial in helping BoomScape reach its fullest potential! Questionnaire REQUIRED SECTION OF THE SURVEY IGN: Reward wanted: Did any of the following influence your decision to download BoomScape: RuneLite Plugin Yes no Mobile App Yes no Ironman Mode Yes no Raids Yes no Bosses & Pets Yes no Complete Player Owned Homes Yes no Regular Updates Yes no Flowers & Staking Yes no Wintertodt Yes no Number of Players Online Yes no What was most important to you: Pking PvM Skilling and Grinding Does the low xp rate (20x & 40X) appeal to you: Yes No Do you like Mystery Boxes Yes No OPTIONAL SECTION OF SURVEY Please leave comments below regarding: How you found us (on list, or clicked ad?) Reason you joined not listed above Any other helpful information to be part of the growth in BoomScape
  5. Run Energy Poll Run energy has been a topic of discussion for quite sometime, with players being split on whether changes should/shouldn't be implemented to run energy. As of right now the way run energy works is that energy doesn't deplete anywhere outside the Wilderness. Proposed change to the run energy is to base it off traditional OSRS rules and make energy deplete while run is active anywhere. Vote for you option on the poll attached, and also feel free to leave a comment on why you voted the way you did! This poll will be active from April, 4th 2021 - April, 12th 2021-12AM EST. We are going to need everyone's help in order to ensure the best route for the future of the server. Also, as a little thank you for voting we are going to be choosing 3 random winners to win 10 crystal keys each. All you got to do is vote on the poll to be entered to win! CONGRATULATIONS TO: @Johnny Test @miss ski @Painstop You three were the random winners, you can claim your prize from me! If I'm not online contact an available member of staff!
  6. Literally couldn't of done it without you ?
  7. BoomScape Store Easter Discount Happy Easter everybody! To say thank you for playing @Jamesis running a BoomScape Store Discount! Make sure to head over to the BoomScape Store and use code: 'Easter15' To receive a 15% discount upon checkout Act fast because this discount will be ending Monday, April 5th at 6pm (GMT) Remember that you can access the store in-game by typing ::store or ::donate Don't forget to apply the discount code in the store don't just type it in! discount apply.mp4
  8. Another great and informative guide! Good work bro
  9. Great work Vil!
  10. Great work!
  11. Hey everyone, as of recent the community is split on whether or not a trading poll/GE should be added. This would make things easier to sell and not have to waste time in game standing @home bank trying to sell items. However, this could take away from the social aspect of the server which many player have grown to love. This poll will run from March 17th, 2021 -March 21st, 2021. It is our goal to please the community as much as possible and we want everyone's feedback! Cheers, The BoomScape Staff
  12. Thank you, maybe now I can escape you in wildy ?
  13. Turned out amazing brother, many more guides to cook up in the near future!
  14. Proud to say I was apart of your first Bandos trip.?