Ash Lauren

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Ash Lauren last won the day on August 30 2021

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  1. ooooooooookay lets go
  2. good job
  3. Title said all in my opinion ironman is way to easy, and should give a little challenge beside items should be XP aswell
  4. i love it
  5. sick post as per usual
  6. good job
  7. we will see how it goes ?
  8. Hahahaha ¢¤¯¸
  9. Hello! Today i'm going to show you since many people were confused how to disable/deactivated Targets. First: Go to ur Quest Tab. Under "Presets" click on the middle icon. Make sure to stay out of the Wildy. fb28eb787a6374e9039c8c325a00abe9.mp4 Next Step Disable Target. Click "Disable Targeting" Now you won't get any Targets anymore 6556d64a46e94053acf97e170d11da4b.mp4 Now it should look like this: Also what you can do if you only want to get Targets in Edge just click "Edgeville Only" Thank you! and enjoy Wildy Slayer without get Spotted! - Ash Lauren
  10. awesome!